It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

More Energy in the Atmosphere Causes Bad Westher?

What does that mean?

‘So think of 100-year forest fires, 100-year droughts, 100-year floods, 100-year hurricanes.That could be a new way of life in the future because there's more energy circulating in the atmosphere.’ So says Professor Michio Kaku.

Is Kaku cuckoo?

Since he said ‘could be’ he really doesn’t know and is only speculating right?

Here is more: "We had a normal hurricane that collided with the jet stream -- which normally goes maybe to Kansas -- it went all the way down to Florida. And so the irregularity of cold air from the Arctic and warm air from the Caribbean area -- hotter than normal -- the collision of those two morphed into an animal we've never seen before. This hybrid storm, which then became the hurricane from hell."

So the Arctic is cold? Aren’t we told that it is the fastest warming place on Earth? Didn’t the sea ice melt to a record low extent in September 2012? The Arctic lost its heat in a hurry. Where did it go?
Can these climate experts ever get their story straight?

The hurricane from hell? Aren’t they all ‘a hurricane from hell’ to the people who experience them? Have we forgotten Katrina and Wilma of 2005? Andrew of 1992? And now Haiyan of 2013 in the Philippines.

He continues: Asked about other scientists and their opinions on this issue, Kaku said it's "near unanimous." He said, "You have to hunt very carefully for any kind of skeptic. Most of the skeptics, just like myself, have changed their opinion and now realize it's a real, tangible effect. “

How does he know? Did he take a poll? Who was the polling company? When was it tasken? Who was asked? How many responded? What were the questions? Or is this just his hunch?

Here are some who disagree that superstorm Sandy was anything but a unique combination of weather events not fueled by CO2 induced man made climate change.

Houston Chronicle citing the evidence

Joe Bastardi - meteorologist

Meteorologist Ryan Maue here and here and here

Scientists dispute Sandy grown by global warming

Climate Depot summary

Maintaining the delusion that CAGW caused Sandy we have the usual culprits: Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Bette Midler, Oliver Stone, Van Jones, Michael Moore, Michael Mann, CNN, Huffpo, Chris Mooney.

Here comes some more bad weather for the Northeast US. Cold and snow brought to us by all the extra energy in the atmosphere generated by burning fossil fuels no doubt.

a. Relative lack of warmth.
b. The sensation resulting from lack of warmth; chill.
2. A condition of low air temperature; cold weather: went out into the cold and got a chill.

Heat: the quality of being hot; hotness: in physics, heat is considered a form of energy existing as the result of the random motion of molecules and is the form of energy that is transferred between bodies as a result of their temperature difference

So cold could be considered a relative lack of energy. So CO2, that heat trapping gas, is bringing a lack of heat to the US Northeast.

Makes sense. CO2 is quite magical. And warmist alarmists are delusional.

Guardian Caught Off Guard Again

Ho hum. The Drama Greens are at it again.

Mother Nature stopped raising the global average temperature 16+ years ago. The Guardian hasn’t yet got the memo. Things are better than we have been led to believe.

Where is the climate emergency?

Recent work on sea levels indicate the trend is much less than heretofore reported. Things are better than we have been led to believe.
Where is the climate emergency?
Thanks to our modern detection and early warning systems death rates due to extreme weather have been on a gigantic downtrend over the last century. Things are better than we have been led to believe.
Where is the climate emergency?
The Guardian lives in another world - a world filled with delusions about the climate on Earth.
As George Carlin said: the planet is fine it’s the people who are f@#$%d.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Charles MacKay and CAGW

CAGW is deserving of its own chapter in a modern rewrite of Charles MacKay's Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.

CAGW: a prime example of groupthink.

DENIER: Anyone who suspects the truth.

CLIMATE CHANGE: What has been happening for billions of years, but should now be flogged to produce ‘panic for profit.’

Other Dictionary items can be found at:

Ban Ki-moon Blames Climate Change for Typhoon

'We have seen now what has happened in the Philippines. It is an urgent warning. An example of changed weather and how climate change is affecting all of us on Earth.'

It is nothing of the sort. Ban Ki-moon is merely repeating the CAGW storyline that has been worked out by the UN IPCC and that, scientifically, is being invalidated by the actions of Mother Nature who is behaving more like a CAGW denier unlike the hysterical MSM.    

Typhoon Haiyan was in no way unusual. The Philippines is a frequent target of super typhoons. It is a hazard of life on those islands. There have been 6 hurricanes more powerful than Haiyan that have occurred in the Philippines. The MSM is quick to trumpet the slant that supports the prevailing UN political view. It is up to the lesser lights of the press corps to expose the nonsense. The most intense typhoons have been on the decrease over the last 60 years.

So the facts put the lie to the deception or ignorance being propagated by the likes of Ban Ki-moon or George Clooney. Even the IPCC in its latest AR5 SPM report puts a low confidence on the connection between human action and extreme weather.

In fact, their belief that human emissions of CO2 controls the climate leads to the results shown above which shows that they do not even understand their own theory.  Watch.

Here’s the theory. As CO2 increases in the atmosphere the planet gets warmer because CO2 is a heat trapping GHG. As the Earth warms more water evaporates from the oceans and since it is also a GHG even more heat is trapped in a positive feedback loop thus raising the temperature to unlivable levels if something isn’t done to lower our CO2 emissions. As GHGs increase, the polar regions receive additional heat transfer from the tropics. This lowers the temperature differential between the poles and the equator. Since temperature difference drives weather the lowered differential will result in FEWER storms not additional storms.

But you cannot scare the public by announcing fewer storms. This will be seen as a good thing by the man in the street. So the meme developed about worsening storms in contradiction to their own theory. However, it is not happening and people are beginning to realize that they are being fed BS (Bad Science). This is even apparent to defenders of CAGW.

To jump on Typhoon Haiyan as an example of what is to come more often is in contravention to their own CAGW theory and to observations over time.

Who do you want to believe: Mother Nature or Ban Ki-moon?

You be the judge.


Do They See the Irony?

Do you?

“We’re seeing the effects of global warming and we can’t keep denying it because obviously something is happening,” Chagnon said.
Originally about 300 people were slated to participate in the Calgary protest, but due to a snowstorm only about 50 showed up.

The weekend’s cold snap stretched Calgary’s emergency shelters to capacity as the city’s homeless scrambled to escape the low temperatures and biting winds.

The cold snap and snowstorm were caused by our supercharged overheated atmosphere on steroids no doubt.

Cue Donna Summer.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Keystone Ops

Some people oppose the building of the Keystone pipeline. They want to stop the movement of oil from the oil sands of Alberta to anywhere. They think that burning that oil will bring ruin to the climate and that it should be left in the ground. They also worry about damage to the environment from pipeline spills which do happen from time to time.

Influence peddlers have managed to present enough doubt to cause Obama to delay the approval of the pipeline from Alberta. A decision is now unexpected until 2014.

And yet the oil moves by rail. There have been several rail accidents in Canada lately like the disaster in Lac Megantic which involved the transportation of oil.

So why are there no protesters flinging themselves across the tracks to block the movement of the oil? Opponents would rather see the rail accidents happen even knowing that pipelines are a safer way to transport oil.

There are several beneficiaries of delays in the transport of oil from the oil sands. Competitors to Alberta oil are an obvious example along with environmental groups who oppose fossil fuels. Arab states as well as Venezuela will benefit from keeping Alberta oil in the ground. Those countries are not going to leave their oil in the ground and oil revenue not going to Alberta is oil revenue in their pockets.

As Obama plays golf instead of making decisions railroads are building new terminals and ordering new rail cars to increase their capacity to move the oil from Alberta to both Canadian coasts as well as the US oil refineries in Texas.

Owners of railroads must be happy and that would include Warren Buffet. Will Buffet sell the railroad just before Obama approves the Keystone XL pipeline?

A recent  poll  suggests that while Canadians and Americans are keen on reducing greenhouse gasses, the vast majority of them support the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that could transport up 830,000 barrels of oil per day from northern Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico.

Opponents of Keystone have been asked to protest loudly if Keystone is approved. But the trains roll on without so much as a whimper of protest. Why? Why is a pipeline worth a protest and threats by opponents to abandon Democrats in 2014 but transport by rail is ignored? This makes no sense if the real target is the CO2 that will enter the atmosphere if the oil is burned. Should transport by any means be the object of the protest? Have enviros lost sight of the target or is there something else going on here?

Obama says he will not approve Keystone if it will add to net CO2 emissions. Livestock produce more CO2 emissions than will the oil transported by KXL. If Obama is worried about the net emissions from oil sands oil then why is he allowing it to be transported by rail? What is going on here other than typical political lunacy?

Obama's Executive Order on Climate Change

On Friday November 1, 2013 Obama signed an executive order to bypass both Congress and Mother Nature and add to his tyrannical ways of governing the country. This time it is climate change that Obama knows how to control and without making any impact on Mother Nature he will dump extra burdens on the American people. It’s #obamanable.

Say it on twitter.

@WhiteHouse November 1, 2013. Obama ignores both Congress and Mother Nature with executive order on climate change. It’s #obamanable

While Obama details normal climatic events as unusual Mother Nature reports that nothing outside the bounds of natural variability is going on.

Humans cannot be responsible for that which is not happening. Obama is either ignorant of the fact that Mother Nature has not raised the global average temperature in the last 15-17 years or he is a control freak of the highest order.

Is he desperately afraid that somewhere, somebody is doing something without his consent?

Powers gained will be retained and later used and abused. Remember the NSA scandal.

Hello America. He’s listening.

Can his complete recession into paranoia be far behind?

But perhaps he is smarter than I think and knows that the world is cooling and wants to be able to take credit for solving global warming by having these executive orders in place before it becomes too obvious to even the most dedicated alarmist that the world has cooled off.

So where is the American ‘Tony Abbott’ who will promise to undo the mess that Obama is creating? Come on down.

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