It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Twitter Bill

No, there is no bill before congress to regulate twitter.

This Twitter Bill.

Bill has the need to feed is apocalyptic anxiety (AA) in public. He needs to bathe in it. He is very good at finding things to be alarmed about. He lives in a perpetual state of alarm. The original perpetual alarm machine. Bill is an alarm junkie. If he could not find something to be alarmed about he would suffer withdrawal just like a drug user. Bill will believe anything that supports his apocalyptic vision especially if it is of the pogo variety - we are to blame.

Happiness, for Bill, is a new reason to crow over the damage that human existence is doing to the planet. It sends him into fits of glee. He has invested so much into the CAGW myth that he cannot back away in spite of the evidence against it. He must save face. Admitting he was in error is unthinkable in his world. It won’t happen.

Cracks in the Arctic ice, early cherry blossoms or Colorado fires and now off the charts ragweed fuel and energize his apocalyptic existence. It is painful to see him suffer so much. Most of us are able to take these things in stride and realize that they are a part of the natural process and they have occurred many times in the past. We are still here. Doomsayers have a less than perfect record for exactness while those who reject the apocalyptic concerns of the anxious have an unblemished record of accuracy.

Those who exhibit AA will always be with us and like other people suffering from emotional hangups they cannot be helped unless they are willing. Those motivated by what they consider to be a moral cause cannot be expected to present themselves for treatment.

They are activists - immune to facts. Facts bounce off them like bullets off the man of steel.

Extra! Extra! Read A About It!

It was a cold NH winter and spring is late. Extra-tropical CO2 has stopped working. Call the Maytag repairman.

Build a pipeline to the tropics and ship that tropical CO2 up north while it is still trapping heat.

Get it early. Price will rise with increased demand.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Earth Hour 2013

Light is a symbol of knowledge.

It is a symbol of life.

On March 23, 2013 at 8:30pm

Turn on your lights for Earth Hour

To celebrate human knowledge


and the high standard of living

they bring.

Embrace the Enlightenment

Thursday, March 21, 2013

We Need to Git Some Dat Tropical CO2

The CAGW alarmists warn us that our CO2 emissions are trapping heat and making the world warmer.

So how dey splain the cold and snow dis winta?

Wasn’t it very hot and dry last summa? Where did all dat heat go? How come CO2 didn’t trap it? How did it escape? Did it hop the jet stream and head south for da winta?

Is it broken? Do we need a repairman? Was it not made by Maytag? Is it senile and forgot how to trap it?

Perhaps we need to git some dat tropical CO2. It seems to trap heat real good all da time.

Climate Change - World is Warming

This was a headline from the Brisbane Courier Mail in 1950. CO2 was at a ‘safe’ level of CO2 concentration below the arbitrarily chosen 350ppm.

It seems climate change and a warming world have been a concern before the current hysteria about global warming.

This was a headline from The Milwaukee Journal in 1950 where the winter recreation business was hit hard. We have heard these concerns expressly recently about our ski industry.

Where have we heard this before? It seems people in 1950 also were concerned about how wild their weather was. Is it a perennial concern? People are always talking and complaining about the weather. It is a pastime of past times as well as our own time. However, we seem to have made it into a world crisis this time around with massive political undertones calling for a restructuring of western society. Bad weather is now our fault and we can do something about it? Isn’t that just crazy?

Sound familiar? Colorado fires are very worrying for some of us today. But they have happened before. This also occurred in 1950.

What would you conclude about these stories from 1950? Are things more worrisome now?

Here is a headline from 1951. These results are also in the science news today although you might not realize it as the connection is rarely mentioned.

There are scientists today who are pointing out that the sun is in a quiet cycle and the next cycle is expected to be even quieter. Four out of the last 5 winters have been cold and snowy. Perhaps the scientists who give the sun the major role as the driver of the climate are correct. In which case, all of our efforts to reduce CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is a very misguided and expensive solution to a non-problem.

Were they smarter in 1951?

And yet, also in 1951 we have this story.

It occurs to me that our weather today is not that much different from the weather in 1950-51. How about you? Shall we let the fear in us subside?

Do you still believe there is a CAGW crisis? This is a man made crisis concocted by politically motivated people who dislike the way the world is structured and will use dishonesty, fear and guilt to manipulate the world into adopting their preferred vision.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome

One invented for the purpose. Dishonesty is OK if it will accomplish the goal. Love these people.

Game is up!

The New Normal

The onslaught of wild weather that has battered the USA in recent years - from Hurricane Sandy and deadly tornado outbreaks to extremes of drought and floods -- looks to be part of a "new normal" for weather patterns in the U.S., new National Weather Service Director Louis Uccellini said Wednesday.

"We have observed more snowstorms and heavy rain events that have been extreme," he said, due to the fact that a warming atmosphere can "hold more water vapor that can increase the intensity of storms."

Yup, that kind of extreme weather has never happened before especially at ‘safe’ levels of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere below 350ppm. Year links are provided by C3Headlines.Com.

Is Uccellini paid to say stupid stuff on purpose? What a great job.

Let’s go back in time a little further shall we?

With some of those headlines you would think you were reading about today’s weather.

Let’s go another year back and see how the pogo weather was misbehavin’.

Notice that a hurricane hit Florida in 1956. Today Florida is in the longest landfall hurricane drought in the record - seven years and counting. And New Orleans was flooded again by Flossy. Do they never learn? Gee don’t you wish you were living back then when the weather was all fluffy white clouds and gentle summer rains.

More? Why not? Let’s really get an idea how much nicer the people had it when CO2 was below 350ppm.

Wow! Look at that. They were worried about climate change and a warming world way back then. Well, golllly! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Rather than parroting the modern language and favored political stance on CAGW Uccellini needs to learn a little weather history if he wants to be chief of the National Weather Service. Guess that is not part of his orientation. Should be. Might help him keep his foot out of his mouth.

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