It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Health Issues with Climate Trauma

These quotes come from the above article By Marlene Cimons February 3, 2014 1:52 PM.

The emotional toll of global warming is expected to become a national — and potentially global — crisis that many mental health experts warn could prove far more serious than its physical and environmental effects.

"It has a much larger effect on the psyche. Survivors can have all sorts of issues: post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, and academic issues among kids."

The report recommended that the federal government draft a plan to enact a large-scale response to the mental-health effects of global warming, including public-education campaigns, increased training for mental-health professionals, and developing mental-health incident response teams.

We are fortunate to live in a time when health professionals can advocate for a national plan to address the mental health effects that result from climate trauma. Our ancestors could not afford such a luxury and somehow managed to face the real world of weather extremes and muddle through. Extreme weather is not a new phenomenon. It may seem more devastating now because there are more of us who are affected by severe weather because, well, there are more of us. Population has grown. Our wealth permits this.

Despite the nation's experiences with previous natural disasters, "the scientific data show that what lies ahead will be bigger, more frequent, and more extreme than we have ever known," prompting potentially dire mental-health impacts, the report warned.

However, it is not true that the scientific data show that extreme weather is getting more severe more frequently.

20 New Papers: Higher CO2, Global Warming Increase Crop Yields, Green The Earth, Reduce Weather Extremes, Extend Human Life

It is the global climate models and political activists that expect this outcome if we continue to emit CO2 at our current rates. Despite the continued unabated increase in atmospheric CO2 severe weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and floods have not increased and in many cases the data on frequency and severity show a decrease. It is not well known that the Florida mainland has not been hit by a hurricane in over 10 years nor is it well known that the US mainland has not been hit by a severe(cat 3,4,5) hurricane in over 10 years. Despite the two whopper tornadoes that ravaged Oklahoma in spring 2013 tornado counts were near a record low. Does that sound like extreme weather is getting worse?

There are more of us and we have more stuff because of population growth and our high living standards so it might appear that the weather is more devastating but the numbers don’t lie. The scientific data actually show that severe weather has become less extreme as CO2 has increased in the atmosphere.

Victim Isman’s  emotions "were all normal reactions to a life-shattering situation," says Dr. Laurie Nadel, a psychotherapist who started the group and who lost her own Long Beach home to the storm. "I knew there was a need for a safe place for people to come and talk about what they were going through. It can be very isolating. You need a place where you can share and normalize your experiences with other people."

Mental health professionals are correct when they note that it is important for people to normalize their experiences with extreme weather and it helps to be able to share their feelings and experiences with others in the same boat. It is never pleasant to be a victim of extreme weather but humans have had to face Mother Nature’s wrath since our ancestors first emerged on this planet. It is normal for humans even while it is unwelcome. We do not control Nature . We can only learn to observe, detect, issue warnings, get of of the way and clean up afterwards. That’s normal too. We are fortunate to live in times when our technology has developed to the point that our early warning systems can inform us of impending disaster so that we can spare ourselves exposure to dangerous storms. Death rates due to extreme weather have been going down even as the population has been going up. That is something for which we can be grateful. It is a way to measure the improvements in our living standards.  

The Scientific and Moral Bankruptcy of Climate Alarmism

The Scientific and Moral Bankruptcy of Climate Alarmism

If you don’t have the data and arguments to make your case prosecute those who don’t see it your way and claim that man made climate change is so obvious that data is not needed to support the claim. At all costs do NOT debate the opposition in a high profile public forum. Duck like a quack.

The advocacy of the suppression of free speech for man made climate change skeptics is the expression of the erudite logical adult argument: SHUT UP. This is clear evidence that the climate alarmist argument is falling apart and that the alarmists know it.

If you have the proof present it for examination in a public forum. If you do not be an adult and admit it. In alarmist climate science the adults have left the room.

The failure of climate alarmists to make their case has driven them from the realm of rational thought to the thuggery of prosecution. If they have definitive evidence of man’s guilt for climate change they would simply present it in public and demonstrate to the world the superiority of their case. That they cannot do this demonstrates instead the inferiority of their claim and so to win they allege and seek wrongdoing on the part of their adversaries. It is such arguments and tactics that expose them to the world for the charlatans that they are. People with proof present it. People without proof admit it. People with an agenda who must win at any cost seek to demonize their adversaries. They are hoping to taint the opposition with suspicions of wrongdoing. Their nastiness is exposed for all to see.

Their clairvoyance is so astute that they can now see man made climate change happening before their eyes. Well, they ASSUME it is man made. They have dispensed with the need to prove it. They assume the climate change that they witness is due to the addition of CO2 in the atmosphere caused by the human burning of fossil fuels because that’s what their global climate models have been designed to ASSUME. And besides they can’t think of any other cause so it must be true which is about as tight as their scientific reasoning gets.

They ignore the fact that none of the predictions coming out of their climate models mirror reality. What they see are single instances that are representative of what should occur and therefore they ‘reason’ that man made climate change is happening now. Their cause(CO2) has to be the main driver.

They ignore their more scientific colleagues who offer evidence for alternative explanations. They ignore their more scientific colleagues who fail to find a match between model expectations and reality thus calling into question the assumptions driving the climate models so revered by the alarmist camp.

Then we find out that their prized pollutant, carbon dioxide(CO2), has been greening the planet. Their demonised climate cause is bringing BENEFITS to humans in defiance of the scary Halloween costume in which the alarmists have cloaked it.

Perhaps they should haul CO2 into court and charge it under the RICO statutes as a racketeering gas for NOT behaving in accordance with their carefully designed global climate models.

Sometimes it is a nice day with 400 ppm CO2 in the air. Sometimes it is a nasty day with 400 ppm CO2 in the air. How does CO2 decide who to be, Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde?  The last thing alarmists can concede is that CO2 is NOT the star of their climate drama. So they pursue suppression(oppression) via the courts. Little do they know that the continued use of these tactics will eventually bring out the truth. Skeptics will counter each assault and mount an offensive in return. The more acrimonious the alarmists become the more determined skeptics will be to expose the chicanery of the alarmists for all to see.

Truth is important to skeptics while the agenda is important to alarmists. Alarmists cannot be allowed to bully their way to victory. They must be countered at every turn.

Tactics cannot trump facts.

Alarmists are in a psychological state of fear that they will have to acknowledge their error and eat crow. Yelling SHUT UP and threatening prosecution is an expression of that truth. In the alarmist camp the adults have left the room and only the tantrums of the two year old remain. Alarmists lack the supervision of reason and morality. They are taking refuge in darkness.Their defeat is complete. Are they now starting to employ the CYA tactic?

CO2 is no longer trapping heat and sending us on an ever warming descent to hell? That’s what skeptics have been saying for decades - CO2 will NOT generate runaway Global Warming! It didn’t do it in the past 600 million years when CO2 concentration was 5 to 20 times what it is today. The laws of physics don’t change. CO2 is CO2. If it didn’t do it then it won’t do it now!

Some people just aren’t happy without an apocalypse to worry about.

Resorting to Tactics

Alarmists are all about tactics since the real world data do not support their CAGW bogeyman.

Michael Mann, of Hockey Stick fame, is the latest advocate of the scare tactic.

But he wasn’t the first. Some have long recognized the need as a prime method of political manipulation.  

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H.L. Mencken

In the world of CAGW:

"We routinely wrote scare stories...Our press reports were more or less true...We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment." ~ Jim Sibbison, environmental journalist

"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." ~ Daniel Botkin

"That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have." ~ Stephen Schneider

In short, CAGW proponents need to frighten us with tales of a planet in peril to unite us under a single banner with the abject purpose not to save the world but to rule it. Fear is a ruse in use by the encrusted political elite to maintain and strengthen their power over the resources of the world which are to be directed to keep them rich and us poor. But they won’t tell us that because we might not go along with them if we knew the truth.

Members of the elite ruling class lie to get what they want. It is their tactic of choice.

See Chapters 10 and 11 here

Admission Their Theory is Bogus

 Admission Their Theory is Bogus

Climate Activists Seek To Redefine What A Hurricane Is ‘So We’ll Have More Of Them’ – Every storm now will be ‘unprecedented’

The need to shore up a theory by changing definitions is an admission that hurricanes are not becoming more frequent or more severe or they wouldn’t find the need to redefine.

Can there be a clearer admission that the CO2 centric theory of global warming/climate change is invalid?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Apocalypse, Again

Apocalypse, Again

When have the Doomsters ever been right? Hello, we are here.

Mother Nature has already performed the experiment and removed any cause for concern.

Climate Change: The Science is Clear

Climate Change: The Science is Clear

It is clear. The climate changes continuously because it is cyclical.

And what is happening to the atmospheric concentration of that heat trapping gas CO2?

Take a trip to Mauna Loa in Hawaii.

Now fly over to Cape Grim in Tasmania.

Gee, CO2 is shown to be on a continuous rise. Shouldn’t it be getting warmer?

Or is the CAGW scare just more scientific nonsense designed to keep the grant money flowing?

In government science when there is a conflict between money and truth it is not the truth that produces an income but a scientific scare. Scientists have long ago learned to create a State of Fear!  It has become their bread and butter. And the NGOs tag along because they can benefit via dues from the frightened. Scientists cry wolf for their supper. Politicians take advantage.

How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened. --Thomas Jefferson


But while there are scientists who profit from the scares there are those who toil for truth.

Death Knell for CAGW - Challenging the GHE

Here is a collection of papers which challenge the alleged GreenHouse Effect in the atmosphere.

And the surprising conclusion: alleged greenhouse gases are coolants NOT heat trapping vessels.

Other papers challenge the CO2 as cause of AGW proposition.

That Bogus Greenhouse Gas Whatchamacallit Effect

IR experts debunk GHG theory

Professor Murry Salby on why man-made CO2 does not control the climate; don't miss it. More from Professor Salby

Cooling  - Aug. 28, 2012

The same conclusion presented in graphic format.

Increasing CO2 in the thermosphere In the thermosphere, CO2 is the primary radiative cooling agent and fundamentally affects the energy balance and temperature of this high-altitude atmospheric layer1, 2

Tracking down climate feedbacks

More negative cloud feedbacks from peer reviewed paper in The Journal of Climate

Video Lecture: Solar vs. Anthropogenic—Better Understanding of 20th Century Climate Change | ScienceBits

The Climate Misbehavin' - severe weather is driven by temperature differences. As the Arctic warms the differences fall.  

1990 video proving CAGW is nonsense

After exploring the information provided in the links above it is not rational to continue to believe in Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW).  GreenHouse Gases (GHGs) act as coolants in our atmosphere. They do not provide a runaway positive feedback effect or this would have happened already.

These papers are enough to convince me that the connection between human induced CO2 and climate change is delusional, an imaginary chimera created and maintained by political agendas. There are people looking for a way to gain control of the earth's energy resources under the guise of a pending climatic apocalypse of human origin. They have tried to succeed where Harold Camping failed by aspiring to use science to legitimize their hysteria and communicate fear and guilt to the populace as a way to enlist their support.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~Club of Rome

One invented for the purpose. Truth be damned. There are other priorities.

“No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.” ~Christine Stewart, former Minister of Environment, Canada

The climate is changing as it always has. We best learn to adapt.

The political climate is changing as it always will. Freedom requires eternal vigilance.

Mac The Knife has properly rechristened the acronym for CAGW as Conning A Gullible World.


The knowledge that CO2 does not control the climate should be joyous. Where is the parade?

Aspire to inspire before you expire.

A Hiatus of the Greenhouse Effect: [link]

Hey Greenie, Greenie

In light of the blight that solar and wind farms bring to the human landscape somebody had to update this song to recognize the contemporary equivalent of Joni’s reviled parking lot. Here is my bottom of the charts rewrite. 

Sung to the tune of

Big Yellow Taxi
Joni Mitchell

More or less

With Apologies

Hey Greenie Greenie

They maimed paradise
And put up a damn wind farm
With subsidies, tons of cement
And a swinging CHOP block
Where did all the birdies go
Sliced with the bats way down below
Til they’re gone
They maimed paradise
And put up a damn wind farm

They took our great views
And put them in a photo book
Then they charged the people
Four dollars fifty just to have a look
The wind she doesn't always blow
But you still gotta pay so
They make dough
They maimed paradise
And put up a damn wind farm

Hey Greenie, Greenie
Put away that subsidy now
My apples love CO2
The birds and the bats exhale it
Stop cuisinarts of the sky
From killing birds or bats
That fly by
They maimed paradise
And put up a damn wind farm

During the day
They covered the ground
With solar panels
That don’t make a sound
Acres of shiny glass
Attracting green birds then

They maimed paradise
And planted a solar farm

I said

Don’t it always seem like so
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Til it’s gone
They maimed paradise
And put up a damn wind farm

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Til it’s gone
They maimed paradise
And planted a solar farm

Say it isn’t always so
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Til it’s gone
Save paradise
Kill subsidies to crony wind farms

Want to hear the cronies scream
Remove subsidies that
Make their dream
Save paradise
Stop building more wind farms

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