sensitivity refers to the amount the temperature of the atmosphere is
expected to rise as with a doubling of CO2 in the air. For background
have a look at this 2008 article.
alarmists have been downgrading their estimates since the first wildly
‘settled science’ papers were first published on the subject.
Two recent papers are stirring a re-look at the whole issue.
Respected climatologist Judith Curry has weighed in on the recent news.
Some papers and articles which address the subject have been taken from the archives.
the case of the IPCC, they published a flat-out fear-mongering
sensitivity that in computer simulations would produce a temperature
increase of +6.4°C (pink line) by 2100AD, if CO2 emissions were not
stabilized. This incredibly high computer output was designed to scare
policymakers and the mainstream media into action.
have learned that fear mongering can loosen the purse strings of their
political overlords. Nothing like some scare tactics to fatten the
funding. What is a little exaggeration between friends? Enjoy the ride
until the scare is recognized for the bogus issue it is.
Natural internal variability: sensitivity and attribution | Climate Etc.
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