It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Faking the Consensus

The untold story.

"The AGW consensus scam is one of the most astounding frauds in all of history, not only because it is patently false, but also because it is being used to propel the most sweeping and authoritarian scheme for global economic, social, and political regimentation the world has ever seen."

Let the Club of Rome explain.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

They don't even care if the claims are true.   The goal is global governance. Get control of natural and human resources to direct them as we see fit.

"The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature's proper steward and society's only hope." ~ David Brower, founder of Sierra Club

Humans don't need to search for a cause to unite us. We have always had one. It is called disease, something that we all face. But these misanthropes don't want to extend people's lives. They want to eliminate people.

Again the Club of Rome speaks: "The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."

"For the planet’s sake, I hope we have bird flu or some other thing that will reduce the population, because otherwise we’re doomed." ~ Susan Blakemore, journalist

"I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems." ~ John Davis when editor of Earth First!

But they do not volunteer to be the sacrificial lambs to show us the way. They see themselves as part of the avant guarde required to shepherd the human species toward their version of Nirvana which doesn't include most of us.

"There are too many people, that's why we have global warming. We have global warming because too many people are using too much stuff." ~Ted Tuner, billionaire

These are not poor people who are selling this snake oil. Stop using any time Ted! Lead by example or don't expect us to listen.

Since there hasn’t been any catastrophic warming, much less catastrophic warming directly attributable to human activity, the impacts of CAGW are all in the models and the fevered imaginings of the fearmongers hooked on the gravy train of CAGW.

But the game is up. CAGW has been shown to be nonsense. There is no science to back it up but you must believe. It has been seen for what it is: Conning A Gullible World.

By the way, what consensus?

CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.  

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