It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

End Times?

'Global warming': 'Scientists call this the biggest threat of all. Extreme weather, increased droughts, redistribution of diseases, submerged low-lying areas ... future generations might live on a very nasty planet.'

We already live on a very nasty planet. An acquaintance with our planet’s weather history should convince anyone of that. In addition to extreme weather earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, pestilence and disease can be added to the list of phenomena that make our world somewhat inhospitable. Our children and grandchildren will know nothing different. Contrary to belief of those in Wonderland we do not control any of it. But our technology will continue to develop to help us adapt to the worst of these natural phenomena.

And which scientists are we talking about? The ones who continually get their predictions wrong? We should be so lucky as to experience ‘end times’ for these WAGs. Fear mongering that continually fails to manifest is like having our allowance promised week after week without delivery. Soon we ignore the liar and go on about the business of living a normal life.

His credibility and integrity are destroyed in our eyes and his agenda becomes transparent if the scare tactics continue. Science itself takes a hit and is viewed with suspicion as new pronouncements are played before the public. Take, for example, the climate alarmist scientists....please!!

Their predictions and warnings are notable for their failure to make an appearance in the climate drama running in their own minds. The stage is barren waiting for the entrance of Miss Calamity.

The sea ice in the Arctic will completely disappear in summer 2013. One WAG was made by a SIerra Club of Canada scientist a scant 6 months before the summer minimum and he got it wrong. But they know what the world’s climate will look like in 2100 if we don’t drastically cut our emissions of CO2. Uh huh. Cue Donna Summer.

As CO2 has increased unabated in our atmosphere temperatures were supposed to continue to rise not take a sabbatical from their upward movement for 17 years. But they know what the world’s climate will look like in 2100 if we don’t drastically cut our emissions of CO2. Uh huh. Cue Donna Summer.

In a warming world Antarctic sea ice is supposed to decrease not set records for growth every other day. But they know what the world’s climate will look like in 2100 if we don’t drastically cut our emissions of CO2. Uh huh. Cue Donna Summer.

When the experts at NOAA predict an active hurricane season in the Atlantic basin in 2013 it would be nice to have some confidence that they know whereof they speak. When we get but two hurricanes that disturb some fish before they fade away please excuse us if we ignore their best guesses next season. But they know what the world’s climate will look like in 2100 if we don’t drastically cut our emissions of CO2. Uh huh. Cue Donna Summer.

When they run their global climate models on the latest and greatest computers in the world should we not expect some accuracy for our money? But what we get is a mismatch between their Wonderland world of simulation and Mother Nature from the vast majority of scenarios. The models failed to negotiate the curve that Mother Nature inserted in the runway. The models fell off the catwalk and lay in tears at the tears in their computer code. But they know what the world’s climate will look like in 2100 if we don’t drastically cut our emissions of CO2. Uh huh. Cue Donna Summer.

Sea level is supposed to be rising catastrophically due to the melting of the ice caps that isn’t happening. We recently learn that the Antarctic continent has been cooling for the last 35 years and that Greenland has been cooling for 70 years. Not a lot of melting going on in the polar regions. But they know what the world’s climate will look like in 2100 if we don’t drastically cut our emissions of CO2. Uh huh. Cue Donna Summer.

Climate alarmist scientists are painting a picture of the world and none of their portrait resembles reality. They want us to be afraid of a world of natural variability as if it is something new and leading toward an apocalypse. And yet their ability to foretell any of it is wanton. But they know what the world’s climate will look like in 2100 if we don’t drastically cut our emissions of CO2. Uh huh. Cue Donna Summer.

They claim we are living in a dangerously warming world and Mother Nature dumps snow in Cairo, Amman, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Australia in their summer. In a warming world snow was supposed to become ‘a thing of the past’ as CO2 continues to increase unabated in the atmosphere. In December 2012 the snow extent in the Northern Hemisphere was at a record high.But they know what the world’s climate will look like in 2100 if we don’t drastically cut our emissions of CO2. Uh huh. Cue Donna Summer.

They claim the science is settled, there is a consensus and the debate is over. But Mother Nature doesn’t agree and without her on your side you are lost. Mother Nature is giving the finger to the consensus and demonstrating they are wrong. It would be courteous for them to admit their errors and acknowledge that Mother Nature is never wrong. If you can’t model her you don’t know her.

Is good character among climate alarmist scientists a thing of the past like the snow in their Wonderland?

Continued denial by the climate alarmist scientists is delusional. The public has already caught on to the ruse. Climate alarmists lament the decreased coverage of the issue in the mainstream media. More scientists who don’t share the calamitous view of climate change being promoted by a self interested few are speaking out.

Who loves a climate crisis or any other crisis of man made global proportions for that matter?

Let us introduce the players.

Climate scientists receive money for their research. If climate change is determined to be of natural causes the research funding dries up. Politicians won’t fund a non-problem.

The MSM love a scare story. It drives up viewership and that translates into increased advertising revenues.

Politicians love to ride to the rescue and consolidate more power in their hands as they implement policies to alleviate a problem. They can throw contracts and other pecuniary bones at their favorite constituents (ones who fund their election campaigns) which can only help further their public life ambitions.

These guys are obvious beneficiaries of any kind of crisis. But there are a couple of other players that can also benefit from a perceived crisis - real or not. Ideologues and competitors.

Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

People who want to wrest control over resources and the means of production can use a perceived crisis - real or not - as a pathway to the implementation of their agenda. And you thought Pinky and the Brain were cartoon characters. Nope, they exist in the real world and really do want to take over the planet.

Competitors can also seize the opportunity to denigrate the competition and appear to be good guys with the public interest at heart all the while benefiting from the destruction of their rivals. Think coal and natural gas. If coal is demonized in the public mind - real demon or not - natural gas benefits by contributing to those who oppose coal. With coal out of the way demand will move to natural gas. Coal companies get poorer and natural gas companies get richer.

Let us pretend the End Times are upon us even though we know it isn’t true. There are beneficiaries to maintaining that scare.

But people are not that dumb. We have learned to suspect self interest in advocacy. Until there is a separation of State and Economy as we have with State and Religion there will always be those who will use the government as a personal thug to further their own aims be they economic gain or political power. Do we want our government to have the powers of a thug or be limited to the role of a referee in economic affairs? Right now we have a thug.

Contrary to popular belief among climate alarmists Mother Nature remains the Master Chef when it comes to cooking up extreme recipes for the climate we face on a daily basis and CO2 is not an ingredient that she uses for her tasteless concoctions.

CO2 is an ingredient that is integral in trace amounts to the recipe of life on Earth.

CO2 is green. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.

Return to a Stable Climate

To what year would you like to return?

Can anyone describe a time when the weather around the world was stable?

Can we go back into the archives of newspapers (thanks Google and Trove) and find a period of time when the skies contained nothing but fluffy white clouds and gentle summer rain? Nothing but lightly falling snow and White Christmases?


People of the past expressed the same weather worries that we face today. Their headlines were not much different than those that we see. They thought the weather was ‘crazy’ too.

Things are always worse than they seem.

There is nothing new under the sun. We have seen it all before. Somehow we survive.

Green Hotel Chain

“We have made many small adjustments such as changing to more energy-friendly sources when it comes to light bulbs, heating centrals, guest amenities, groceries and other items and always choose as green as possible when introducing new products. We bought electric cars for our guests to rent, and we have charging stations at Hotel Kong Arthur for guests arriving by electric car.’

Nothing wrong with keeping costs down by being energy efficient. Reducing expenses is always good business practice. Pursuing her green dream has expanded Kirsten’s circle of friends.

“being sustainable has had a great impact on me personally. These efforts have expanded my network. Suddenly, I was having dinner with Nobel Pease(sic) Prize winner Muhammad Yunus.”

Perhaps she should have dinner with Mother Nature and learn that MN stopped raising the global mean temperature 17 years ago. Mother Nature has already saved the world from CAGW.

Climate Change Fiction

Announcer: Tonight’s Headline: apparently the globe has stopped warming as scientists at the UK MET report that the HADCRUT temperature dataset has shown no statistically significant warming for the last 17+ years. Story at 11.

A review of the other 4 temperature datasets also report a pause in the warming of the planet even as the amounts of CO2 being released into the air continue unabated. Comments from politicians express relief that the crisis is over and that they do not have to spend the trillions of dollars that would have been required to mitigate climate change. The MSM is happy because they can finally report some good news. Scientists are patting each other on the back at their successful gathering and reporting of the data. They have accepted the falsification by Mother Nature of their CAGW theory. Mother Nature has turned out to be a CAGW denier .Members of the green lobby are relieved that the earth is no longer in danger from the ravages of humans. Secretly, they are ecstatic that they no longer have to feel guilty about driving their SUVs. Their angst over their hypocrisy was reaching crisis proportions. Taxpayers are dancing in the streets.

The MSM have now started to report the good news about extreme weather. Severe weather has actually been going down over the last few decades. There are fewer hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and drought. Things keep getting better. Deaths due to extreme weather are way down thanks to our early warning systems which allow people to get out of the way of Nature’s storms.

Stories about the cyclical nature of Arctic warming are beginning to appear in the press as researchers mine the online newspaper archives for the worries of the past.

Skiers are happy that the snowfall has reached the second greatest extent in the Northern Hemisphere right after last year’s(2012) record setting performance. Children can once again look forward to snow days off school.

Happy days are here again!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Living the Meme

Winter 2013-2014 has been a cold and snowy one.

Perhaps Christine doesn’t realize that CO2 has failed again to trap the summer heat to keep us toasty warm this winter. Natural variability has overwhelmed the ‘trapped heat’ and chased it out of town. Is Christine unaware that Mother Nature stopped raising the global mean temperature over 17 years ago? Is Christine unaware that the climate models have been invalidated and therefore CO2 is not the demon that she has been taught to blame for CAGW?

The great thing about North America is that anyone can publicly declare his stupidity and follow through on it. Future generations will think him nuts. Why stop at a year? “life will be better,” Wilson says. “I’ll be fulfilling a richer life by living a smaller life.' “Last night was the first night in his new home. Wilson says that in this phase of the project, the only thing he has to keep him warm during the cold Texas nights is his sleeping bag.” Should we ask why CO2 is not keeping him warm? Why isn’t it trapping the daytime Texas heat? You can give him a night off by volunteering to live in the dumpster. So he won’t be in it for a whole year. Bet he secretly enjoys his nights off.

There’s an idea. Brainwash the kids and enlist them in the battle against climate change. For God’s sake don’t sit down with them and look at all the evidence to see if it is true. That would be educational. Can’t have that. Got to get the kids ‘livin the meme’.

Peter Dykstra: can you successfully dispute any of the statements made by Marc Morano? Or are you merely assuming he is wrong because you are so mired in living the CAGW meme that you have forgotten to consult with the lady whose opinion is the only one that counts - Mother Nature? You say dishonest. Where is your proof? You attempt a guilt by association argument rather than presenting scientific data to dispute Marc’s claims. That doesn’t help your credibility. Neither does the gap between climate model predictions and reality. If Marc is using dishonest arguments get on the TV with him and show us. Put your data where your mouth is. It should be a slam dunk for you. Why wouldn’t you want to do it? Shut him up once and for all. Solid scientific arguments will do it, right? You have the science on your side, right?

Common sense still exists in the world. How did that happen? Human control over the weather is science fiction and so is our ability to forecast it accurately beyond a few days. But we know what the climate will be like 100 years from now. Uh-huh! Cue Donna Summer: Who Do You Think You’re Foolin’?

Some people construct a reality in their heads and completely forget to check with Mother Nature to see if their idea of what is going on is true. ‘Scientists say’  therefore it must be true. We will treat information that supports our worldview with less skepticism than speech that conflicts with our world view. But, we must admit, that if we are really interested in the truth all viewpoints need to be on the table for examination. Sometimes we have our view of the world corrected by the dedication of others to the truth rather than to their cherished beliefs. Ask Daniel Shechtman, winner of the 2011 Nobel prize in Chemistry for his discovery of quasicrystals long believed by the conventional wisdom, the settled science, the consensus to be impossible. To see the truth one must come to the scientific table with both an open mind and open eyes. Sometimes scientists close both in order to protect their life’s work. It must be difficult for a scientist to have his theory, to which he has dedicated his life, tossed on the garbage heap of failed hypotheses. It happens and a contribution to human knowledge is still made with the discovery of a dark alley. It keeps the rest of us in the light and for that we should be grateful to scientific explorers whose theories reach a dead end. They still teach us something.

UN: Global Prosperity is Causing Global Warming

The UN is delusional as per usual.

Mother Nature stopped raising the global mean temperature(GMT) 16+ years ago. So, whatever global prosperity is doing, other than making people prosperous, it is not warming the globe.

Humans have emitted CO2 at rates in excess of those extant in 1988 and yet 25 years later the GMT is no worse than in 1988. So what is the UN talking about?

The UN has to maintain the delusion that humans are the cause of the non-existent global warming otherwise they would be signing their own pink slips. And they know it.

The UN knew something else in 2001:

” … In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing
with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
From the 3rd IPCC report, Section 14.2 “The Climate System”, page 774.

Their mandate should have ended at that point and with it the CAGW scare.

Instead, the party continues at our expense and they intend to ride it out as long as possible. Truth does not motivate them. Control does.

Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General: "A deal must include an equitable global governance structure. All countries must have a voice in how resources are deployed and managed."

If they can convince the world that rampant consumerism is responsible for the non-existent global warming they can move into every aspect of our lives to regulate our consumption. Will a Sheryl Crow law be passed? Will there be cameras in our washrooms so Big Brother can monitor our ‘one sheet’ use of toilet paper?

They will use 1984 as a guidebook not as the warning for which it was intended. Let there be no mistake where the UN would like to go.

"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

Control freaks will flock to be hired. It is a totalitarian dream come true.
Delusions die hard. We can leave the alarmists in their delusional world. They seem to like it there. But the rest of us do not have to take their advice to destroy our standard of living so that they may feel good. Freedom feels better.

It's Unequivocal

Mother Nature is a CAGW denier. The following studies can be found here: c3headlines [dot] com
We could throw in the data concerning the sea ice gains in the polar regions in 2013 and the ice sheet mass gains as well. Without net polar ice cap melting Kiribati is safe.
All of the exaggerated fear mongering of the AGW alarmists has been rendered mute by an unpredictable Mother Nature. She rules and our ‘experts’ are hard pressed to understand her weathering ways. It is -20C where I am on Jan. 21, 2014. Where’s my global warming?

Did CO2 forget to trap the heat?
Is CO2 broken?
Is CO2 on strike?
Is CO2 on vacation?
Does CO2 only work part-time? Can’t find a full time job?
Does CO2 only trap heat in the summer? It only works seasonally?
Has CO2 lost its super powers? Is there Kryptonite in the air?
Is there a hole in our CO2 blanket?
Is CO2 discriminating against the Northern Hemisphere?

Of course, the above excuses are nonsensical. Mother Nature, natural causes, controls the climate on this planet, not human induced CO2. CO2 has been falsely accused for reasons that have nothing to do with natural science and everything to do with political science. Make no mistake that ideologists have been running the CAGW show with the following intent:

"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound
reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world
has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both
governments and individuals and an unprecedented
redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift
will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences
of every human action be integrated into individual and
collective decision-making at every level."
- UN Agenda 21

And that is the unequivocally true goal.

It is long past time to set aside our fears of snow in the winter, rain in the spring, heat in the summer and falling leaves in autumn. CO2 has nothing to do with any of it although rumor has it that my fruits and veggies love the stuff.

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