It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Easy to Sell Toles

Tom says: "...the record drought this year. You don’t even have to calibrate and assign the exact degree to which this particular dry spell is caused by our blanketing the earth with additional carbon dioxide for people to finally understand why a warming climate could be a “bad” thing."

Record drought Tom? How about the 1930s? When CO2 was much lower than it is now.

"..caused by our blanketing the earth with additional carbon dioxide"? How does that work? Exactly what is the mechanism?  Did the heat trapping CO2 from the Southern Hemisphere move north to congregate for a convention of the molecules in the US? Did the heat trapping CO2 vacate Alaska and move to the lower 48? Anchorage is still shoveling snow in July. Did the heat trapping CO2 from the South Pole which experienced a record LOW temperature of -100.8F vacation in the US this summer? -100.8F! Where's the BEEF? Kinda takes the GLOBAL out of global warming doesn't it?

"How about the record flooding in Japan?" Record flooding? Did he check? How about 1953? In 1953, the 1953 North Kyushu Flood killed 759 people. Or 1938? Is your name, Bill??  Like it hasn't happened before.

When weather extremes happen in the past when CO2 was lower than today and then they happen again today, logically, shouldn't we conclude that CO2 has nothing to do with it? Human induced CO2 AGW is a delusion.

And Tom ends with this: "Oh, and this just in." Glaciers calve icebergs when they are GROWING! In a warming world they are supposed to be receding. Your example UNDERCUTS your case. The Greenland Petermann glacier is a growing glacier. Same as Hubbard in Alaska. And others. It calved an iceberg in 2010 that was twice as big as the one recently launched this year. Bigger ones have broken off in the past. Some glaciers are growing; some are shrinking and some are cyclical in that regard.

Sometimes just looking out the window does not provide a GLOBAL perspective on climate. The internet is your window on the world. It is amazing what you can find out there. And yes, you do have to cross check. It seems that when there is a heat wave somewhere there is a cool wave somewhere else. The atmosphere seems to adjust like that. Perhaps that is what is meant by The Earth in Balance. GLOBAL warming is a delusion. All data must be taken into account. That is how truth is found.

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