It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Alarmists Hedging their Bets?

    • Scientists Blame Global Warming for Heat Wave, But Fail to Back It Up: Refused to identify any possible threshold: 'I honestly don't think you can really put a number right on it'

      Warmists vs. Warmists! Running told Borenstein that to offer such an estimate is 'probably really dangerous for us,' instead clarifying that more analysis and 'statistical rigor' would need to be applied before the conclusions were sent out “into the public arena.” 'According to Hassol, question from Borenstein was not 'well-posed,' & stated that even the types of modeling necessary to determine attribution 'are not very good' at providing that conclusion'

      So they don't know!

      Isn't that what skeptics have been saying all along?

      Doesn't that make their predictions of what the world will be like in 2100 suspect?

      They don't know!

      Realistically, how could they? They are not crystal balls or gods.

      We are coming back to Earth in the climate wars. Rationality returns from its vacation in the alarmist camp. Reality has been forced to return by reality. Reality is not behaving as they predicted (would like) so they must execute CYA with back tracking on their godliness.

      We are returning to treating weather as weather and climate (30 year trends) as climate which is their own definition. They escaped from the restraints of that definition whenever it was convenient to do so to further their POLITICAL AGENDA. So heatwaves return to the category of weather and we will look at and monitor the trend in heatwaves and compare current heat waves to past to examine their severity and frequency over time to see how the climate is changing.

      As skeptics have already pointed out the heatwaves in the 1930s in the US were far worse than that of early summer 2012.

      Chill, people. Heatwaves come and heatwaves go. Why? We don't really know.

      But we have history. We can compare. Let's keep a proper perspective. The top ten years for daily maximums in the US do not include 2012 or any other year since the turn of the century. And the trend in daily maximums is down. See last link above. It was hotter in the past.

      Most of us weren't alive then so we have to go to the history record books to discern that information. If we have an agenda to push then under our emotional drivers we might forget to check. If real world events seem to confirm our bias we can be led into dark alleys and get lost.

      Alarmists need to check their premises.

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