CAGW: Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming aka mistaking everyday weather for the extreme
The CAGW scare has collapsed under the weight of its own failed predictions.
The CO2 based theory that underwrites the climate models has been shown to be incapable of tracking reality.
The models fall off the catwalk and when that happens you fire the model.
In the models used by the IPCC to arrive at its scary predictions CO2 is given the starring role whereas it should only have been offered a bit part or perhaps not even included in the cast at all. Maybe the lead role should go to a new star which can shine some light on climate change.
Mother Nature has turned out to be a CAGW denier. And without her on your side you are lost.
The story is told in the headlines.
At the South Pole things are not heating up except for the IPCC who predicted it would be one of the fastest warming places on Earth.
And the Arctic ice has announced that reports of its demise are greatly exaggerated.
The IPCC can’t believe their models are wrong so they search for the ‘missing heat’ at the bottom of the ocean. Other theory: there is no missing heat. The models are wrong.
Still searching for someone to blame the AGW alarmists take it out on the media who have been their uncompromising shills throughout the scare.
This is an interesting take on extreme weather.
Say goodnight Gracie. The party is over.
Mother Nature has turned out to be a CAGW denier. And without her on your side you are lost.
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