It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Put Up or Shut Up

Fishel wrote. “If there is bias and corruption in the peer review process, everyone needs to know about it so this flawed process can be halted and corrected.”

Climate Depot Note: It's hard to tell between hoax studies and alleged real studies! See: Flashback: Polar bear penises not breaking due to PCBs – new paper full of ‘coulds’ and ‘maybes’
There appears to be a problem with the peer review process. Are you ready to lead the charge Greg? Do you have “...the guts to do this”?

“So prove me wrong bloggers and essayists. Submit your work the way real scientists do, and see where it takes you,” he wrote. “Uncover that bias and corruption you’re so convinced is present. If you end up being correct, society will owe you a huge debt of gratitude. If you’re wrong, stop muddying the scientific waters with ideological trash.”

As you wish Greg: see above links on the ‘penis’ causes climate change nonsense.

For scientific articles that cast doubt on man-made climate change from the human emissions of CO2 due to the burning of fossil fuels see: CO2 Science or NoTricksZone

And if I send you hundreds of peer reviewed references skeptical of AGW would you change your mind again, Greg?

Trust peer review now, Greg?

Ready to lead the charge, Greg?

Further Reading:

‘Penises Cause Climate Change’; Progressives Fooled by Peer-Reviewed Hoax Study May 23, 2017                        

Monday, May 15, 2017

Most Accurate Forecast Ever

The weather is notoriously difficult to predict more then a few days in advance. Even with our modern technology of satellites and doppler radar weather people are regularly embarrassed by the fickleness of Mother Nature. Perhaps weather people should make their best scientific guess and then sign off with this final offer for the immediate future.

“Tomorrow there will be periods of variability mixed with a chance of stability. As with the rise and fall of the sun temperatures will follow. Isn’t it like that every day? Good luck everyone!”

Cartoonists have got the idea and have come up with some clever general purpose CYA forecasts.

Image result for cartoons about weather forecasting

Image result for church of climatology cartoon images

(Search for church of climatology to find the one above)

People who know how variable and surprising the weather can be learned to spoof Al Gore’s arrival at his next appearance to trumpet his Global Warming scare. They would note how the weather was cold or snowing upon his arrival. It happened so often that it became known as the ‘Gore effect

And yet climate scientists like to pretend that they know how the climate will evolve over the next 100 years. Al has a game for that.


According to Al whatever the weather outside your window it is due to climate change.

Bette Midler has learned that lesson well.

There is nothing in Al’s world that can invalidate his predictions which makes his theory useless. That which explains everything explains nothing. Might as well say the weather is what it is because it is what it is. Pay me.

You can take this to the bank people. Tomorrow we will have weather in our climate.

Changing Seas

Watching grass grow is an idiom used as an expression of boredom. Sea Level Rise(SLR) is even slower than growing grass. In the age of climate change perhaps we need to christen a new idiom. The three citations below lend credence to the leisurely pace of modern SLR.

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30 Scientific Papers Reveal Inverse CO2 – Sea Level Signal: As CO2 Rises, Sea Level Falls
By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Aug 29, 2016

New Papers Confirm Sea Levels Aren’t Rising Fast Enough — Coastal Land Area Growing, Not Shrinking
By Kenneth Richard, No Tricks Zone, Sep 1, 2016

Rising seas, by decade [From Space]
By Staff Writers, Sea Level Change, No Date

[SEPP Comment: Dispute the statement: “…and the long term rise in global sea levels that is the result of human-caused warming.” Four hundred feet (120 meters) of long term rise in global sea levels occurred before man’s use of fossil fuels.]


History can provide some historical perspective. CO2 was below 300 ppm during the period of most rapid SLR during the last 20,000 years. SLR has obviously decelerated over the last 8000 years and shows no sign of re-enacting the rapid rise of the early Holocene.

The point being that there is no way to distinguish between long term SLR due to natural variability and human causes, if any. Attribution of SLR to humans has no basis in reality.

Sea level rise is supposed to be an effect of global warming. As CO2 rises SLR should accelerate presumably because the AGW is melting the ice caps in Antarctica and Greenland. The links dispute that claim.

If there is no acceleration there is no human fingerprint. The surprising 30 papers in the first citation above disputes this relationship.

The second citation contradicts the whole idea of rising seas. How can land increase if the seas are rising? Doesn’t an increase in shorelines indicate a pull back of the seas or perhaps the sea floor is sinking?

Given these studies SLR no longer has the power to instil fear. No wonder coastal real estate is showing no Walmart rollback in prices. The well-being of RE agents is experiencing no threat from the sea. The asking price of beachfront property is not decreasing. If SLR were an imminent threat the value of coastal real estate would plummet to zero. Who would buy a property next to a sea that is rising so precipitously that the property would flood during their lifetime. Increasing property values indicate that SLR fears are not taken seriously by buyers. The rich and famous are not deterred from investing in coastal property.

The Miami coastline hasn’t changed much since it was wiped out by a hurricane in 1926.

Recently, this report appeared which may be unexpected by global warming alarmists.

The spectre of rising seas and flooded coastal cities today remains the forecast it was in 1934. Unrealized. We still await the deluge.

And while we await the deluge scientists have been discovering the resilience of corals to rising CO2 which has not been causing the oceans to acidify.

Science, the Basic Physics, is calming the fear around ocean response to rising CO2. The changing seas do not present a danger to human settlements.


Maple Syrup

Back in 2012 we read....

Fast forward to 2017 where the benefits of more CO2 in the air can be seen in action

“Despite a 30 per cent increase in production over the last decade, Quebec’s share of global output has fallen from a high of about 82 per cent in 2003 to nearly 71 per cent last year, according to data from Statistics Canada and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.”

Production increased in the NE US as well.

So, despite the growth in CO2 maple syrup production increased? Aren’t things supposed to be getting worse as CO2 rises? Sometimes GAIA surprises!

Forgetting the Past Can Lead to our Deception

Because of an increased focus on the climate in recent years people think the weather is getting worse.They need to look at what Mother Nature is ACTUALLY doing rather than buying the hype from hysterical alarmists with a political or pecuniary interest in purveying falsehoods. Take a chill pill people. Mother Nature has actually been less truculent over the past 60 years of increasing human CO2 emissions than she was before. Perhaps she has undergone a ‘change of life’.

And perhaps carbon dioxide(CO2) has nothing to do with the workings of the climate.

But there are those in the citadels of power who benefit greatly from belief in the man made climate change narrative. They so ‘need’ it to be true that official datasets are being manipulated to ‘make it so’. This, of course, is not science but scientific fraud.

And THERE is your man made global warming.

Alarmists will go to great lengths and use whatever tactics they think they can get away with to force the climate narrative down the ‘dangerous climate change’ laneway where intimidation can be used to quell dissent and curry assent to the official political line.

Why is there a need for the CAGW narrative to be accepted by the public? The goal is control.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome
There are totalitarians among us. The New World Order is to be control over the resources of the Earth centered in and administered by the United Nations. If you can be conned to believe that the planet is in peril you can be voluntarily enlisted in the ‘fight’ to save it. Who doesn’t want to save the planet?

Deception is the intellectuals’ method for taking over the word. It is less bloody than military conquest.

Taking over the world.jpg

And you thought Pinky and the Brain were just cartoon mice living at the Acme Labs research facility. No, they are real and living at the United Nations.

Forgetting our history can allow the formerly repudiated to circle around and bite us in the butt.
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The Great Lakes Spoil the Global Warming Narrative


So said James Hansen, the father of the global warming scare. That was in 1988.

So here we are almost 30 years later and

That was on April 17, 2017. So James’ theory has NOT panned out. Even as the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere rose unabated the water levels in the Great Lakes defied the CO2 centric theory of Global Warming.

Some experts don’t know as much as they think they do. Some experts lack future expertise.

And some experts have commonsense.

“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”― Yogi Berra

Global Climate Models(GCMs) don’t forecast the future. CO2 is NOT guilty and we owe CO2 an apology.

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