Temperatures in Fairbanks on a downward trend for 40 years.
Greenland Meltdown - how is that going? More info here
Sea Ice Extent - winter freeze - how is that going?
Declining snow cover in Alaska - how is that going?
It was cold in the Arctic in July 2011.
Arctic Sea Ice loss not unprecedented?
Greenland Ice loss not due to increase in atmospheric CO2?
Bering Sea not warming?
Less sea ice in the past than summer of 2011?
Greenland ice sheet stable over last two decades.
Arctic temperatures higher in the 1950s than now?
Ice free Arctic predictions bogus?
Arctic warming causing more snow in N. Hemisphere?
Greenland ice sheet tipping point?
MWP in Arctic much warmer than now.
Length of Arctic melt season. No trend due to GW?
Another paper fails to find a human fingerprint on climate
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