South Pole hits record low in June 2012.
Antarctica will soon be the only place to live - Dome C -107F
Antarctic ice shelves NOT disappearing. Hard to imagine why ice sheets would melt at these temperatures.
South Pole cooling over the last 30 years
Ice at South Pole keeps growing
Waters around Antarctica are NOT warming
Sea level rise miniscule at Antarctica's Argentine Island. But alarmists expect a rise of 200 feet.
Study Reveals Human CO2 Has Zero Impact On Antarctica Melting/Warming
New Coldest Day Record Reached At The Neumayer III station in Antarctica.
Let's go to Vostok. Bring your swim suit. Sometimes it gets darn cold there.
No CO2 impact in Antarctica
Antarctica threatened by AGW Uh huh. In what millennium?
Maybe we can convince those heat trapping CO2 molecules to hold their next heatwave convention down there instead of Russia in 2010 or the US mid west and east in 2012.United States total area: 3,794,083 square miles (including water) -- (9,826,630 sq km)
Antarctica is about 4.5 million square miles (14 million square kilometers) in area
So, assuming the correctness of those figures, what might we expect the temperature record for Antarctica to say if there were as many weather stations in Antarctica as there are in the USA(1218 reporting)?
Does Antarctica have cold waves the way the US has heatwaves? Could the number of record lows proportionally match the umber of record highs in the US? We do not know. What impact would it have if that were the case? Would we be less worried about GLOBAL warming?
Antarctica's cold wave will continue until its tectonic plate decides to take a stroll toward the tropics.
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