It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Year We Got Serous

A Deconstruction.

It is more important to get serious about the truth. When will the media pursue that goal?

CoP21 in Paris in 2015 where POGO Politics continued to Con A Gullible World has come and gone.

Higher CO2. Better weather. More crop growth. Sounds good to me. Who has a problem with that?

Some people can’t exist outside of anxiety so they manufacture a crisis in their own mind to keep themselves happy. Why do they have to spoil it by visiting their delusions on the rest of us?

Some people see the potential to advance their terrible totalitarian tendencies and latch onto a crisis to milk it for all the power they can accrue.

Some people see a crisis, real or imagined, as a way to enrich themselves while riding the stupidity of others as far as they will let them.

There are a lot of people with no dedication to the truth and it is they who ‘pose the most dire threat to humanity’. Turning reality topsy turvy is their particular skill and they are either too dumb to know it or they are too nefarious to care. They trade in confusion and revel in peppering the media with claims of drastic evils of unimagined horror. People are always looking for the shaman, the one who seems to know the future and the path to salvation. Humans fall for this nonsense time and time again. Our downfall is that we accept less critically observations which support our worldview than those that don’t. There are people smart enough and sociopathic enough to take advantage of the weakness we have to believe what we want to hear. Tell it to us and we are more likely to believe it without further investigation. We can be enticed to believe the most ridiculous things, even complete contradictions like CO2 causes it to be too warm AND too cold. CO2 becomes evil incarnate and responsible for all that we don’t like about the world. Even better if there are people who can be fingered to take the fall for that which we dislike. Now we can focus our ire on our fellow humans and the witch hunt begins.

Once the juggernaut gets on a roll it is hard to stop. The totalitarians among us are schooled well in the art of manufacturing a crisis. It seems the lovers of liberty are always on the defensive, caught by surprise, unorganized and always playing catch up and we are often too late to arrest the assault on our freedoms. The totalitarians somehow manage to seize the moral high ground and attack those who raise objections as evil doers backed by those who stand to benefit economically. Attack always deflects attention from your own goals which often best be covered up to hide their unpalatability to the general public.

The totalitarians leading the charge of CO2 centric climate change theory have done a masterful job in demonizing CO2 and Big Oil. Big Oil in their pathetic attempts to appear GREEN belittle their own existence and add kindling to their own self immolation at the stake.

And yet, the state of the world as indicated by the data above, is better now than it was in the past. Extreme weather is NOT more frequent and more severe. Sea level rise is NOT going to swamp us. That is why the Maldives keep building hotels, resorts and airports. The ice caps are not melting away. Polar bear numbers are 5 times more plentiful now than in the 1950s. Temperatures are NOT rising in a manner that is in any way connected with the human emissions of CO2. In fact that is so true that NOAA/NASA has to cheat in order to give the WH grounds to say that they are the warmest evah.

It is long past the time lovers of liberty got serious about becoming the sand in the gears of the totalitarian advance.

A Warm December in Washington

“End times must be on the way,” she said, her smile suggesting no concern.

That should be the end of it. It is weather. Weather is variable. It has been warm in Washington in December before.

“By early afternoon, the temperature had vaulted to 69 degrees at Reagan National Airport, the highest Christmas reading in more than 30 years, and far warmer than the customary high of 44 degrees.”

If warm Decembers have occurred in the past then today’s weather is not unprecedented. It is not a sign of the dreaded ‘global warming’ the global warming pushers keep trying to sell us.

The climate changes continuously and while in the East a warm December has been enjoyed in the West winter has been its normal deadly self.

And then we have this - record cold tied in LA - 36 set in 1916. Evidence of global cooling?

If the warm December in Washington is a sign of global warming then what does the cold in the west signify?

And how does CO2 decide to warm one area and cool another? Is it bipolar?

Or does CO2 concentration have nothing to do with the weather or the climate?

Weather history provides the answer. If bad weather happens at lower levels of CO2 and at higher levels then the concentration of CO2 is irrelevant as a cause. As someone once joked: the difference between a low CO2 blizzard and a high CO2 blizzard is that the snow is white. The conclusion that CO2 is irrelevant is strengthened if the trends in ‘bad weather’ are not increasing as CO2 rises. Indeed, the Mother Nature Climate Network shows no increase in the frequency or severity of extreme weather which is not to downplay the seriousness of the extreme weather that does occur. There are more of us with more stuff to lose so a modern event can be injurious to a lot of people and property. But CO2 is NOT to blame.

We owe CO2 an apology.

And the warm December in Washington has now passed. CO2 couldn’t trap the heat?

Oh? Yesterday it rained. Today it didn’t. Weird

“Normal weather is actually a bit of a thing of the past.” says Myles Allen.

“Oh? Yesterday it rained. Today it didn’t. Weird

But 1896 and its 100 ppm lower concentration of CO2 was normal?

Myles, we live in a dynamic, fluid, chaotic, ever changing atmosphere. And you are surprised that the weather swings like a pendulum? Just back from the outer planets are you?

Wild swings in the weather are the norm and they pay no attention to the amount of CO2 in the air. When has it ever been all fluffy white clouds and gentle summer rain? If that is your ‘normal’ how many days like that do we get per year? We like them but they don’t last. Variable weather is the norm.

Please show me when it wasn’t.

“It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”. ~ Mark Twain

Who do you think you are fooling, Myles?

SOTU 2016

Obama is full of contradictions and inconsistencies. He likes to pass himself off as the champion of the Dangerous Manmade Climate Change mythology. He wants that to be his legacy.

So he cancels the Keystone pipeline but allows the completion of the southern leg of that pipeline and is all for financing one in Kenya.

He rails against fossil fuels but does nothing to curtail the amount of oil that can be moved by friend and contributor Warren Buffet’s railroad.

He hails the recovery of the US auto industry which produces vehicles that spew CO2 into the air.

He hails the reduction in the price of gasoline as a boon and yet cries at the mention of the CO2 the vehicles that burn it produce. It is not EVs that lead the auto revival.

He wants to increase controls over the acquisition of guns in his country which he hopes will save lives of innocent civilians and yet he authorizes drone strikes that kill innocent civilians. Who did his background check?

He took an oath to uphold the US constitution and goes around it with executive orders. He supports democracy as long as he can do what he pleases.

Obama decalred: “This is the most transparent administration in history,” Obama said during a Google Plus “Fireside” Hangout.

And he used the CIA, IRS and NSA to make the world transparent for him. Did I do that, Ms Merkel?

The road to The State of the Union in 2016 was paved with lies. That is his legacy.

We No Longer Have Weather

We no longer have any weather because everything that you see outside your window is now evidence of climate change.

Did CO2 fail to trap that warm December air? Is it taking a break?

If it is hot or if it is cold CO2 is the cause you have been told. Heat trapping CO2 now produces blizzards. Snow is disappearing where it is not disappearing. We have entered the world of Alice in Wonderland where science is fiction and fiction is real. Heat makes Cold and War is Peace.

And where did the cold to create the blizzard come from? Why, the fastest warming place on Earth - the Arctic where CO2 can’t trap the summer heat that melts the ice. The heat escapes when the sun disappears and down comes the Vortex to freeze our ears.

One might want to ask the climate change experts to describe what a cooling world would look like!

Lots of heatwaves and drought no doubt.

The more things change the more they remain the same. The same observations can be used to support the political cause du jour.

We live in an ever changing fluid atmosphere of dynamic temperatures, precipitation, pressure and winds. Nice weather all the time is not possible. Wacky weather is the norm and after all this time should be expected.

Could it be that meteorologists don’t include the amount of CO2 in the air in their daily forecasts because it has no effect on the weather? Just askin!

We are a water based world. It is water vapor that expresses and affects our weather and climate not CO2.

If CO2 is so important explain how the world managed to exit the last Ice Age when CO2 was at the revered pre-industrial levels.

CO2 is not the thermostat controlling our climate. It is a trace gas essential to life on Earth. If you need to eat thank CO2. Social BENEFITS of CO2: PRICELESS!

What are the social benefits of climate expert ignorance?

Laughter is the best medicine. Now why does that pop into my head?

Weather forecast for tomorrow: variable with periods of stability accompanied by the perennial  stupidity of the climate experts who will blame you for whatever shows up.

Is that why Richard Feynman said: ‘Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts’?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hay Al, we are still here.

"Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the vast majority of the
world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a
major catastrophe that could send our entire planet's climate system
into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods,
droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have
ever experienced - a catastrophe of our own making."
- Al Gore,
An Inconvenient Truth

AIT, both book and movie, appeared in 2006.

Well, it is ten years later - 2016.

And we are still here.

We didn’t make a catastrophe.

Apparently, “the vast majority of the world's scientists” were FoS.

CO2 was at 380.93ppm  in the year Al made that statement. It is now at 402.58ppm 18Jan2016. (see

Can you hear Gomer? Well, gollly! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

In November 2016 we will be back with an update on the Guardian’s 50-month prediction.

Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts. - Richard Feynman

Al Gore Countdown Clock - to Jan. 27th 2016

“Gore will never apologize for peddling deceit, never admit he was wrong. Best thing to do is ignore him.”

Did Al miss the recall on his crystal ball?

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