CO2 congregated in Death Valley.
Oh wait, CO2 was only 305ppm in 1913 unlike today's 395ppm.
Gee, that must mean the temperature in Death Valley is much hotter now than in 1913. Wrong!
Death Valley, California
Current Conditions -
°F | °C
As of 5:52 PM on Tuesday 10 Jul 2012 (Local Time) from KDRA Reporting Station
Feels Like: 107° |
What is it with July 10th? In 1936 in Lincoln, Virginia it was 109F. The 1930s were particularly warm in the US.
It seems July 10th has another auspicious anniversary. It is the last day in the year 2005 that a hurricane made landfall in the Florida. And that is 2450 days - a milestone. The longest time in recorded history for such a benevolent occurrence. A record. Will that be reported by the LSM??
Perhaps CO2 molecules have forgotten how to create and direct a movie starring Hurri Cane to a theater near you. And yet there are more of them in the atmosphere because of all our nefarious activities like keeping warm in the winter, keeping cool in the summer, breathing, driving our SUVs, eating meat, using plastic bags, etc.
Perhaps they become more anemic as they congregate in higher numbers. Or maybe they have nothing to do with hurricanes.
But plants, crops and trees just like them a lot.
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