It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Figures, Figueres!

UN's Christiana Figueres: 'We have had severe climate and weather events all over the world and everyone is beginning to understand that is exactly the future we are going to be looking about if they don't do something about it'

Figueres figures that humans can control the weather.

So let us look at some figures that challenge the figures that Figueres doesn’t present. First of all when(historical link) haven’t we had “severe climate and weather events all over the world”? Historical references, complements of our ancestors,  record many instances of bad weather wreaking havoc on humans throughout the ages.

The weather never stops. This was recognized in a children’s poem:

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.

Sometimes we get weather that we would rather not weather. It is part of life on our planet. We learn to adapt as best we can. (Galveston)

We can start off by reminding Ms Figueres of the figures for temperature recently reported in several locations concerning the lack of global warming for the last 16 years.

It also seems prudent to remind Ms Figueres that the world is fretting over a .8C rise over the last 150 years which to this observer doesn’t seem noticeable let alone be a cause for alarm. It also comes from an unequal distribution of weather stations heavily biased toward the Northern Hemisphere. Both polar regions as well as the Southern Hemisphere are not well represented. The US has over 900 stations in its HCN network. If we were to deploy and monitor over 900 thermometers in Antarctica, an area larger than the continental US, would we see that terrifying .8C disappear between the error bars of measurement? We can’t know if we don’t measure but it seems reasonable to conclude that the .8C would be a lot less since we know that the South Pole has been cooling for the last 30 years.

CO2 has is currently assigned a starring role in Global Climate Models relied upon by the UN for their predictions of a future catastrophe if we do not act to reduce human emissions of carbon dioxide. And yet trends over the last century or so tell a different story. Here are some figures for Ms Figueres to digest that suggest a more positive vision for increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.

Whaaaat? Have we slipped down the rabbit hole to see what Alice is doin’ in Wonderland?

CO2, that demon gas that is essential to life on Earth has benefits other than those connected with feeding us. It is actually associated with better weather.

How so?

Droughts are trendless over the last 60 years even as CO2 continues to inhabit our atmosphere in ever greater quantities. This is great news. Thank-you CO2.

From down the rabbit hole: rather than warming causing drought it is drought causing warming.

Warming leads to fewer floods. By implication and according to the IPCC this means that CO2 increases lead to fewer floods. Rejoice! Thank-you CO2.

As CO2 increases tornadoes get scared and stay away.

Hurricanes are less frequent now than in the past. CO2 knows how to tame them.

Even forest fires are afraid of increasing CO2 and have been staying away. Smokey the Bear is grateful to increasing CO2.

Rising CO2 causes falling sea level. Huh?

Increasing CO2 could be causing cooling. Say it ain’t so.

What a magical gas! It can warm; it can cool. We just have to learn how to wave the magic wand at the right time. Where is Harry Potter when you need him?

There is no end to CO2’s abilities. Now it is growing supersized sweet potatoes. Poor people will be happy.

Or CO2 has nothing to do with any but the latter. You decide.

Ms Figueres figures we need to do something about the weather as if we could. I figure Ms Figueres needs to brush up on her figures because she does not know what she is talking about.

If she does not then it is she who is the Reality Denier.

CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Quackery in Qatar

CoP 18 is underway in Qatar. Many nations of the world are gathered to hammer out a solution to the alleged Climate Change crisis. Change is what the climate does so we will need to use our super powers to prevent it. Curiously, CO2 is thought to be the key to controlling the climate. Reducing its concentration below 350ppm is seen as a saviour for mankind. Apparently, bad weather never happened below 350ppm.

Here are some Doh!s from Doha. Or as Bart Simpson might say: Doh! Ha!

The leader of the UN climate delegation has already crafted her closing remarks and it is only Day 2: [Christiana Figueres] said she was already preparing her closing remarks for the Doha talks.

“It’s in my head now,” she said. “I’m going to say, ‘This is another firm step in the right direction, but the path is still a long road ahead.”’

Doh! Ha!

Richard Tol has tweeted: Civil servants, lobbyists and academics are getting ready to fly to a warm place to convince us that warmth is bad and we should fly less

Doh! Ha!

Daily winter temperatures in Doha average 34C. You can bet that the delegates will be turning up their A/C to combat the heat even as they advise us to turn down our A/C to save the planet. They won’t sweat to save the planet. The UNFCCC missed a great opportunity to teach the world about climate change by not holding CoP18 in Alaska where the press could have broadcast all day about the fastest warming place on the planet and pointed out all the melting ice.

Doh! Ha!

Donna, a card carrying member of the old white male fraternity that ‘denies’ the science, has reiterated what has become obvious: planetary saviours are hypocrites.

“Note this well: when the people who talk loudest about saving the planet lack the self-discipline to avoid pointless air travel and consumption, when even they can’t bring themselves to forfeit their annual getaway in order to spare the environment, the rotten heart of the climate change movement becomes clear.”

Doh! Ha!

The Conference of the Parties 18 has transformed into the Conference for the Parties 18. Incentives are structured to encourage the attendees to keep the ball rolling and plan for party 19 next year. Surf’s up. Ride the wave. It is the modern day Never Ending Story.

And from Instapundit:

I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

Doh! Ha!

China  is all for developed nations reducing their  fossil fuel emissions.

"The Kyoto Protocol remains the cornerstone of the international climate regime," said China, speaking for the so-called BASIC group, which also includes Brazil, India and South Africa.

BTW, China will not extend the Kyoto Accord. Doh! Ha!

Meanwhile back in reality about 900 of the 1200 new coal power plants that are to be built worldwide are sited for China and India. The message: you cripple your economy while we expand ours.

Doh! Ha!

Meanwhile, back in reality, the consensus continues to build: New paper contradicts IPCC assumptions about precipitation. ...there was no significant change in global average precipitation, and that dry areas became wetter and wet areas drier.

Has the IPCC gotten anything right?

The CoP 18 delegates need to get their collective heads out of the sand. But that would mean giving up the beach. Don’t hold your breath.

CoP 19 may be held in Poland who depends on coal as their main power source. Early December weather in Poland may make AGW a hard sell.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Doha, Qatar is the sight of the 18th UN Conference of the Parties where the world will convene to discuss climate change.

Doha Climate Change Conference - November 2012

The 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 8th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol will take place from Monday, 26 November to Friday, 7 December 2012 at the Qatar National Convention Centre in Doha, Qatar.

From the CIA World Factbook on Qatar: “oil and gas still account for more than 50% of GDP, roughly 85% of export earnings, and 70% of government revenues. Oil and gas likely have made Qatar the second highest per-capita income country” and “Proved oil reserves in excess of 25 billion barrels should enable continued output at current levels for 57 years. Qatar's proved reserves of natural gas exceed 25 trillion cubic meters, more than 13% of the world total and third largest in the world.”

Some of the opulence in Qatar provided by its fossil fuel revenues can be seen here. Proposed stadiums for the 2022 World Cup can be seen here.

The hypocrisy of the UN COP 18 participants will be on full display during the conference. As Richard Tol has tweeted: Civil servants, lobbyists and academics are getting ready to fly to a warm place to convince us that warmth is bad and we should fly less. Can you imagine a government where 70% of its revenues come from fossil fuels is going to commit to a reduction of its CO2 emissions and leave its 25 billion barrels of oil in the ground as people like Bill McKibben think is necessary to save the planet from its non-existent fever? He says “It’s simple math: we can burn 565 more gigatons of carbon and stay below 2°C of warming — anything more than that risks catastrophe for life on earth.   The only problem? Fossil fuel corporations now have 2,795 gigatons in their reserves, five times the safe amount. And they’re planning to burn it all — unless we rise up to stop them.” He says “to slow the process down and ultimately stop it — the fossil fuel industry would need to commit to keeping 80 percent of its reserves in the ground, forever, and help bring about a rapid shift to clean energy.”

Can a government that receives 70% of its revenues from fossil fuels be convinced to leave 80% of its reserves in the ground to save the planet?

Not likely.

It is about that time that the governments of oil producing countries will begin to see the merits of the skeptic’s case. They will seize on the lack of warming and lack of proof that severe weather is on the increase as evidence against CO2 being the driving force of any climate changes.

With winter daytime temperatures averaging 34C you can bet the delegates to the conference will be using their fossil fuel powered A/C full blast. Note that COP 18 is being held in November at 25N latitude and not in Oslo at 59N . Wonder why?

The CIA World Factbook reports that Qatar’s electricity generation is 100% fossil fuel based meaning 0% from renewables. That was a 2009 figure.The hypocrisy of the delegates will be on full display as they take in the hospitality of their fossil fuel rich hosts although I am sure they will note the use of solar power in Doha. Some of their sports stadiums are or will be solar powered.

Qatar will benefit from the influx of delegate dollars and will be good hosts so that the delegates will pass on their good experiences to the people back home who may now want to visit.

Has Qatar experienced any global warming? The citizens are used to 40C summer daytime highs. Would they notice a warming trend?

The delusions and good times continue in Qatar. Continue the delusions to continue the good times. It is the delegate docket.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Wow! another one suffering from apocalyptic anxiety. Is there a support group for that? There seems to be a lot of it going around.  Perhaps we need a 12 step program for people who have overdosed on the CAGW delusions in their own mind.

Hello, my name is Michael and I am an alarmaholic. I am afraid of CO2, a trace gas essential to life on earth. Just knowing that I exist leaves me trembling in fear and sweating with guilt. My exhaled CO2 helps to feed my vegetables but at what cost? Gaia, have mercy on my soul.

Good grief, Michael. Methinks you are addicted to BS - Bad Science. Take a look at some skeptic websites. Guaranteed you will feel better.

Quote by emeritus professor Daniel Botkin: "The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."

Must be a UN CoP coming up. Have all the alarmists have been asked to flood the media with the scariest climate stories they can dream up?

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

Gee, don't let the truth get in the way.

Quote by Timothy Wirth, U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat Senator: “We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

So there is another agenda? Who'd thunk it?

And the crux of the problem? There are those who think that there are too many of us consuming too much stuff. Three cheers for bird flu.

Quote by Susan Blakemore, a UK Guardian science journalist: "For the planet’s sake, I hope we have bird flu or some other thing that will reduce the population, because otherwise we’re doomed."

Given Ms Blakemore’s opinion, and she is not alone, perhaps there is something to fear.

H/T to for quotes

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Grave New World

“The Industrial Revolution was also a transformation, but it wasn't a guided transformation from a centralized policy perspective. This is a centralized transformation that is taking place because governments have decided that they need to listen to science. So it's a very, very different transformation and one that is going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different.”

So says UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres.

Here it comes: post 1984 we will join the Animal Farm and march down The Road to Serfdom.

‘Listen to science’ is 1984 doublespeak for listen to the narrative we want you to swallow.’

Open wide!

The Club of Rome gets its wish.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

Global Governance. You are now chattel. Hang onto your wallets if you can. You can’t.

They will micromanage your life down to the smallest carbon footprint - baby shoes.

You will be allotted a carbon footprint amount for your income level and with every purchase you make your SSN will be debited an assigned carbon credit value. Use them all up before the end of the year and you will have to purchase more. Guess who controls the carbon credit value? Wow, maybe I shouldn’t give them any ideas.

Can you say black market?

Guess who gets to stay rich under this scheme? More for us less for you.

Dystopia unbound! A control freak’s dream. They’ll have you on a bike in no time.

Won’t happen? Your government will sell you out in the name of saving the Earth.

Obama doesn’t have to answer to you any more.

Welcome to the Grave New World.

And, oh, incidentally, CO2 doesn’t have anything to do with the weather.

Thank-you and goodnight everybody! We luv u, bye, bye!

Dirty Weather Reporter

What time is it kids? It's Howdy Doody time!

Gorebull warming is back for another snoreathon on Nov. 14-15.

"Al Gore hopes to show links between climate change and the effects of extreme weather worldwide with an online and social media-fueled event built around the idea of “dirty weather.”"

Good luck with that!

As a recent study shows CAGW is not happening. That which is not happening cannot cause anything let alone extreme weather.

Let us help out the Goreacle with some recent research on the subject of extreme weather that this author is certain you will not experience should you tune in to his hyperbolic hysteria.

Gore: “We face a global crisis of unprecedented proportions." Gee, all we need is the prediction of planetary doom and he will sound just like Harold Camping. Oh, look, here comes one now. It is not from Gore but his agreement is easy to imagine. The words of John Christy in his recent testimony before the US Congress sound more reasonable and rooted in reality than the alarmist rhetoric of self-interested snake oil salesmen like Al Gore.

From Climate Depot

According to Gore: 'Now we find ourselves living in what scientists call a 'new normal' of more extreme weather that's happening all over the world with increasing frequency'.

Do the facts support this view of reality or is this mindless fear-mongering?

From Roger Pielke Jr:

Drought and Climate Change - Anyone who shows up in public debate (or the scientific literature) with an alternative view (e.g., droughts have become worse in the US or there is more certainty at the global level) had better come with some strong evidence.

From Watts Up With That?:

Al Gore’s ‘dirty weather’ timing is impeccable – NOAA just released data showing 2012 tornado count dropping like a house in Oz - contrary to MSM reports

Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue has released the latest hurricane frequency data updated through September 2012 showing a continuation of depressed global major hurricane numbers.   

Here is a collection of papers on extreme weather that does not support the MSM view championed by Al Gore.

To see the hype that is Al Gore we can remind ourselves of yet another tame hurricane season in the US and Caribbean in 2012. The US has not been hit by a major hurricane in 7 years the longest period of absence in the record. Florida has still not been hit by any hurricane during that same period. This does not sound like Gore's alarmist 'increasing frequency'. Will this be mentioned on the Goreathon? 

Severe floods have eluded a rise in occurrence. Are people who sell hip waders disappointed?

Forest fires have also been on the decrease with 2012 to date (Sept) having the fewest on record. 

Smokey the Bear is grateful. Smokey th...

Extreme weather is not getting worse it is getting rarer. Perhaps that is due to the increasing amount of CO2 in our atmosphere.  People love to demonize CO2. It seems that their venom is misguided. Do we owe CO2 an apology?

This is an interesting paper that shows how natural variability controls the North Atlantic climate. Progress in the understanding of our planet's climate change proceeds unabated by the political boondoggles favored by certain misinformed gentlemen. 

It might be time to revisit Al's hypocritical hyping of climate hysteria when he downsizes his own lifestyle without relying on the purchase of carbon credits from his own firm to claim compliance.

Carbon credits were invented by the rich to allow them to relieve their guilt without affecting their lavish lifestyles. They continue to live the Life of Riley while the rest of us are expected to live like Dagwood Bumstead and like hard working Dagwood we have been scammed.

Dagwood abandons the ranks of this nation's hardcrabble working class and rejoins the elite

The studies cited above put the lie to the idea that weather is becoming more extreme. It renders moot the belief that the debate is over, the science is settled and that there is a consensus among scientists. The conventional wisdom purveyed by the MSM is not wise and is in direct contradiction to the information that reality is presenting to us. And isn't reality the final arbiter of truth? The weather isn't getting weirder.

Some blogger comments are fun to read.

Can a misanthropic misinformed miscreant like Al Gore be charged with crimes against humanity?

CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Al Doesn't Speak the Language

Speaking to Seth Borenstein Al said:

"Mother Nature is speaking very loudly and clearly," Gore said in a phone interview from San Francisco. "The laws of physics do apply and when we put 90 million tons of global warming pollution into the atmosphere every day, it traps a lot of heat."

And here are the results of all that summer heat that CO2 trapped in the atmosphere. Clearly, Al does not understand the language that Mother Nature speaks. He has his narrative and even a plethora of the ‘thing of the past’ cannot dissuade him from his mission. Apparently, our atmosphere knows how to vent.

Worldwide snow cover WAY above average  Another peek at this situation here

It must be due to global warming.

Another Early Ski Season In Colorado

Cold Weather throughout Midwest

NE China Snowstorms May Be Worst in 50 Years  

And the Snowstorms in China have occurred despite an increase in Chinese heat trapping CO2 emissions of 6.5%. Anybody see the irony here? Al missed it because he doesn’t understand what Mother Nature is saying. Somebody told Al to say ‘laws of physics’ so he will sound authoritative. Does Chinese CO2 not trap and accumulate summertime heat?  Where did their summer heat go? We can excuse the Chinese people if they conclude that they have been lied to.

Cold records shattered in Alberta

Snowbird – More than 3 feet of snow in 2 days

Helena MT shatters 109-year-old snowfall record

44 inches (112 cm) of snow in Ulm Montana

Biggest EVER November snowstorm for Bridgeport, Newark, & JFK

Something Al hasn’t seen before!

Edmonton auto body shops ‘chaotic’ after massive snowfall

Surprise snow blasts Britain – Despite none in the forecast

Climate Science Rule #1 : Never Look At Actual Data | Real Science

Better hurry up and get that carbon tax passed boys before it gets real cold so you can take the credit for stemming the tide of man made global warming. It is all about the tax and when it is passed the issue of CAGW will quietly disappear. Mission accomplished. But bad weather will continue to show up as it has in the past.

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