It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hysterical Hysterics June 2012 episode

The hyperbole and haughty hype over the recent warm weather, forest fires and derecho weather the US has experienced in late June and early July 2012 spewed by media celebrities like Bill Nye, Seth Borenstein Eugene Robinson and Heidi Cullen has reached hysterical(uncontrollably emotional) and hysterical (hilarious) proportions. People, get a grip.

This type of weather has happened before, many times and when CO2 was at a 'safe' level below 350ppm. CO2 has nothing to do with it.

It has even been worse in the past. Does nobody think to check weather history before they jump to conclusions?

While some parts of the US are experiencing a hot spell Britain was wet and cool in June. Seattle had a cool June. Ski resorts in Washington are still open in July. Argentina is getting lots of snow. Freak snowstorm in Lapland. It is summer in Greenland. Have a look. Many record lows in some parts of the US. Sweden was wet and cold in June. It is winter in New Zealand. How are they coping? Record low at the South Pole. Antarctica is not melting.

Do we have a handle on why it is happening now? Does this make any sense?

How about a little balance people? Hot here. Cold there. Kinda takes the 'global' out of global warming doesn't it? It is what climate realists would expect.

When you only report weather that warms your heart you betray your bias and push the agenda. Would it be too much to ask that you open your eyes to encompass the whole world rather than maintain your tunnel vision for stories that hype your hysterical view of reality? You missed the interesting story that in the midst of a heat wave in your own country there were places that were setting record lows at the same time. And you call yourselves reporters? Advocates would be a better term. This does not due your reputations any favors as people will come to regard you as biased and not willing to take all the evidence into account before you reach a verdict. Guilty because you want it that way.

Calm yourselves. There is an interesting story awaiting some attention. How does that heat trapping gas, CO2, manage to set record lows in Orlando and Daytona Beach? The MSM has completely missed the story with their focus on weather "consistent with what we would anticipate.” How about the weather that wasn't? Wasn't it just as newsworthy?

In the search for truth we cannot only observe that which confirms our bias but must welcome, examine and explain the cognitive dissonance created by data that does not. It is the interplay of the two in the public mind that will distill the truth. Ignoring contrary data brands you as dishonest, biased and for sale to the highest bidder rather than a person who pursues the truth and follows the data wherever it leads.

For shame!

Fittings for your joker costumes are at 3. Pass the popcorn. You guys are becoming the best sitcom in the MSM.

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