It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Looney Mooney

In his piece "The Politics of Ice and Fire" warmista Chris Mooney advocates taking advantage of the current US heatwave to take action on climate change because "public opinion on global warming follows the weather. It always does. Now, with the whole country wondering about the sweltering heat, about the wildfires and the derecho and the destruction, people are more than ready to hear that, yes, this is global warming, and yes, something has to be done about it."

Not everyone agrees. An official from the green Sierra Club said: “Most groups would say that until people’s lives have been restored, it is not necessarily in good taste to be using that as an opportunity,”

But the people behind have decided to take Chris at his word and do something about it. They are going to install "A 6-by-12 foot ice sculpture spelling out “HOAX?,” with the Capitol Dome in the background." The point is: it will disappear like the arguments have from climate deniers. Update: melting hoax cancelled.

And this is becuase CO2 has increased to 395ppm in 2012?

Then the ice wouldn't have melted in July-Aug 1930 in Washington when the CO2 concentration was below 350ppm? Temperatures then were running in the 90s and 100s.

The Mooneys are looney. They will prove that ice melts in July in Washington. And so?

Would the ice melt at the South Pole? Or would the 'HOAX?" sculpture be preserved as a reminder that Mother Nature took the GLOBAL out of global warming. Kind of reminds me of the Wendy's "Where's the BEEF?" commercial. Where is the GLOBAL in global warming? When one part of the atmosphere heats up another part cools off. The Earth in Balance.

Warmists are being dishonest by focusing their attention and yours only on that which supposedly supports their views on climate change as a crisis of human origin. They ignore contrary evidence. They have willfully blinded themselves to the facts and thus have created a delusion that must be defended at all costs. They are the DENIERS of evidence that is right in front of them. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Who is to say if there would be as many cold records set  as hot ones in the US if we had as many stations reporting temperatures in Antarctica as there are in the US? We don't know because there aren't. Just one of the many gaps in our knowledge of the Earth's climate.

So how come it is hot in the US if their CO2 emissions have been going down? Isn't that a disconnect between fact and theory? Read my article: "Why are we not hearing about this?" for different look at US CO2 emissions.

Does the US have better heat trapping CO2 than other parts of the world? Perhaps the US should import CO2 from Antarctica to cool things off. It doesn't seem to trap heat very well down there.

Warmists are misanthropic opportunists peddling FEAR to advance an agenda. They want resource control and your wealth. And they will manipulate a situation to get it. Caveat emptor!

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