It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Is This the Truth aAbout Ad Hominem?

Ad Hominem - attack the man rather than his argument

People who resort to an ad hominem attack are at once admitting the validity of their opponents’ position and declaring their capitulation.

Or at the very least they are admitting that they do not understand how to counter the argument of their opponent and resort to ad hominem out of frustration.

In the case of man made climate change Mother Nature is asserting her disagreement with the theory by refusing to raise the global mean temperature for 18+ years and thereby declaring her independence from the influence of human induced CO2. Perhaps the alarmists should investigate her funding. Their beef is really with Mother Nature not Willie Soon. Willie is but one of many who are playing the part of Despicable Me in the eyes of climate alarmists.

Willie Soon does not adhere to the CO2 centric climate change chanting so let us attack his credibility in an attempt to deflect attention away from his contrary scientific conclusions which so threaten us. That is an admission of defeat and complete capitulation. The alarmists do not have the integrity to acknowledge their error. They suppress their humanity and go on the attack to save face. They are a slave to their agenda not to the truth.

Yet, no matter how much energy you put into a slash and smash, bash and trash or slice and dice of the messenger after all that irrelevant effort you are still left to address the correctness of her message. The truth of the message does not logically stand or fall on the name, credentials or funding of the messenger. Mother Nature is the sole arbiter of truth. If your theory does not agree with her then it is wrong.

The current purge against US scientists skeptical of the CO2 centric climate change chanting is an admission of the strength of skeptical arguments or they would be ignored. Their message is dangerous to the agenda of the ruling elite and must be silenced. These individuals must be shown that they are lambs to be sacrificed. Hopefully some of them will relish the confrontation and be willing to expose the witch hunt which is already transparent to most intelligent observers.

People are not so stupid that they don’t see through this unfair vicious game. We have been warned about it in Hayek’s ‘The Road to Serfdom’ Ch10 and Ch11. While alarmist lips are moving the music playing in the background is Donna Summer’s ‘Who Do You Think You’re Foolin’.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Valentine's Day CO2 Love-in

Climate alarmists are very good at PR. They are always coming up with new campaigns to further their agenda(21). On Valentine’s Day they want everyone to declare their love for the planet and express what they would lose and miss if humans do not address the apocalyptic climate change that they imagine is taking place before their brainwashed eyes.

Some people don’t seem to be happy unless they can find something of life and death importance to be concerned about. They need a ‘sky is falling’ focus for their life. Since there is no climate crisis except in the minds of the self deluded, let us express our love of CO2 and give thanks for the bounty that it provides to us.


My fruits and veggies thank you, CO2 and so do yours! Shall we celebrate human ingenuity which also contributes to our bounty of agricultural products? CO2 enrichment studies demonstrate the benefits of increased CO2.


Tropical forests don’t seem to mind a little warming. They are flowering to a greater extent than previously. Do they like more CO2?

Temperate forests are more tolerant of rising temperatures than heretofore imagined.

Trees love CO2 as well! Well, gollly! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Human Health

Malaria is on the decrease.

What goes down as CO2  goes up

Meanwhile, as CO2 continues to rise unabated in the atmosphere, bad weather is on the decrease. Would it be impertinent to point out that this is contrary to expectations from the climate alarmist community who have been reduced to trying to make every natural disaster a showcase for their failed CO2 centric theory?

NOAA doesn’t think there is a connection between CO2 and severe weather. Should that assuage your fears?

There is some evidence in the scientific literature that a warmer world will result in less severe weather. Now that is scary, especially for alarmists preaching end times if we don’t curtail our emissions.

How about tornadoes? The most severe ones are in a downtrend as CO2 rises. Isn’t this good news? Why are alarmists not pointing this out and cheering?

Neither hurricanes or cyclones are becoming more severe or more frequent as CO2 rises in our air.

‘The Truth About Carbon Dioxide And CO2 Emissions’  As CO2 has gone up death rates due to extreme weather have gone down by 98% over the last 80 years.    

Crime rates are also on the decline in our CO2 obsessed world.

More diseases are showing reduced death rates.

Poverty has also decreased as CO2 has continued to rise in the atmosphere.

Even as Al Gore and company brand every example of extreme weather as a sign of man made climate change scientists who know a thing or two about the subject beg to differ. Even the IPCC cannot make the connection.

Glad the experts have cleared that up!

As CO2 goes up so does longevity and living standards. Gee, let’s put a stop to that.

If geoscientists can be believed contemporary CO2 concentration is near a record LOW when compared against the average over the last 600 million years. Would it be impertinent to point out that there was no tipping point, no runaway global warming, no uninhabitable cauldron created during that time? Afterall, we are here. Temperatures over that time period have also been higher and lower than those of today at both higher and lower concentrations of CO2 in the air. Some minds draw the conclusion from this that CO2 concentration has little or nothing to do with global temperature. And from that there is NO CLIMATE CRISIS except in the minds of the self deluded whose agenda(21) is more important than truth.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome

The totalitarians among us have seized upon CO2 as their right of passage into total control of the human species. You think this is an exaggeration? Listen.

"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level." - UN Agenda 21

Pinky and the Brain are alive and well and living at the United Nations.

We owe CO2 an apology.

CO2, a trace gas essential to life on Earth, is plant food. We exhale CO2 and help to feed the flora. In return they slip us oxygen of which we are rather fond in a mutually beneficial and amicable symbiotic relationship.

Plants grow better, stronger, faster because of the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Apart from that CO2 has no redeeming features

We need to stop all activities aimed at decreasing human emissions of CO2.

CO2 is green. We need more of it not less. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it. Let the plants dance and the flowers bloom for the florists.

Alarmists in Denial

“Sceptics who still doubt anthropogenic climate change have now been stripped of one of their last-ditch arguments: It is true that there has been a warming hiatus and that the surface of the earth has warmed up much less rapidly since the turn of the millennium than all the relevant climate models had predicted. However, the gap between the calculated and measured warming is not due to systematic errors of the models, as the sceptics had suspected, but because there are always random fluctuations in the Earth’s climate.

Sounds more like Alarmists last ditch effort to save a failed theory. Good to see them admit that which cannot be denied: It is true that there has been a warming hiatus and that the surface of the earth has warmed up much less rapidly since the turn of the millennium than all the relevant climate models had predicted. Analysis here.

And that they can’t predict ‘random fluctuations in the Earth’s climate’. Now we are getting somewhere. The IPCC knew this back in 2001 before they went on their ‘sky is falling’ trip which is far more lucrative than admitting what you know you don’t know. .

” … In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing
with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
From the 3rd IPCC report, Section 14.2 “The Climate System”, page 774.

But when your theory predicts this much warming and Mother Nature delivers 8X less, then your theory is busted and climate models can’t be trusted.

The authors of the article in Phys Org from which the first quote in bold above was taken don’t see the import of their own admission. Amazing and very Juicy!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Bill Maher the Science Czar

“I think climate science is rather straightforward because you’re dealing with the earth, it’s a rock…climate scientists, from the very beginning, have pretty much said the same thing, and their predictions have pretty much come true. It’s atmospherics, and it’s geology, and chemistry.”

What do solar scientists say is coming Bill? They have input on climate science as well. Climate scientists don’t all say the same thing. What you have missed Bill is that the skepticism about man made climate change is expressed in the blogosphere where independent unpaid truthseekers toil away at the same data as the government paid climate scientists and come to different conclusions. And many of them are scientists working in the field or have worked in the field. 

Here is the IPCC in their 2001 TAR about atmospherics.

” … In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing
with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
From the 3rd IPCC report, Section 14.2 “The Climate System”, page 774.

Do chaos theory scientists still agree?

Here is what geologists have discovered about temperature and CO2 in our past.

CO2 and Geocraft graph.png

No correlation Bill. No correlation no causation Bill. WIth CO2 at higher levels in our atmosphere throughout most of the last 600 million years there was no tipping point, no runaway global warming and we are worried about 400 ppm? CO2 up over the last 18+ years but not temperature. Global climate models predict warmer than reality delivers and you say “climate science is rather straightforward”? Gimme a break.

You say “their predictions have pretty much come true”. Really? Do a little research Bill. Don’t believe everything you are told or hear via the MSM. You would be surprised at how often they are wrong. It has been documented Bill. Aren’t skeptics helpful? We educate.

Read it, Bill. Take time to educate yourself then take time to reflect on your breathtaking ignorance on the subject of climate change.

Ever had to admit you were wrong Bill? Good time to start. Man up!

Look at this one Bill:

Were the scientists, who pretty much say the same thing and whose predictions pretty much have come true, correct on this one? They missed both the 25 and 50 year prediction but they now know what it will be like in 2100? My you are gullible Bill.

“the ones who are skeptics [on climate change], usually are paid off by the oil industry.” Maher then complained about “this era we live in, where we can’t ask any questions.”

So, Bill are CO2 centric climate change skeptics allowed to ask questions or should they complain about “this era we live in, where we can’t ask any questions.” Sauce for the gander, buddy!

Proof of oil support for skeptics, Bill? Got any?

Climate changes continuously Bill, because it is a cyclical phenomenon. No news there. And CO2 has nothing to do with it. That is why we are not served a CO2 index with our nightly weather forecast. There will be 400 ppm CO2 in the air tomorrow. Uh-huh and....? No matter what the temp or what the weather there will be 400 ppm in the air tomorrow. CO2 concentration tells us nothing about the weather and therefore it tells us nothing about the climate either. Isn’t climate just the 30 year average of the weather?


My Email to a Tree

Over at Jo Nova’s website we are informed about an opportunity to email a tree and get return mail. This seemed like a fun project so here is my message of encouragement to a tree.

Hello Melbourne resident 1023233,

Hope this finds you in good health and good spirits.

Astute observers in my species like to remind everyone that life has an expiration date. Sorry to hear your rest of life expectancy is but 6-10 years. While death must come to all living things I hope it will please you to know that your descendants will prosper from the additional carbon dioxide that my species puts into the air. Things just keep getting better don’t they? You were born in a time of CO2 starvation but your offspring will have an easier time of it unless the radical climate change alarmists who see CO2 as a dangerous pollutant are able to impose a regime of reduction on the flora of the planet. It is amazing to me that some people want to starve the plants. Please excuse their ignorance for they know not what they do. Let the plants dance is my motto.

We have known about your contribution to the survival of my species for a long time.

CO2, an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth, is plant food. We exhale CO2 and help to feed the flora. In return they slip us oxygen of which we are rather fond in a mutually beneficial and amicable symbiotic relationship. From this evil comes? We owe CO2 an apology.

Thank -you for your contribution  to my species. It is much appreciated even as it is seldom officially acknowledged. Perhaps we need to remedy that situation and start a ‘Hug A Tree Day’ campaign.

It is to be hoped you have enjoyed the benefits from the respiration of my species and our technological developments that provide you with additional CO2 nourishment. As an urban tree you get treats at commute time. There is a rumor atwitter than my fruits and veggies love the stuff.

We learned some time ago that plants grow bigger, stronger, faster with more CO2 in the ambient air. This seems to be lost on those who want to DENY you the benefits of additional CO2. Why do they want you undernourished? You do not look obese to me!

That you have been undernourished is borne out by a recent study which shows that trees absorb more CO2 than expected. Isn’t that a good thing?

As we add more CO2 to the air your stomata shrink and are able to absorb CO2 more easily due to the greater concentration in the air. Less water is required for your development and there is less transpiration from your smaller stomata. This is borne out by the reduction since 1948 in relative humidity at various altitudes in the troposphere. We have learned that when plants require less water the soil moisture content increases which means that the inevitable uninvited heat waves are less severe and of shorter duration. This recent paper bears this out. The authors conclude:

it directly follows that the increase in soil moisture caused by rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations will tend to decrease both the intensity and duration of summer heat waves as time progresses.”

And here is some more evidence for this.

Ipcc global extreme drought co2 failed predictions

Things just keep getting better which seems to send some people into fits of rage. Certain members of my species who have taken leave of their senses are not happy unless the ‘sky is falling’ which has been a rare event in our history. We are still here.

Melbourne has an average Tmax = 68F. If the worst case scenario envisioned by our resident catastrophists comes to pass in 2100 your descendants will not be adversely affected and easily able to withstand a two degree rise in temperature. Hakuna Matata! Melbourne sounds like a beautiful city with a pleasant climate. You are lucky to spend your final years there.

With CO2 kisses to you I remain sincerely yours,
Len Srigley
Great White North


CO2 Science

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