It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

The Death of Global Warming Theory

Global warming theory morphed into climate change theory but the 'cause' of both is proffered to be the increasing amount of Co2 in the atmosphere to which humans contribute a miniscule amount compared to the natural sources of carbon dioxide. From this theory come predictions using climate models that assign a starring role to human induced Co2 additions.

And here are the results that cast doubt on the validity of the theory. Check back often for the latest additions. In fact, these empirical studies destroy any starring role for human induced carbon dioxide additions to the atmosphere. Co2 was re-branded as a pollutant by the US EPA but can now resume its role as a trace gas in our atmosphere that is also a plant food necessary for all life on earth.

Keep breathing and keep warm. Drive those SUVs and turn on the A/C without guilt. Fossil fuels rule. Happy days are here again.....

Polar Bears are just fine

Facts on Polar Bears can be found here

The Bears and Coca-Cola this holiday season (2011). Here is an interesting take on that.

On the state of the polar bears we present a balanced account.

Polar bear fraud.

Interesting that this cartoon blames the melt on the prominent sun rather than the invisible life giving trace gas Co2. How did the bears manage to survive the last interglacial which was warmer than the one in which we dwell?

Remember this photo? Hear the story behind it.

More on that story here.

The Myth that Man-Made Global Warming is Causing the Extinction of the Polar Bears

How polar bears can adapt

Here is the latest on the Churchill Polar Bears. 

Polar Bears not descended from the brown bear. They have been around a lot longer than 120,000 years and have thus survived many interglacial warm periods. 

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