It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Science Says!

Defenders of the CAGW hypothesis have regularly tried to claim the realm of Science as their own as they try to convince the world’s leaders of the urgency of the climate change problem.
Let us borrow the chutzpah and a modified version of the famous Family Feud phrase from the TV program of the same name and see what the Science Says!

CAGW says: and the global climate models predict that temperatures will rise catastrophically as CO2 rises and therefore humans need to leave fossil fuel based energy sources for renewable energy sources.

Science Says!: Reality is not cooperating with this theory as temperatures have not continued to rise as CO2 emissions have. This contradicts the theory which now must be modified or abandoned.

CAGW says: that severe weather will increase as emissions of CO2 continue to increase. Al Gore has been trying to blame every instance of bad weather over the recent past on human addiction to fossil fuel use and the human CO2 additions to the atmosphere which have continued to increase.

Science Says!: it isn't so. The trend in severe weather over the last 30 years is clearly on the decrease. Can we conclude the additional CO2 in the atmosphere leads to fewer instances of bad weather? The US has not been hit by a major hurricane(cat 3,4,5) in the last 8 years - the longest period of absence on record. This does not sound like an increase does it?

Science Says!: CO2 has other beneficial effects. Plants love the stuff and show their gratitude by slipping us a continuous supply of oxygen of which we have become rather fond. It is an amiable symbiotic relationship which should not be interrupted but encouraged.

The two major and press popular tenets of the CAGW theory have been disproven. And that is all we need to discount the CAGW theory as bunkum.

In the face of this evidence to continue to believe that humans are in control of the climate system of our planet is to be enveloped in delusion. The elite believers in human depravity, that humans must be destroying the planet because that is what we do are selling snake oil - one invented for the purpose.

And they won’t stop. There is money to be made and power to be gained in scaremongering. If they can invent one for the purpose they can invent another one for the purpose.

To paraphrase Arnold S. - they’ll be back!

Settled Science?

Settled Science? Just asking. There are lots of conflicting scientific opinions. Makes it confusing for the layperson.

Same guy 6 years later. Hedging his bets?

or just catching up to these guys? Don’t know. Just asking.

Who decides if not Mother Nature?

If she is not sending MAJOR(cat 3,4,5) hurricanes our way to make landfall in the US for 8 years then she is not sending MAJOR hurricanes our way and the weather/climate can NOT be said to be getting more extreme, can it?. Why isn’t it that simple? (a similar exercise could be done for other extreme weather types)

Here is the dataset bought and paid for by the US taxpayer.

Should we be afraid of that data or embrace it?

We have been told that:

The energy of 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per day is how much energy imbalance the earth is absorbing because of global warming. This imbalance was explained by Dr. James Hansen, one of the world's foremost climate scientists at the TED Conference in Long Beach, California

We are told that we are ‘supercharging’ our atmosphere and putting it ‘on steroids’.

And yet despite this vast current energy imbalance the worst year for hurricanes making landfall in the US was 1886. You have the dataset. Check it out. Two of them were MAJORS. We all agree that it was colder then and that there was less than 300 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere at that time. Does it ever make you wonder what the atmosphere was ‘on’ back in the day when that record occurred? And why wasn’t that record broken during the ‘hottest decade ever’ with the highest level of CO2 concentration seen in 3 million years? Could it be that CO2 is not as powerful a driver of climate as we have been led to believe? Certainly CO2 is being given ample opportunity to demonstrate the prowess of its heat trapping superpowers and instead of warming winters we get a visit from the polar vortex from the rapidly melting Arctic. Is there a hole in the CO2 blanket?

A similar exercise could be done for other examples of extreme weather/climate.

The IPCC says, in their AR5 SPM, that they are 95% (a change from 90% in AR4 2007) certain that humans are at fault for contemporary global warming/climate change even as they reduce the lower bound of their estimated range for climate sensitivity (CS) to 1.5C from the 2.0C they used in their AR4 2007 report while leaving the upper bound stuck at 4C. That means the range has widened in AR5 which means that they are less certain of the results they present in AR5. Can we all share a chuckle at how less certain has become more certain? And why did they do that? If they didn’t say they were 95% certain they would almost certainly (95%?) be signing their own pink slips. Imagine if they actually said what they meant or meant what they said and informed the world that they are less certain of their results now than they were in 2007. After billions and billions were spent on their climate models. The IPCC is the new magic act on the world stage. Now you see less certain and now you don’t. Voila! Apparently 1984 has arrived at the IPCC. Less certain is more certain. They actually mean to say that they are more certain they are less certain. Clear?

Here is a list of some recent research into climate sensitivity some of which occurred after the AR5 cutoff date. The 1.5C mentioned above may turn out to be too high according to reality. Do we have to wait another 6 years for the IPCC to revise their estimates downward again?

And what of the climate models? They operate on algorithms that produce warming as CO2 increases. Only problem is someone forgot to inform Mother Nature about the algorithm and she slipped them a curve which the models failed to anticipate and they fell off the catwalk. Billions and billions for models that don’t work. Can we all share a wince or a Bart Simpson Doh! over that one?

Has the starring role accorded to CO2 in the climate drama been miscast such that CO2 would be better placed in a bit part or perhaps not be included in the cast at all?

What to do? Disband the IPCC and stop all the unnecessary efforts to reduce human CO2 emissions. It was all based on a false theory.

We owe CO2 an apology.

Frozen NIagara Falls

Frozen Niagara Falls, 1911

Our CO2 laden atmosphere is so overheated that Niagara Falls froze again. What does CO2 have to do with it?

The IPCC AR5 WGII Report

The IPCC AR5 report from the second working group(WGII) will be released at the end of March 2014. The summary for policy makers is going to sound the alarm on climate change again.

Richard Tol a lead author for the section on the economics of climate change has asked for his name to be removed from the document because it is being changed from a commonsensical view of adaptation to climate change to an alarmist position.

"The message in the first draft was that through adaptation and clever development these were manageable risks, but it did require we get our act together."

"This has completely disappeared from the draft now, which is all about the impacts of climate change and the four horsemen of the apocalypse. This is a missed opportunity."

We are back to the “5 minutes to midnight’” scenario of Dr. Pachauri, boss of the IPCC.

And yet within the AR5 WGII Summary we find these walk backs from previous alarmist positions of earlier IPCC reports.

The economic costs of 'global warming' have been grossly overestimated, a leaked report - shortly to be published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - has admitted.

Costs of climate change are estimated to be between .2 and 2 per cent of the world’s GDP rather than the previously estimated range of 5 to 20 per cent.

And further in the report: The UN IPCC admits: ‘There is very little confidence that models currently predict extinction risk accurately’ This is an admission that they didn’t have a handle on how biodiversity would be affected by climate change but now realize that they were overly pessimistic.

The IPCC has also done a walk back on their support for biofuels.

Skeptics have been pointing out these flaws for years. Finally, reality is beginning to breach the beachhead where alarmists have had their heads buried in the sand.

Things are NOT ‘worse than we thought’! And the ‘scary’ temperature rise has continued to stall.

Has the apocalypse been averted? Was there ever a climate apocalypse to be averted? Let us rejoice at the good news.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Debate is Over and the Alarmists Know It

This commenter over at WUWT captured the situation about the ‘debate ducks’ among the alarmaholics perfectly.

As early as 2007 ,the year of the Oscar for Gore’s AIT, the cracks in the CAGW case began to widen and the so sure of themselves alarmists began to feel the heat from skeptics who were unafraid to hold warmist feet to the fire. Warmists have retreated behind the ‘science is settled, let’s not give skeptics a forum for their views through public debate’ excuse to avoid on air confrontations with man made global warming skeptics.

They like to reserve the pitch to themselves and agree among themselves that they are the victor without actually playing the game. They believe they are so invincible that they couldn’t possibly lose so why engage an opponent. Graciously, they are saving the opponent from embarrassment.

The reality is, of course, that they are saving themselves from embarrassment and they know it while pretending the opposite. The models and consensus on which their predictions rely are bogus and they know they will be called on it. People paying the bills may not like to be informed of this truth and the alarmists know it. They will not sign their own pink slips though perhaps they feel the end is near but wish to ride the gravy train to the last molecule of innocent CO2.

If your case is strong would you not want to confront those who disagree to demonstrate both to them and the public that your view is correct? If your case is strong should that not be a walk in the park? If the public perceives your case to be suspect you will be seen as scared and weak not as the defender of science but as the defender of authority.

The practice of avoiding debate so as not to give skeptics a public forum began with some prominent defenders of evolution who denigrate the creationists among us. Correctly, evolution has nothing to fear from its detractors, so why avoid a public discussion with those who present a different look at the world. Point out the flaws in their arguments and be done with it.

Whenever skeptics and GW alarmists meet it becomes obvious who has the facts and who doesn’t. Alarmaholics fear the exposure of their cherished theory to the light of skeptical inquiry. Other alarmists talk a good game but then refuse to back it up. This does not enhance their case but presents the picture of people who are afraid to be challenged. The avoidance weakens their case but they don’t care because then at least they can continue to hide behind the ‘science is settled, there is a consensus, the debate is over’ tri-chimera. This is better than being exposed for the impostors that they are. Should they be arrested for impersonating a scientist?
It is open season on debate ducks and the skeptics wait patiently in the blind.

The Unsettled Science of CLimatology

There are those who believe that human emissions of CO2 are the main driver of contemporary climate change and that a warm future will produce roast human.

On the other hand there are those who see the sun as the main driver of climate change on Earth and who are advising readiness for a colder future.

Which way will it go?

Given the inability of massive emissions of CO2 to scare away the polar vortex the latter scenario is the frontrunner IMHO.

Implications of the Missing Heat

For over 15+ years Mother Nature has refused to raise the Global Mean Temperature(GMT). This fact has grudgingly been acknowledged by global warming alarmists. This was not supposed to happen according to the consensus of the settled science. The debate was over. All the CO2 based Global Climate Models(GCMs) show a rising temperature as long as CO2 continues to accumulate unabated in the atmosphere. Both skeptics and warmists agree that CO2 has done just that over the period of temperature stasis.

But none of the models foresaw the curve that Mother Nature inserted into the runway and the models fell off lying in tears at the tears in their computer code.

Several explanations have been offered for the hiatus. There are at least ten floating around the blogosphere all of which are reactive and not proactive. One of these postulates that the missing heat has gone into the ocean since it is such a huge heat sink. The minute any explanation, let alone ten, is offered, acknowledgement of the problem is implied and the science is once again unsettled and the previous consensus has been shown to be wrong. And with ten explanations on the table - so far - the debate continues. When this happens and we hate it when it does science says: modify or abandon the theory.

SO we now have no consensus, no settled science and the debate is on. What a change a pause makes.

The heat into the ocean explanation is a modification of the theory while attempting to leave CO2 as the star of the climate drama. Fine. The GCMs must now be reworked to duplicate the hiatus at precisely the time Mother Nature decided to take a break from raising the GMT. The new theory as expressed in the revised GCMs, as a test of its validity, must now predict if and when the ocean heat will make its triumphant return to the atmosphere  at which point we can expect the previous global warming to resume its upward path.

It is now up to the climatologists to explain the decision process that CO2 employs to make the transition from trapping heat in the atmosphere to stuffing it into the ocean. Until that theory is presented, the GCMs reworked to incorporate it and a correct prediction for the return of the heat to the atmosphere to validate it, cli sci can be said to be in a state of chaos much like the atmosphere it seeks to explain. Mother Nature has elevated her finger in the pompous face of the mythical consensus and reasserted her control over the climate.

Apparently CO2 is bi-polar: sometimes trapping heat in the atmosphere and sometimes trapping it in the ocean. What sets it off? Or CO2 is plant food and has little or nothing to do with atmospheric temperature and something else is going on. Around which of the ten explanations will a new consensus rally?  

Politicians and environmental activists will prefer a POGO cause. If you can be convinced that the planet is in peril and that humans are at fault you will be easier to manipulate and more accepting of solutions offered.

Confronted with this inconvenient truth alarmist activists will not want to be distracted from their goal of guiding the world toward global governance. To divert attention from the failure of the consensus theory an emphasis on extreme weather has crept onto the stage of the Drama Greens. Now, whatever the weather CO2 is the cause of it. CO2 has morphed into a magic gas with superpowers right for any occasion. It’s hot - CO2 trapped heat. It’s cold - CO2 trapped heat which evaporated more water which caused more snow in winter. This conveniently overlooks an explanation of where the cold came from to make the snow. There is a fire - CO2 traps heat causing drought so more fires start. There is a flood - CO2 trapped heat which evaporated more water into the atmosphere which then came back down in record quantities to make a flood. There is a hurricane - CO2 traps more heat which means there is more energy in the system to produce more hurricanes or tornadoes. CO2 what can’t you do?

The only trouble with that theory is that as CO2 has increased severe weather has decreased.
Alarmaholics just can’t catch a break with their apocalyptic utterances. A reduction in extreme weather events is actually supposed to happen in a world where the poles are warming, whatever the cause, thus decreasing the temperature difference between tropics and polar regions. It is temperature differences between air masses where severe weather develops. The bigger the difference the more severe the weather. But you can’t scare anybody by telling them the weather will get better as temperatures increase so the correct but inconvenient theory in this case is ignored and a major alchemy is performed to assert more severe weather will appear as temperatures rise due to more energy in the system. And CO2 gets the blame for that. This is a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it too. But Mother Nature didn’t get the memo and has lowered her delivery of severe weather as the world has warmed.

It doesn’t matter how many humans believe something to be true if Mother Nature is not on their side they are lost. In the case of climate change neither temperatures nor extreme weather is outside the bounds of natural variability. Mother Nature has revealed herself to be a CAGW denier.

I have met POGO and he is not us.

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