It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, July 29, 2013

The Idyllic Weather of the Past

Advocates for control over human emissions of CO2 often warn of the fearsome weather to descend upon us if we do not follow their prescription for reducing CO2 emissions. They warn of superstorms, floods, droughts and even blizzards as the world warms if we don’t succumb to their schemes to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Each bad weather event is presented as a glimpse into the future.

But can the wailing warmists cannot point to a time in the past when the weather was not visiting terrible extremes upon us? Such a time of fluffy white clouds and gentle summer rain has never existed without the interruption of more severe weather. History is a witness to that.

And rising concentrations of CO2 in the air do not correlate with an increase in the frequency or severity of bad weather. Those who say it does display their ignorance of weather history.

Asking  warmists to what year they would like to return may help to open their eyes to the fact that nothing out of the ordinary is happening now that didn’t also occur in the past. They will also discover that current trends are in the opposite direction to that forecast for the future and this even as CO2 continues to increase in the atmosphere. CO2 is not the demon it has been made out to be. They can let the guilt and fear in them subside.

Climate changes continuously. When hasn’t the weather been weird?

On The Opinions of Experts

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman

[2006] ‘Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the vast majority of the world’s scientists are right, we have just 10 years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet’s climate system into a tail-spin of epic destruction . . .”

There are three years to go on that one, Mr Gore. WIll we be on the Eve of Destruction? Based on the success rate of past apocalyptic prognostications from the ‘experts’ my inclination is not to worry. My money is on Dr Feynman.
Drought showed up in 2012 in Colorado and alarmist hysteria predicted shorter ski seasons
shorter ski seasons and less snow brought to Colorado by the winter of 2012-2013

Well, that didn’t happen as ….

The 1970 crystal ball was broken - experts fooled. Crystal ball recalled by The Wizard.Company.

Why does that one have a ring of familiarity to it?

We have similar scientific seers foretelling the end of the world today due to our profligate use of fossil fuels. They will be wrong too. That is my considered opinion based on the success of previous prophets.

Here are some experts who disagree with the other experts.

CRU Director : Warmth Is A Thing Of The Past - ice age coming... this was in 1972

Here is a good one from 1864. Does that one sound familiar? Another Eve of Destruction from the 19th century. Thought it was a more modern concern? We are still here and prospering.

Feynman was an expert on experts.

Phds do not come with a direct line to the truth or a guarantee of infallibility.

Only Mother Nature possesses that degree.

Back in the 1970s the experts thought that global cooling was responsible for bad weather
Today’s experts are more informed and blame bad weather on global warming

Today’s experts know that global warming brings more drought except when it brings a deluge. Governor Perry of Texas knew the rains would return. How come the climate experts didn’t know that?

And how do the general public react when scientists bring to them such conflicting views?

We laugh. We say get back to us when you are all on the same page. We don’t vote on reality. We want to know what it is. Get your ducks in a row before you mouth off and frighten the hell out of us. Stop crying wolf.

Of course, the experts are never wrong. That is why they are experts. Occasionally, they will admit error.
Last time I looked the low lying islands were still above water.
Do experts have a vested interest in alarmist predictions?
Does it bring them notoriety, recognition, invitations and funding? Are they human? Is their profit in being a prophet? Ask Mr Hansen or Mr Gore.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell

Advance To The Past

The solutions to the alleged problem of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) that are offered by those who believe it is real will re-instate human activities that were passed by or abandoned as society developed. These solutions will take our future back to the past.


Your Future, Courtesy of Climate Activists - fly less, get rid of your refrigerator, shower less and more

Welcome to the dark ages - Britain begins to emulate N. Korea

Switching from coal to wood chips. This one won an award.  For stupidity?

Europe Today: Stealing Wood, Burning Wood - increase price of fossil fuel energy and electricity. People will find a way to keep warm more cheaply.

Please read this next one. From it you will learn what makes our modern society with its current high standard of living possible.

Now that reads like an Al-Qaeda plan for the destruction of the USA without firing a shot. Convince the idiot leaders of the free world to chase a Phantom of the Atmosphere to destroy their economies in the misguided belief that they are saving the planet. Apparently, this is a rather easy goal to accomplish. Meanwhile, others don’t follow suit and ascend the standard of living of their people to the top of the ladder.  

Climate Depot's Marc Morano: 'Carbon based fuels have been one of the greatest liberators of mankind in the history of our planet'

Now you know why.

Let those who wish to time travel to an imaginary utopian past proceed unhindered. RIP.

Boxer Claim Easy to Make

Climate changes continuously.

Boxer: in a few short years, we can just look out window and see evidence of #climate change all around us”

How do you tell a human induced tornado from a ‘natural’ one?

We often hear her vague claim advanced by alarmists who want us to be frightened of future climate change. Specifics are not forthcoming. They speak as crystal ball gazers who can see the future while the rest of us mortals are to accept their pronouncements without question. Special knowledge from those specially chosen to see the future? Nice con if you can pull it off.

Perhaps Sen. Boxer didn’t get the memo concerning the recall of her crystal ball.

How will the future climate be different from what it is today?
At what level of CO2 will these changes begin to appear?
How will we recognize a hurricane as belonging to the category ‘evidence of climate change all around us”? How will it be different from those of the past or present?
How will the signs show up in the data?

Without answers to these questions how will we recognize a human induced hurricane from a ‘natural’ one?

As CO2 has increased in the air over the last 150 years extreme weather has not increased. We have seen it all before.

In reality Sen Boxer’s crystal ball is her imagination gone wild in defense of the indefensible. She has an agenda(21) to serve and she wants your money.

Obama Thinks He Is Mother Nature

Has a more naive statement ever been issued by a POTUS? This man’s ignorance is astounding.

Obama is having delusions of grandeur and thinks he knows how to control the climate. He may be able to end cheap energy but only Mother Nature controls the climate of the Earth. Obama believes that man made climate change is real and has no time for those who disagree.

So off he goes to spend untold trillions in the pursuit of a phantom of the atmosphere at the end of which he will present the bill to the future generations he pretends to care about. Is it a diversion from more pressing matters? This has lead Jay Leno to joke that the POTUS believes global warming is getting a lot worse because “he is sweating a lot more during his second term”. Think Benghazi, IRS, and NSA scandals.

Errors of the POTUS:

Temperatures are rising and CO2 is to blame.

Renewable energy is the way of the future. Pity the birds.

Cites 97% of climate scientists agree that the climate is changing and humans are responsible. Fails to note that some warmists have become skeptics. Select facts of support. Keep head buried in sand when cognitive dissonance emerges.

This man’s ignorance does not inspire confidence in his leadership. He is putting holes in the democratic ship of state which will sink in 2014. Since the governments of Russia, China and India will not penalize their citizens for their CO2 emissions the POTUS will punish his citizens for their CO2 sins. And Americans don’t see AGW as a big problem. But let’s punish them anyway.  Americans think the economy and jobs are the number one concern. Climate change is 21st and dead last on their list of concerns. Obama rates climate change as the most important issue facing Americans and will make the number one choice of his citizens worse by making their 21st choice more expensive. But he doesn’t have to face them again, does he? He will focus on rewarding his crony capitalist friends with green contracts and loans.

Some members of his own party are appalled at his war on alleged man made climate change. Republicans vow to fight any regulations as do business groups. He has made a contentious issue even more contentious as Mother Nature has morphed into a cooling phase.

He is afraid of the truth so he calls those who disagree with him: flat earthers. As with many accusations there are 3 fingers pointing back at him. To deny the developing trend toward cooling in the atmosphere is to keep one’s head buried in the sand. To deny that extreme weather was worse in the past is to be down the rabbit hole visiting Alice in Wonderland. The truth is tough to see when your eyes are closed or they are open in a dark place.

Mother Nature must be a flat earther with her head in the sand because her behaviour does not support the climate alarmist thesis that increasing human induced CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is reeking havoc with the climate. Apparently, flat earthers also believe in manmade climate change. Mother Nature is so furious with climate alarmists that she has sent no hurricanes to Florida in over seven years to try and clue them in to reality. Mother Nature is so annoyed with climate alarmists that she has sent no cat 3+ hurricanes to the US mainland for over seven years to help them understand. She has left a large clue in the history books that many previous presidents have had to deal with far more hurricanes than the 3 Obama has experienced during his first term. Mother Nature has steadfastly refused to break the world record for maximum temperature for nearly 100 years and has not shown any warming for over 17 years. She has kept sea level rise (SLR) to a slow and steady increase which indicates that whatever snow and ice from the polar regions of the planet are finding their way into the sea are being replaced at almost the same rate. There is no sea level acceleration taking place anywhere in the world. Mother Nature increased the sea ice surrounding Antarctica above the long term mean and has kept it there for well over a year. Recently, the Arctic sea ice which reached a record low in 2012 has returned to the long term mean in the spring of 2013. She followed a very warm spring/summer (2012) with a very cold and snowy winter/spring (2012-2013) to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that CO2 does NOT trap heat. Seasons still rule! She continues to leave clues for climate alarmists that they refuse to acknowledge. And they think SHE has her head in the sand! Blame it on CO2 is not a theory that will fly.

It’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. The truth came out as we knew it would.

We owe CO2 an apology. Contrary to official government belief CO2 is not a pollutant.

CO2, a trace gas essential to life on Earth, is plant food. We exhale CO2 and help to feed the flora. In return they slip us oxygen of which we are rather fond in a mutually beneficial and amicable symbiotic relationship.

Bonus: plants grow better, stronger, faster because of the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Apart from that CO2 has no redeeming features

We need to stop all activities aimed at decreasing human emissions of CO2.

CO2 is green. We need more of it not less. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it. Let the plants dance.

The EPA’s ruling that CO2 ‘endangers health and welfare’ itself endangers health and welfare. CO2 is a trace gas essential to life on Earth. Demonizing it will maintain poverty in underdeveloped nations as well as lower the living standards of people in developed countries. It is a ruling that will set us on a path that can do nothing but harm to the health, wealth and comfort of humans. The elite will rationalize their continued use of fossil fuels as essential to the survival of the nation. They will relieve their guilt about fossil fuel use by curtailing your use of it. Since you use less, less is used so the usage of the 1% will be miniscule in comparison to the savings from your impoverishment. You are sacrificed on the altar of elitist guilt. They must oversee your sacrifice for the good of the nation.

Your wealth for their comfort. And they will call you names if you don’t agree!

Neither Al Qaeda, the Taliban or the middle east regimes need to mount an attack against the US to destroy it. That is being done internally by Obamabumble. Get a man to act on a stupid belief and resources will be expended on a non-problem and that can only weaken a giant.

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