Someone needs to run a commercial that asks: Where's the GLOBAL in global warming?
Most dictionaries will say the global means: pertaining to the whole world.
The American Press goes hysterical and it is hysterical to watch them pontificate and issue doomsday predictions because of a heatwave in part of the US and attribute it to GLOBAL warming. I never knew that watching cherry pickers could be so entertaining. Pass the popcorn!
'Part' to them means 'global' because they need it to to keep the party going.
Admission of error is not an option.
Even Lucy Clueless gets into the act.
And yet they are having winter in the Southern Hemisphere as usual.
So much for GLOBAL warming. Let's you all go to the South Pole for the next beach party. Personally, South Beach is more attractive.
Do you think that if there were as many weather reporting stations in Greenland and Antarctica as there are in the US that the ratio of record lows to record highs might be the reverse of what we are finding during the US heatwave?
If so, would this temper your belief in GLOBAL warming even more than a record low at the South Pole?
We do not have such an extensive set of reporting stations in the cold areas of the world as we do in the US so how would we know what 'records' are being set for Antarctica or Greenland?
It is one of the many shortcomings in the temperature record for the Earth.
The hysterical and ignorant American Press (LSM) consider themselves to be the center of the universe, ground zero for proof of climate change and yet other parts of the world are not following the game plan.
GLOBAL warming my foot! It is a delusion and the LSM don't want us to notice that the Emperor has no clothes.
Too late! To the American Lame Stream Media goes the:
GLOBAL warming, I love you, bye, bye!
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