It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We are Doomed Again

Sometime within the lifetime of someone already living Mr Westbrook expects a catastrophic failure of the world. My record of disagreeing with doomsters remains unblemished and in the whole human history of the world the doomsters have yet to score. The curators at the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts have dusted off the shelf space for Mr Westbrook’s commemorative plaque. Unfortunately, since he has placed his prediction so far in the future he will not be around for his induction ceremony.

The reason Mr Westbrook does not put an exact date on his prediction is because he has NO IDEA when this catastrophe will occur. He has no idea because he does not know how the climate works anymore than anyone else. He has no idea because his climate models cannot get anything right and he knows it.

If the seas were 80 feet higher in the past when CO2 was at 400 ppm is that not proof that CO2 has nothing to do with sea level rise because we are at the same level of CO2 now but the seas remain stubbornly 80 feet lower? Via this mismatch isn’t Mother Nature dropping us a hint that something other than CO2 was responsible for the 80 foot higher sea level in the past?

CO2 has been higher than the current 400 ppm for most of the last 600 million years. Hello! There was no runaway global warming that made the planet uninhabitable. We are here! So the apocalyptic worry over 400 ppm is ludicrous. What we do know is that plants love the increase in atmospheric CO2 as they are responding with record crop harvests and increased forest growth.

Mr Westbrook does both himself and science a disservice by uttering such unsupportable doomsday scenarios. Failed scientific predictions teach us that Phds are no longer being handed out with a direct line to the truth or a guarantee of infallibility.

Give the man a bag of nuts.

Signs You Are in a Warming World

The list below contains both events and trends representing cold weather in our ‘warming’ world. Hot here; cold there. Heat distribution not so rare. With events and trends like these how is it possible to identify a ‘cooling’ world? According to the self delusional warmists if it is cooling off that’s because it is warming. Do they put an ice cube tray full of water in a warming oven and wait for the ice to form?

  1. More State cold records have been set in the US than State highs over the last 60 years of greatest human CO2 emissions. This is exactly the opposite of what one would expect. You will have to do the work but you can check that out here:

This list makes one wonder how to tell a cooling world from a warming one. Alarmists seem to have slipped down the rabbit hole to visit Alice in Wonderland. They are in an alternate world from the one most people inhabit.

To the climate change alarmist whatever is happening outside your window is evidence of global warming. CO2 is a magic gas responsible for heat, cold, wet and dry conditions. There is nothing that CO2 can’t do in order to save the theory of global warming from being falsified. Moving the goal posts is standard operating procedure for alarmists.

Many of the above bullets are for the US which comprises only 2% of the land area of the globe. But how does the world’s second biggest emitter of CO2 manage to avoid global warming? Does the US export its heat trapping gases? Does CO2 not work in the US? Doesn’t have its Green Card?

Modern Technology of Climate Control

The human ability to control the weather and thereby the climate has not advanced beyond the technology of the rain dance.

Those who think reducing human emissions of CO2 will improve our climate are delusional.

Politicians, when they impose a carbon tax on their citizens, will not be able to tell them how much better the climate will be because of their action. And when the next drought, flood, hurricane, tornado, thunderstorm, heat wave or blizzard occurs they will say it would have been so much worse if we hadn’t imposed the tax to reduce CO2 emissions.

Who will be able to prove them wrong?

The climate has ignored CO2 concentration in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Low CO2 and higher CO2 blizzards look very much alike. They are both white.

A carbon tax is the ultimate insult to our intelligence and will be a favorite joke in political circles concerning the stupidity of the masses and the ease with which they can be manipulated.

The goal is control and progressives don’t care how they get there. What’s a lie among friends?

On a positive note humans are very good at controlling the climate inside modern buildings. When it is hot outside we make it cool inside. When it is cold outside we make it warm inside. Perfect climate control. We protect ourselves against Mother Nature. We do not control her.

What Extreme Weather Link?

The authors of the study cite the US heatwave and drought of summer 2012, Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 as reasons why skeptic should be on board with the ‘CO2 causes extreme weather’ meme. Trends don’t matter to these guys?

A Real Hockey Stick - snow cover

Antarctic Temperature Trends - down over the satellite record

What extreme weather link are these guys talking about? Where’s the link?

A storm does not a trend make.

By the way, where is all that heat from the summer of 2012 and the warm winter of 2012? Have these guys noticed that it didn’t hang around? CO2 forget to trap the heat? CO2 not working? Perhaps it doesn’t have its Green card yet.

The Color of Global Warming

Even if this claim is true what does it have to do with the fact provided by Mother Nature, gathered, recorded and presented by NCDC/NOAA that the globe has been cooling since 2002. You can see that here:

To focus on the demographic of GW skepticism may be interesting but it does not determine the truth of whether or not the world is currently warming.

Mother Nature is the arbiter of that conjecture. The temperature stasis continues as possible explanations for it continue to accumulate causing turmoil in the unsettled ‘settled science’ of climatology.

Channeling Donna Summer

Who do, who do ya think you’re foolin’?

Apparently, NOT he American people.

But their POTUS chooses to remain delusional. Perhaps this is why the midterms went in his favor?

Snowvember Brings out the Mooney Tunes

Is that an example of someone deluding themselves into believing whatever is necessary to save a politically preferred theory from being buried alive?
Is that an example of someone who prefers to remain in the moment and not take a trip to scientific Wonderland?
So why haven’t we read a similar headline for the world’s highest temperature(134F, Death Valley,CA,1913) in the era of unprecedented increases in CO2 emissions by humans?
Sounds like the American people have caught onto the nonsense that is Man Made Climate Change: New Survey: Only 5‰ of Americans thinks climate change most important issue
Channeling Donna Summer let us all sing it to the Man: Who do, who do ya think you’re foolin’?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Past HeadLines at Climate Depot

The headlines gathered at the website Climate Depot can often be a comedy of contradictions. Everyone seems to have a different idea about what’s happening with the climate. A chaotic non-linear system can do that to people. For instance take this one: Could global warming SAVE mankind? Nuclear winter caused by a natural disaster would be reversed by pumping out greenhouse gases, study claims.  So global warming is now a good thing except that it isn’t happening as acknowledged by the unprecedented number of reasons being offered for the ‘pause’ in global warming. New excuse for the ‘pause’ of global warming #58: Colder eastern Pacific and reduced heat loss in other oceans.

But here is another headline, one among many, that regards the global warming that isn’t happening as the most important issue we face as a species. Warmist Phil Plait declares GOP Victory ‘quite literally affects the future of humanity’. But if global warming is such a dangerous condition for the planet then shouldn’t warmists be rejoicing that the planet isn’t warming? But here is USA Today lamenting the fact that the world that hasn’t warmed for 18+ years is in danger of warming out of control. USA Today: ‘World losing battle against global warming’.

So what are we to make of these different viewpoints. One sees GW as our savior and the other sees GW as our funeral director. Weren’t we told 25 years ago that the ‘science is settled’?

With an 18+ year pause it appears that Mother Nature is taking care of the ‘problem’ all by herself much to the chagrin of those of us who would like a little more warmth. Past interglacials have been warmer than the one we currently find ourselves inhabiting and past concentrations of CO2 in the air have been much larger(up to 8000 ppm) than we currently experience so we are in no danger of reaching a tipping point or the planet would have done so already. The theory of greenhouse gas warming lacks any foundation in experience and therefore the theory deserves to be discarded as baseless.

The first headline referenced above is therefore a pipe dream. CO2 emissions could not save us from a ‘nuclear winter’ or an ice age. USA Today is also incorrect in that human emissions of CO2 will not create an oven in which the main course is baked human. Geological history makes that perfectly clear. We are fretting over nothing but why? Contemplate the meaning of the following and the political nature of the issue becomes crystal clear.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome

The issue of Global Warming/Climate Change has been seized by those of a totalitarian nature who wish to be in charge of resource allocation and ensure their own well-being at the expense of the freedom of others. They have an agenda(21).

Hopefully for the sake of science and common sense this headline at Climate Depot proves correct: Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: ‘The GOP sweep is a victory for science. Obama’s EPA & UN agenda will now face serious setbacks’    


A Difference of Opinion

Is there a difference of opinion on man made climate change? You be the judge.

So how do we settle their differences? Do we let scientists sort it out?

What will be the definitive proof one way or the other?

Do we thank CO2 for less severe weather?

You mean to tell me they had it backwards for the last 30 years?

You mean it is not worse than we thought?

But isn’t Miami disappearing beneath the waves?

Is it all just hype? Tell me it isn’t so BO!

You mean it has happened before? The climate cycles?

Damn. They have been lying to us?

Maybe. This is horrible. Has the world gone mad?

Apparently so.


Daniel Botkin - Progress


"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." ~emeritus professor Daniel Botkin


California Drought

“California is in the third year of one of the state's worst droughts in the past century, one that's led to fierce wildfires, water shortages and restrictions, and potentially staggering agricultural losses.”  Link here

Here are some Organically grown tomatoes harvested in California in 2014.

ScreenHunter_2574 Sep. 06 08.06
Tomatoes Grown in California 2014

The drought is obviously not affecting the whole State.

McDoom McPherson

The climate cycles continuously and we can’t stop it. Tell us something we don’t know. The precession of the equinoxes, variations in axial tilt and orbital eccentricity are beyond our ability to control.

“The climate change message is just depressing, no matter what way you look at it.
Best case scenario, we all have to change our lives dramatically, just to keep us vaguely on the right track.
Worst case scenario - were all doomed.”

So says Guy McPherson. He sounds like the ‘scientific’ reincarnation of Harold Camping. As you will recall Humbled Harold achieved his esteemed spot in the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts when the world didn’t end in a rapture on the 21st May 2011 and also missed its second appointment with apocalypse on Oct 21st of the same year. Harold has since succumbed to life and passed on into the great beyond while we continue to whirl about the sun. Whenever I hear a prophet of doom I don’t even have to know what the issue is about. I automatically remain firmly on the positive side life and not to be boastful but since humans are all still here my record of successful denials of doom speaks for itself. I expect to go to my grave with a perfect record and fully expect that my children, their children and their children’s children etc will have little difficulty maintaining that unblemished record.

My strategy is brilliant. I will only ever be wrong once and since it will happen on doomsday there won’t be anyone around to tell me what an ass I was unlike Humbled Harold and McDoom McPherson.
Unfortunately guys like Guy not only make a mockery of their own credibility with such pronouncements they also sully science with a similar brand. Science should fare better from its practitioners as it purports to say something useful about our world and provide us with the wonders of humans as we uncover Nature’s secret workings and adapt them to make us more comfortable. In pursuit of the ideal climate my heating system and my A/C are much appreciated at 43N and I quite like my iPod and access to the internet.

Can we at least expect a correct climate prediction from Guy before we don our groupie costumes and follow him with adoring adulation into his delusional den of doom? Go ahead, Guy. Consult your crystal ball model and impress us with your ability to predict when the Arctic will be ice free in our overheated world.

For Guy’s display we have dusted off a prime spot on a prominent shelf in the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts.

There is a brief interview clip in the article. Did the host give Guy a pack of nuts at the end? Perhaps that was a symbolic comment on how the host really sees the opinions of his guest. Most appropriate.

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