Then we have the story about the US needing a bigger, faster, stronger icebreaker to plow through the Antarctic ice so they can keep their scientific camps operational. There was the need to send the Healy to Nome in Alaska to accompany Russian supply ships and break through the ice to make sure Nomians would have enough fuel to last through the 2011-2012 winter.
Do you see the irony in these stories? Arctic is supposed to be melting at unprecedented rates and to be ice free by summer of 2012?
And they need a new, bigger, faster, stronger icebreaker? What for?
Kinda like the sinking-below-the-ocean-waves Maldives building resorts and airports to welcome and house all their expected tourists.
Or the Aussies building desalination plants because the rains won't return. People died needlessly in floods because of political responses to a non-problem. Build dams, store water on land, watch life spread and the desert recede. Someone has blood on their hands down under.
It's no joke! Actions always speak louder than words. Some people are conning other people out of their funds and their lives.
CAGW: Conning A Gullible World
CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
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