It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pope A Dope

The trouble with enlisting the support of celebrity prostitutes for a political cause is that their words ring hollow unless they lead by example which they rarely do. Blue collar to Pope: LBE or STFU. When the Pope lowers his ‘carbon footprint’ to my level then we’ll talk. Until then the Pope can blow smoke out his ears.

In his encyclical, the Pope decries compulsive consumerism in an attempt to stir up guilt in people. Why? People are easier to manipulate when they are made to feel ashamed of their wealth. No doubt they also put more in the collection plate too. His idea of compulsive consumerism is people who are enjoying their lives. People with a strong sense of self esteem who want to enjoy their time on Earth cannot be manipulated to serve his purpose. His playbook reads: induce guilt; undermine self esteem.

Fossil fuels have fueled a cultural revolution that allows the ‘poor’ of whom he claims to care about so much to rise from the filth of pre-industrial ‘horse manure on the streets’ society to enjoy the modern conveniences and relative cleanliness of a new and improved standard of living. No one in our day wants to permanently play ‘Survivor’ without Jeff Probst to bring reward. Who wants to be a sacrificial animal? As Myron Ebell has pointed out you can’t help the poor by discarding industrial society but you can, by such actions, make a lot more poor people to fawn over. Does the Pope not feel needed in a society where everyone is pursuing happiness and becoming healthy, wealthy and wise?  

There are many poor people who cook indoors with wood or dung whose health suffers as a result. There are many poor people without air conditioning which would help them survive heat waves. Many people in India have died in their 2015 heat wave. Fossil fuels such as coal plants could help them survive the vagaries of the weather. The benefits of fossil fuels far outweigh the negatives.

The Pope is convinced that “...we need only take a frank look at the facts to see that our common home is falling into serious disrepair.” And yet by just about every metric you can think of our lives are improving. Christina Aguilera even sings about it.

CO2 is an invisible, trace gas essential to life on Earth. We need more of it not less. Plants grow stronger, bigger, faster with more CO2 in the air and that means more food for the world’s poor.

While the Pope may have convinced Al Gore to consider a conversion to Catholicism (he won’t) his flock are divided on the issue of climate change. Win some, lose some.

This is evil?

While the Pope, in his encyclical Laudato Si(Paragraph 61), recognizes “honest debate must be encouraged among experts, while respecting divergent views” he hypocritically banned a French skeptic from offering a contrary opinion. When people do not listen to contrary opinion they are on a mission which takes precedence in their minds over the truth and they are not afraid to say so.

Just as the Pope recognizes that people have a tendency to avoid dealing with problems and maintaining the status quo we must guard against those who see problems where there are none for the waste of resources that follows from chasing phantoms does irreparable harm to everyone.

Gore Self Delusion

Gore:'The prominence of the climate-related extreme weather events has caused millions of people to look at their hole cards to examine what the options really are.'

Al must not be aware of these polls:

Perhaps the American public are aware of the data on extreme weather:

As CO2 rises Gaia surprises...

Life expectancy increased

Look at the charts here - death rate from catastrophes orders of magnitude less w/ development.

Severe hurricanes decreased

Severe tornadoes decreased

Drought is less severe and of shorter duration

Floods are no more prevalent than in the past

Wildfires are down worldwide

Food production has risen

Our standard of living has increased

We have made much progress with many diseases

It’s all good....

No wonder I prefer reading skeptic’s blogs.....the news is so much better

CO2 is a barometer of human wellness - the more we add the better life gets.

How come the people are aware of the data on extreme weather but such knowledge has escaped Al Gore? Besides himself, who does he think he is fooling?


Jerry Brown to Ben Carson

Here is the letter:


Jerry regards the IPCC AR5 report as the be all and end all of climate science. I suspect Ben Carson has used his considerable intelligence to apprise himself of the scientific contents of the report as opposed to the Summary for Policymakers and realized that the science does not support the conclusions in the SPM. No doubt, Jerry has read the report as well.
Jerry’s state is suffering from a drought. It has happened before but this one Jerry wants to blame on man made climate change. So he cites a CU and NASA/GISS study that concludes that climate change has intensified CA’s drought.

And now we have some

NOAA. Jerry, we know you have heard of that government agency.

In other words, far from being settled SCIENTISTS are still arguing over the causes of drought.

Does Jerry realize that the IPCC doesn’t have very high confidence that drought is man made? He read the report, right?

Embedded image permalink

Low confidence in drought trends in the last 60 years of CO2 rise.

Maybe it is Jerry Brown who needs use his considerable intelligence to read and comprehend the IPCC report. Is Jerry aware of the other retreats from previous IPCC reports contained in the AR5?

From undated pictures only a climate alarmist can tell the difference between a low CO2 and a high CO2 drought.

What is Jerry really certain about?  California’s Climate Change Revolt

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Obama's Mount Denial

Obama approves oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean at the same time that he is campaigning for limits to CO2 growth. Then he flies to Alaska on CO2 spewing AF1 to demonstrate how important it is to spew less CO2 in order to push his climate agenda to lower CO2 emissions.

Are climate hypocrites aware of the cynicism they generate?

Obama feels guilty for USA wealth and wants to relieve his guilt with taxpayer money. Nice of him.

Obama believes global warming is melting the ice in the Arctic and yet

If Obama seems a little confused it is because gets a giggle from it.

He uses single instances such as the receding Exit glacier to prove global warming and ignores the equal opportunity logic that an expanding Taku, Margerie or Hubbard glacier can then be used to prove global cooling. His mission is not to educate and put all the facts on display but to table only those that support his view. This is not honesty but it is politics. His staff have knowingly created a carefully scripted Alaska trip to help ‘sell’ their boss’s view.

Obama likes to take selfies and talk about himself as in this example:

He doesn’t want to have to explain the following so he doesn’t mention it.

Alaskan Glaciers Lost Half Their Mass Before 1950 when humans began to add plant fertilizer to the atmosphere in large amounts.

As if the fawning MSM would actually pose the question to him.

Perhaps Obama and his staff don’t read the science journals where climate science is in flux and were unaware of the following new paper.

After all, the sea ice extent has been known to be much smaller than present during the Holocene climatic Optimum over 5000 years ago. They grow and recede quite independently of the amount of CO2 in the air. And since the satellite era record low of 2012 what has happened?

Obama’s Alaska trip was a hodgepodge of contradictions illustrating his power to do as he pleases. He behaves like Little Miss Helpful except that he is not oblivious to the chaos he leaves in his wake. He revels in his Denial.

What’s it all about, Alfie?

The truth is not invited to the show. It would be a hindrance to the anticipated applause which, no doubt, will be accepted with modesty.  

Not everyone agrees that ‘now we see’.

Change is what the climate does because the climate is cyclical. And the human ability to change it has not advanced past the technology of the rain dance and prayer.

As Obama completed his Alaska agenda and left for warmer climes is he aware that he trips out on CO2?

CO2 is clean and green. We need more of it not less. The globe is greening. This is a sign that CO2 is benign. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it. Let the plants dance. #ActonClimate Hug a tree.


Why is there More than One?

Apparently, the past is malleable, especially if it does not support the global warming hysteria.

Why is there more than one global climate model? Why don’t they agree with one another?

Because the science is settled. Because basic physics.

A Point of Control

Who is in control?

It has been pointed out by global warming alarmists that skeptics like to quote the satellite temperature data because it does not show recent warming but ignore the surface data which does show recent warming.

Yet when it comes to sea level skeptics ignore the satellite data that shows a 3.3mm/yr rise and prefer the surface tide gauge data which shows a lower increase of 1.8mm/yr.

In both cases alarmists prefer the data under the control of NOAA/NASA and skeptics prefer data that is independent of NOAA/NASA.

You be the judge.

Things More Important Than CLimate Change

There are those among us who consider the growth of CO2 in our atmosphere to be an evil that must be stopped. Our flora would disagree. As CO2 has risen during the fossil fuel era our planet has been GREENING. CO2 is a trace gas essential for life on Earth. Our plants grow better, stronger, faster in a CO2 enriched environment. CO2 concentration has been much higher throughout most of the last 600 million years and yet here we are. No tipping point. No runaway global warming. In fact, throughout that period of time the Earth took turns as both a hot house and an ice house quite independently of the amount of CO2 in the air.

Change is what the climate does. Always has. Always will. Yawn!

Ten Things More Important Than Global Warming

  1. VIDEO: Huge manta ray rescued from fishing line

  2. Police Helicopter Sex Chat Accidentally Broadcast To Entire City

  3. 12 "Zero Dollar" Decorating Tricks for the Whole House (13 photos)

  4. Death By Dinner: Snake Dies After Swallowing Prickly Porcupine

  5. Cole Hamels rumor mill is heating up with Phillies in position to sell

  6. The Clever DIY That Makes Plain Closet Doors Look Like a Million Bucks (5 photos)

  7. The iPhone’s Most Annoying Problem Will Be Fixed in Apple’s iOS 9 Update

  8. The Saddest Cat In The World

  9. Could This Smart Oven Mean The End Of The Microwave?

Your list might be different.

Governor Perry Outforecasts the Experts

Back(2011) when Texas was experiencing a drought and the usual alarmist ‘experts’ were telling us this is what we should expect as climate change progresses and that the drought will be permanent then Governor Rick Perry calmly recounted some sage advice taught to him by his daddy: the rains will return.

And so, in 2015, they have.
Perhaps Mr Perry should become a climate change guru.
Nothing like a little rain to get rid of the ‘permanent drought’.
There is a reason why Nobel physicist Richard Feynman taught: "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts".
Will the alarmist admit his error and pomposity? Don’t hold your breath. Alarmists are never wrong; they just change the cause for their alarm. It’s not dry any more? Now it is wet. See, the climate changes and it is all our fault. Some people aren’t happy unless they can claim that the sky is falling. However, they resemble ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ more than Paul Revere.
Mr. Perry’s Dad knows that the climate doesn’t just change. It is cyclical.

Too-da-loo Tuvalu

“Climate change is no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now,”Obama said. “We’re not acting fast enough.”

Is this an enlightening statement? Hasn’t the climate always been changing for the 4.5 billion years of the planet's existence? Can the POTUS name a year when climate change wasn’t happening? And he thinks we can stop it by controlling our CO2 emissions? It will be as effective as naked women dancing for rain.

Was the POTUS in Alaska when he made that statement? Shall we test those statements against reality?

Let’s pick on sea level rise(SLR) as our proxy for the Church of What’s Happening Now.

We can go to the PSMSL website to see a map of all the tide gauges that have been or are being used to measure the rise of the seas.

The tide gauges around Alaska do not present a clear picture as some show the oceans falling and some show the oceans rising. What gives?

Tuvalu is often regarded as one of the ground zero locations for global warming as it is a low lying group of islands in the South Pacific only 15 feet above sea level at its highest point. There have been many stories portending its demise beneath the rising seas. So what is happening there?
Tuvalu Devastation Over The Last 70 Years - pictures are worth a thousand words. Not much change over the last 70 years.  
Tuvalu – Still Drowning After All These Years - back in 1988 SLR in Tuvalu was a concern. The tide gauge in Tuvalu shows no SLR. Have a look.
ScreenHunter_1462 Oct. 13 16.47
Guardian Shock News : Tuvalu Was Evacuated Twelve Years Ago - the ever sympathetic Guardian reported in 2001 that the world’s first climate refugees were ready to depart Tuvalu in 2002. Tuvalu is still there.
New York Times : Tuvalu To Drown - in 2007 the NYT gave Tuvalu a 50 year reprieve. Did the NYT figure that out by looking at the tide gauge data for Tuvalu? See above. There is no SLR in Tuvalu.
Real Estate Prices In Tuvalu Unaffected By Impending Armageddon - this one is a dead giveaway that the people in Tuvalu know there is no rising concern with SLR. No panic selling in Tuvalu. Why not?
Scamming For Climate Money - and now we get to the crux of the climate change due to human emissions of CO2 via the burning of fossil fuels nonsense. There is money to be had from countries who can be made to feel guilty over their CO2 emissions. Have the leaders of the developed world bought into the imagined crisis to assuage their guilty consciences or to redistribute the wealth of their citizens?
Shock News : Scientists Surprised To Learn That They Have Been Lying All Along -  and it turns out that far from shrinking due to the encroachment of the oceans these island atolls have been growing.

Tuvalu isn’t going Too-da-loo due to an ocean uprising. To put modern SLR in perspective let us look at SLR since the Ice Age.

SLR in the Holocene

The last glacial period lasted from 110,000 to 12000 years ago. Then, for reasons not well understood the Earth warmed, ice sheets melted, sea levels rose and humans began to flourish. Since the end of last Ice Age and for the past 12000 years sea level has been rising as the land based ice receded and returned to the oceans from which it originated. As the graph below shows natural sea level rise was on average 11 mm/yr. In order for our current SLR to be unprecedented it would have to exceed 11mm/yr. As can be seen from the graph the current rate of SLR is much smaller.


A graph at the University of Colorado shows SLR to be 3.3mm/yr. NOAA admits to 1.7-1.8mm/yr. The average of all PSMSL tide gauges gives a value of 1.1mm/yr. And if you only take into account those tide gauges that are currently reporting the value is .63mm/yr. All of these values fall well within the upper bound of natural variability of 11mm/yr set in the Holocene.

These values are NOT accelerating and NOT unprecedented so who has been lying to us? Unless SLR shows acceleration at a rate that exceeds 11mm/yr over the last 60 years of human emissions how can it be said that climate change is happening now and humans are at fault?

The people in the Maldives, Vanuatu and Tuvalu are not concerned. They keep building airports, resorts and hotels to attract tourists to their island paradise. Do those touristy pictures present a picture of an apocalypse waiting in the wings?

Aren’t we all in the same bathtub? How can SLR be different in different locations? SLR can be difficult to measure because of  erosion, land subsistence, land subduction, drained aquifers and land rising due to tectonic motion. (List not meant to be exhaustive)

But here are some recent studies that should inform even the most skeptical of alarmists that coastal cities and low lying islands are in no danger from an ocean uprising. Contemporary SLR does not support the alarm of President Obama. SLR has formed its own consensus and it doesn’t support the Chicken Little Obamanations of the POTUS.

“So let me sum up. We know that human activity is changing the climate. That is beyond dispute. Everything else is politics if people are denying the facts of climate change. We can have a legitimate debate about how we are going to address this problem; we cannot deny the science,” he said.

How do we know that human activity is changing the climate? Only if the changes happening during the last 60 years of human CO2 emissions are unprecedented and accelerating. SLR is NOT cooperating with his beliefs. The President is either ignorant or lying. Neither becomes the  office.


Sea Level Fraud – Worse Than It Seems - fraud is the new normal in climate science .63mm for currently active tide gauge stations

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