It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, October 25, 2021

Fall Back 2021

 Dear Prime Minister Trudeau: 

When we set our clocks back this month how far should we regress?

1948 in South Africa 


1939 in Nazi Germany

With your mandatory vaccination orders and travel bans you have demeaned and dehumanized millions of Canadians who did not genuflect to you.  What is next for the great unvaxxed? Internment camps?

How brutal and barbaric are you willing to be?

The vaccines are of poor quality.

Ask Israel, Gibraltar, Seychelles or Scotland.

COVID deaths significantly higher among vaccinated individuals in Scotland Anybody paying attention??

Your use of shame and guilt to bully  people into compliance contrasts with the more economical and humanitarian approach of India.

Ivermectin works.

Ask India.

India is Now COVID-19 Free by Using IVERMECTIN

Or Indonesia.

AMAZING: COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia Plunge After Government Authorizes IVERMECTIN For Treatment


Canada is persecuting doctors who promote ivermectin, criticize deadly COVID injections

Would you fight a war with only one branch of the armed services or would you use everything you've got?

The Coordinated Attack on Ivermectin Is a Crime Against Humanity

Is there something else going on Justin? It appears that 'First, Do No Harm' is NOT part of your ethical code. The vaccine is neither the safest nor the most effective way to tackle covid.

When you look in the mirror, who looks back - a tyrant or a humanitarian?

Does it matter to you? 


WHO database reports over 2 million potential Covid jab injuries in 2021, vast majority in women

Virus Dangers vs. Vaccine Dangers


Ex-Pfizer Employee Warns Vaccine Increases COVID By Over 300%:

“Pfizer Studies Show That Being Unvaccinated Offers Greater Protection”

 Video Shows Shocking Data From Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking System

Finland joins Sweden and Denmark in limiting Moderna COVID-19 vaccine

Europe Completely BANS the Moderna Vaccine for Young People Due to HIGH RISK of Heart Inflammation

Why are we pushing harmful and ineffective vaccines when other safe remedies are available? One person's medicine is another person's poison. Remember that??

Mr Trudeau: pay attention to dissension. Your coercion is perversion. Scientific recommendations change with the data. To continue your emotionally based unscientific policies is to continue to commit tyrannical crimes against your own citizens.You are encouraging people to play vaccine roulette.  A man of character would feel shame and guilt. A man of character would take responsibility, admit error and change course. Surprise us!

To the screener reading this note: you should consider whom it is that you are working for and ask yourself if you wish to continue to be complicit in the continued violation of individual rights. Will he stop? Can he? Can you?

For Free Minds and Free Markets,

Polish MPs SLAM Australia For Human Rights Violations


Why We Must Oppose These Mandatory ‘Vaccines’

We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines

Vaccine victims are hosting a special outdoor rally in Washington DC on November 2nd

 Safe And Effective - Vaccine Adverse Effects (VAERS) are up more than 1,000% this year.

Harvard Study Finds Covid-19 Surged Most Among Vaxxed Communities

17,000+ Deaths Reported After Covid Shots, Including New Report of 12-Year-Old Who Died After Pfizer Vax.


 “Critically, the study found that vaccinated individuals carried as much virus in their noses as unvaccinated individuals, and that vaccinated people could spread the virus to each other.”


Israeli Data Indicate Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Failure


UK Data Destroys Entire Premise for Vaccine Push - two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.

Ontario doctor resigns over forced vaccines, says 80% of ER patients with mysterious issues had both shots

Counterintuitive: More Vaccinations Leads To More Infections, Hospitalizations, Deaths

“Many new studies and data analyses from across the world show that the more vaccinated a region is, the more new infections, hospitalizations, and deaths there are.”

 The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”

NYT Finally Admits: Our Behavior Doesn’t Seem To Affect the Virus

Friday, January 1, 2021

CO2 and the Great Reset

Superstition --> Propaganda --> Groupthink 

How do you counteract Groupthink when the media, politicians, educators and those with vested interests perpetuate the myth of man made global warming from the human emission of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels? A global cabal of misleaders has developed into a con which funnels money from taxpayers into the pockets of the cabal. 

Many recent studies, experiments and articles push the stop button on the Great Reset.

Modern Global Warming is thought to be caused by the human emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels(FF). 

“An opportunity for a reset.” – Justin Trudeau

“A ‘great reset’ of capitalism.” – Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum

‘The Great Reset’ – literally a presentation from the Bank of Canada on their website.


Over the course of the pandemic the HUMAN emission of CO2 has decreased. 

Lockdowns Should Make Climate Activists Happy: Global carbon dioxide emissions decline 7% in 2020 – ‘The biggest drop ever’ – USA CO2 drops 12%, 

Europe drops 11% & China only drops 1.7% 

However, when you combine these decreases with the continued rise in GLOBAL CO2 emissions from both human and natural causes no dent can be seen in the overall trend which suggests that the human contribution to the growth of CO2 in our atmosphere is negligible.

COVID-19 crisis causes 17% drop in global carbon emissions - does it show up in the Keeling curve


The Covid Lockdown and CO2

A Closer Look at CO2 Growth

Fresh Proof Nature, Not Humans, Drives CO2 Levels

CLINTEL study finds most of the CO2 increase is natural

A negligible effect on the global CO2 rise eliminates human responsibility for the climate change to which we bear witness. Something else must be the primary factor(s) in climate change. 


A natural open atmospheric experiment reported below exonerates CO2 from the crime of man made climate change. While politicians plod along with outdated information science continues to advance in ways that contradict the official narrative. Can we expect politicians to announce these results and do a policy about face? The pursuit of reduced CO2 emissions via  ‘green energy’ is now pointless. The subsidies to unreliable wind and solar can be ended. There is no need for the electric highway for e-cars. These policies are a big waste of resources and should cease immediately.  The results below were known in the mid 1990s.

Actual Experiment Proves As CO2 Rises, Surface Temps Drop


Real-World Outdoor Experiment: As CO2 Naturally Rises From 1% To 75%, Surface Temperatures Drop 10°C


 Laboratory experiments in a closed system further increase the doubt about the temperature raising properties of CO2.


Bite Sized NIBLET Number 4: CO2 Dims Tungsten Filament

A New Experiment Finds Just A 1.3°C Temperature Differential For Contained Air With 0.05% Versus 100% CO2

Other data from the past also trash the hypothesis that CO2 as the thermostat controlling the climate.

Modern Iceland’s Climate Is Colder With More Ice Than Any Other Time In The Last 8000 Years Except The 1800s


New Evidence That the Ancient Climate Was Warmer than Today’s – ‘Roman Warming was the warmest in the last 2,000 years’


If it was warmer(less Iceland ice) in the past when atmospheric CO2 concentration was lower than it is today then CO2 CANNOT be the thermostat controlling temperatures on the Earth. 

Should we be alarmed if CO2 keeps increasing? 

We now know that the answer to that question is NO.

The EPA CO2 endangerment clause can be rescinded. 


Watch: Climatologist explains why EPA Endangerment Finding on CO2 should be vacated

Addendum to a Research Report Challenging the EPA's CO2 Endangerment Finding (5 February 2020)

Studies continue to be published which call into question the correlation between temperature and CO2 concentration. 

2 More Studies Affirm A Glaring Lack Of Correlation Between CO2 And Temperature

Study: CO2 Has Negligible Role In Warming, ‘Effectively Unmeasurable’

30+ Years After Claiming That CO2 Was The 'Control Knob' For Planetary Temperatures It's Still M.I.A.

And then there are findings which throw a wrench into the gears of the global warming by CO2 narrative. The rise in CO2 may actually be mitigating the minor warming the Earth has experienced since 1850. 

New Paper Affirms CO2 Has Earth-Cooling Effect


Is Global CO2 Fertilisation Cooling The ‘Greenhouse Effect’?


New Experimental Evidence: The Atmosphere Cools As More CO2 Is Added…High CO2 ‘May Enhance Net Heat Loss’


Carbon Dioxide Is A Cooling Gas According To NASA


 2020 Review: Observational And Modeling Studies Show Temperature Falls As CO2 Rises

In fact, there is evidence that CO2 does NOT drive temperature rise but that the exact opposite is the case.

New Study Finds Robust Statistical Probability Temperature Drives CO2 Changes, Upending ‘Scientific Perception’

The LACK of increased extreme weather also calls into doubt the magical climate altering qualities of CO2. If extreme weather is NOT increasing then CO2 must lack the climate catering superpower which it is ASSUMED to possess. 

CO2 Has To Be Suppressing Tropical Storms, If CO2 Is A Formation Factor Like NASA Scientists Suggest


Scientific opinion continues to accumulate that our understanding of the connection between CO2 and climate change is wrong.



In Geological Terms, Today’s Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Are Still Uncomfortably Low

Former WMO Official: CO2 ‘Insignificant For Balance Of Energy’, It is ‘Completely Unnecessary’ To Reduce CO2

Uncertainty In Natural Climate Forcing Is 870 Times Larger Than CO2 Forcing – A CO2 Signal Is Thus Not Detectable

We owe CO2 an apology. CO2 is beneficial. Life on this planet does not happen without it. 

CO2: More Important To Biology Than To Climate

New Paper: CO2 Rise + Warming Are 91% Responsible For The Earth’s Accelerated Greening Trend Since 1990

Earth Is Greening Due To Rising CO2…A Growing Greening Sink Offsets 17 Years Of Equivalent CO2 Emissions By 2100

‘Demonizing CO2’: False belief that CO2 molecules ‘are malignant, cancerous, and toxic’

A Serious Downside to Reducing CO2 Emissions (2 September 2020)

New research highlights how plants are slowing global warming


Never has such a life giving gas been so wrongfully maligned. It borders on religious superstition NOT on science based in reality. How could so many be so confused for so long?


No GREAT RESET is required. The planet is NOT in danger from Man Made Climate Change. 



This is good news is it not? All the guilt we have been subjected to can be let go. We can drive our cars, heat or cool our homes, eat meat, fly to far away places guilt free. Why has NONE of THIS been presented relentlessly in the mainstream media? Hobgoblins!




The hobgoblin is gone, a figment of the alarmist imagination of misguided social activists and control freaks. RIP.





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