It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Signs of AGW Collapse

Many of these links were taken from Climate Depot and Tom Nelson’s Blog

Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo.....the end is near...

Al Gore sells out

At a dinner for the Children's Defense Fund, the documentarian Gore bemoaned global warming slipping off the public agenda. 'Do you think it still matters to people?' Gore wondered.

Maybe Al saw the writing on the wall and sold out to oil backed Al Jazeera. Lovely!

The MET admits AGW has stalled.

The NYT dismantles its environment desk of 7 reporters.

The CIA shuts AGW center

Obama not talking about AGW much

Kyoto extended but most important nations not part of it

James Lovelock and some German scientists change opinion

Warmist Joe Romm

Warmist James Hansen

Temps flat for a decade warming is slowing

EU Emissions Trading Scheme - they even call it a scheme

News Media and Blogs Examining the Ruse


The New York Times just killed their green blog, because no one wants to read bullshit.

The most popular blogs are the skeptic blogs, because people want to hear the truth. If NYT wants to gain readership, a good idea would be to fire their staff, drop the left wing agenda – and stop lying to people.

Fewer and fewer people care about the apocalyptic claims and outright lies of the environmental movement these days. The end of the world is nowhere in sight unless a stray asteroid is headed our way and, after some seventeen years of a natural cooling cycle, it’s hard to convince people that global warming is a problem...Tim Graham, the Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, noted that Revkin’s paycheck is being underwritten by financing from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation and, if that dries up, Revkin will have to take his fear-mongering somewhere else.

From Media Matters again:
The Times’ decision comes as media attention to climate change has plummeted and public concern about the environment has hit “record lows.” In recent years, the Wall Street Journal and the Christian Science Monitor have also closed their green blogs.

All data sources indicate climate change discourse peaked around 2008 to 2011   

Warmists desperate in Australia: Alarmist Julia Gillard's likely successor as Prime Minister will dismantle the vast climate change bureaucracy

Quadrant Online - A believer's faith falters

REUTERS: Climate scientists struggle to explain warming slowdown — ‘has exposed gaps in their understanding & defies a rise in global greenhouse gas emissions’


Cooling causes Washington State governor to remove AGW from priority status


From @boykoff -& @cu_cstpr ->Bottom falls out of US newspaper coverage of climate to lowest levels since 2004: …

Barry Carin, a Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation told RTCC that climate change is “not on the G20 agenda, because there are no prospects for a successful outcome – so G20 organizers are rational in not setting themselves up for failure.”

The Next Shutdown?! Will GOP Threaten Shutdown Over Climate?     

The journal Nature embraces ‘the pause’ and ocean cycles as the cause, Trenberth still betting his heat will show up

Peer reviewed paper: It’s OK to lie about #climate

Aussies To Slash 90% Of Global Warming Funding From Budget

Dr. Sheahen: 'Sen. Inhofe's opposition to the alarmists who blame global warming on CO2 is based on fully competent science; and the claimed 'international scientific consensus' absolutely does not exist.  Thousands of us with advanced degrees in the hard sciences agree that CO2 is a non-problem, and we are appalled by the EPA's attempts to overreach, violate the law, and regulate coal out of existence.'

Jeb Bush retreats from warmism? Now says science is ‘convoluted’ – ‘Climate change has been co-opted by the hard-core left’

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