Should we rename the IPCC the International Podium of Comedy Central?
Did they play Donna Summers music in the background as AR5 was announced?
Who do, who do you think you’re foolin’?
Time for some realism - but IPCC takes baby steps and in the end fails - 9 walk backs in AR5
'Without knowing just how much of recent warming is natural, there is no way to know how much is anthropogenic *nor* how sensitive the climate system is. This is a glaring source of uncertainty that the IPCC continues to gloss over, sweep under the rug'
'I just created a Side-By-Side Comparison of Draft and Final IPCC AR5 SPM on Warming Plateau and Attribution from the final draft (7Jun2013) and the approved final version (27Sep2013) of the IPCC’s AR5 Summary for Policymakers. Looks like the politicians deleted the attribution discussion for the warming plateau.'
IPCC report: Scientists are 95% certain humans are responsible for climate change - which hasn’t occurred for 17 years
IPCC: Global warming stop could last beyond our lifetimes as heat penetrates ever deeper into oceans - well then what are we worried about?
Curry: 'I have no idea what goes on in the sausage factory. 95% – take it with a grain of salt (or a stiff whiskey). That’s their story, and they’re sticking to it.'
For alternative to UN claims, see: CLIMATE STUDY COUNTERS UN IPCC: EVIDENCE LEANS AGAINST HUMAN-CAUSED GLOBAL WARMING — Group of 50 international scientists releases comprehensive new 1200-page report
UK Paper: More hot air from scaremongers on ‘global warming’ UN IPCC report branded ‘insincere hype’
UK Paper: More hot air from scaremongers on ‘global warming’ UN IPCC report branded ‘insincere hype’
they seem to have eliminated high CO2 sensitivity as a problem
UN IPCC’s AR5 ‘Unprecedented’ Decadal Global Warming Claim Proven False By Latest Empirical Evidence
[Bastardi] I said this half jokingly, but upon further review I think it's right: “The IPCC lowered their range of warming after 17 years of no warming, but increased their certainty from 90 to 95%. They simply didn't take it far enough. Lower the range to no warming, and you can then increase the certainty to 100%.”
UN IPCC’s AR5 ‘Unprecedented’ Decadal Global Warming Claim Proven False By Latest Empirical Evidence
Well, at least they acknowledge that Mother Nature has stopped raising the temeprature. Makes you wonder if CO2 has lost its heat trapping superpowers.
The climate alarmists have lost the debate: it’s time we stopped indulging their poisonous fantasy
Thom Hartmann’s ‘Last Hours’ video negated by IPCC AR5 - contains AR5 statements of climate scenario probabilities
IPCC In A Stew: How They Cooked Their Latest Clima... - comments from Vincent Gray
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