It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Strange Delusions in the Human Mind

Bad weather has not changed in kind from that of the past. We have. We are different. It is not that contemporary storms are more offbeat from those of the past. Current examples of extreme weather are not unprecedented, unequivocal or more frequent or severe. It is that we are more aware of their presence because of our infatuation with climate change and our modern communication and detection systems. We have satellites and doppler radar. There are more of us and we have more stuff so present storms seem more devastating than past storms and we imagine future storms will be even worse in terms of the damage they do to property. Perhaps they will but the damage they do to human lives is less because of our early warning systems that have been brought to us by our genius and our use of oil to produce the products of modern technology. We could prepare even better for the inevitable future occurrences of bad weather in order to mitigate their impact upon our communities. However, reducing CO2 emissions is not a productive strategy in that regard. As CO2 has increased in the atmosphere unabated temperatures have not. That is a disconnect between theory and reality. When that happens science says: modify or abandon the theory.

Drivel from the POTUS on CC in the SOTU 2013

But for the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change. Yes, it’s true that no single event makes a trend. But the fact is, the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15. Heat waves, droughts, wildfires, and floods – all are now more frequent and intense. We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence. Or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science – and act before it’s too late.

Obama's war on climate change is a war against a chimera. He is enlarging the state, holding back the economic recovery, restricting freedoms, driving up the price of energy and killing jobs in order to deal with a problem which only exists in the discredited computer projections of a shameless cabal of grant-troughing activist scientists increasingly out of touch with real world data.

So why, outside the internet, has no one called him on it?

The ignorance displayed by the POTUS in the 2013 SOTU is disgraceful.  His words convey misrepresentation of the latest science and stand as an example of poor leadership that the parents will have to explain to their children. His remarks at Georgetown University on June 25, 2013 repeated the same errors. It is difficult to defend the president and hold him up as a role model to emulate. You want your children to be proud of their country and their president but the disappointment with his wilful misinformation gives both science and politics a bad name. The president is wilfully pursuing a delusion rather than showing strong leadership and correcting the course that the country is on to be in concert with the knowledge we now have about our changing climate. There is no crisis although there are things that certain areas of the country can do to prepare for the inevitable future climate catastrophes that are going to happen because humans still do not know how to control the weather. Reality is always best faced head on rather than tripping in the twilight zone of human hubris and ignorance.

The POTUS wants to implement policies to address a problem that is not happening. This is madness. And when the cooling already evident in the data becomes more pronounced so that no one can deny it he will take the credit. The leadership of this president is contrary to what the US needs. It is destructive and delusional.

Will the POTUS spew more man made climate change nonsense in the SOTU of 2014?

That was a rhetorical question.


Let's be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics." Michael Crichton 17 January 2003 speech at the California Institute of Technology

Mother Nature continues to make Michael E. Mann irrelevant although with this piece in the NYT Opinion page MEM shoehorns himself into irrelevancy.

He relies on the old and irrelevant canard that there is a consensus among climate scientists that climate change is real and that we need to do something about it like reducing GHG emissions into the atmosphere. This implies that it is all our fault.

Was it Aquinas who advised: Ask not who made the claim ask if the claim is true? If we were able to resurrect Aquinas and bring him into our century he might want to add a corollary to his epithet. Ask not how many made the claim, ask if the claim is true. The who and how many are red herrings designed to draw our attention away from whether or not the claim is true. Who would use such an argument and why would they need to?

While the theory upon which CO2 based climate models have been founded failed to predict that Mother Nature would stop raising the global average temperature about 17 years ago MEM and fellow travelers like James Hansen continue to assert the power of heat trapping CO2 to change the climate. CO2 had plenty of opportunity to demonstrate the prowess of its heat trapping superpowers during the US heatwave and drought of summer 2012. And yet 2012 has been followed by a cool 2013. Are we to believe that CO2 has a hot/cold switch similar to a hot/cold faucet? So who/what turns it on or off? And where did all that 2012 heat from the ‘warmest year evah’ evaporate? Does the image of a hot air balloon provide a clue?

We are told by the ‘experts’ that we are creating a supercharged, overheated, CO2 laden atmosphere on steroids by burning our fossil fuels. Earlier this summer we read about the heatwave in Alaska which alarmists screamed was due to global warming. Now we read about people freezing to death in the streets of Fairbanks. Good job, CO2. Way to trap that heat.

Seems to me that either CO2 traps heat or it doesn’t. The behaviour of Mother Nature would seem to indicate that it does not trap enough heat to worry about and can just as easily rid itself of ‘excess’ heat as retain it. CO2 seems to be rather fickle that way. No wonder the climate models have fallen off the runway and lay in tears at the tears in their computer code. The climate models are broken and thus, so too, the theory behind them.

Mother Nature is elevating her middle finger at MEM and his ilk and hers is the only opinion that counts. They are wrong because Mother Nature never is. Our grandchildren may have to deal with a cooling world which might pose graver problems than a warming one.

Mother Nature is laughing at those who think that humans control the climate. Once upon a time we realized that we don't.

” … In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing
with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
From the 3rd IPCC report, Section 14.2 “The Climate System”, page 774.

MEM thinks we can control the climate through managing our CO2 emissions. To avoid complete irrelevancy MEM must accept the challenge. It is what a scientist would do.

We are about to find out who is really full of hot air and who is really anti-science.

Ball is in your court, Michael. Whine or spine?

CO2 Convention in Australia

Latest World Temperature Chart using my MeteoEarth App shows Australia as Earths one and ONLY hot spot

Looks like their carbon tax isn’t working.
Meanwhile, in the Northern Hemisphere where it is winter:  Record snow and cold across Canada

So, in terms of the heat trapping gas CO2 how do we account for this?

Can we say that CO2 is holding its Conference of the Molecules(CoM) in Australia this year? Even CO2 wants to be where it is warm? With a preponderance of CO2 in the air of Oz a heatwave resulted?

Since all the CO2 is ‘down under’ Canada and much of the rest of the Northern  hemisphere is left out in the cold?

Such explanations are silly. CO2 is everywhere but it doesn’t trap the heat of summer in the NH so record cold arrives instead and this coincides with the peak of a weak solar cycle 24 - weakest in over 100 years. This is not what is supposed to happen. Under the AGW meme our burning of fossil fuels is supposed to be producing warmer winters. Can we conclude that solar influences outrank CO2 as a determining factor in temperature?

Heatwaves during the Australian summer are not new. Newspaper articles uncovered by Steven Goddard  report on the plus 100 degree temperatures in 1906 when atmospheric CO2 concentration was about 100 ppm lower than it is now. High temperatures were also reached in 1896, 1897 and 1898. Australia’s hottest temperature occurred in 1889. Does that cause one to wonder what CO2 has to do with setting the temperature? High temperatures seem to be independent of CO2 concentration.

Hot there; cold here - heat distribution not so rare. There is nothing happening in the world right now that is outside the bounds of natural variability. We have seen it all before. Perhaps because the climate is cyclical and outside the control of humans? Our job is to learn to adapt so we invented air conditioning and heaters to mitigate the inevitable extremes.

Mother Nature is not supporting the expected scenarios of the AGW meme as described by the Global Climate Models. She is behaving more like an AGW denier. It does not matter what the consensus thinks because Mother Nature is thumbing her nose at them, she is elevating her middle digit in their direction, she is flipping them the bird.

Is it time to stop promoting snow in the winter, rain in the spring, heat in the summer and falling leaves in the autumn as examples of man made climate change?

I Don't Know

Volcano by Jimmy Buffett


Now i don't know
I don't know
I don't know where i'm a gonna go
When the volcano blow

Perhaps this should be the theme song of politicians who listen to the climate scientists who don’t know.

McCarthy: 'I just look at what the climate scientists tell me.'  Ah, which ones, Gina? You pick wrong.

Even the scientists don’t know! Nothing like a baffled scientist to inspire confidence that they know what they are talking about.

Arnie doesn’t know.

Sure, Arnie. We love to take the advice of people like one-sheet Sheryl Crow and ‘outdoor pooping is awesome’ Drew Barrymore.

Actors aren’t getting through because:

Where Arnie gonna go when the false CAGW volcano blow?

Now POTUS don’t know...

Why the temperature rise go slow...

So who do know? Maybe the Telegraph know.

Oops! The CAGW volcano done blow cause Nature now know!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Northern Mocking Word

Early December 2013

As the Northern Hemisphere shivers under a pre-winter cold spell provided by our CO2 laden supercharged overheated polar air mass on steroids descending from the Arctic the polar mocking word: cold,  seems to be an apt symbol to represent the finger that Mother Nature is elevating toward the blind proponents of the mythical theory of human induced global warming(AGW). To speak about global warming amid freezing temperatures is to impugn the reputation of CO2 as a heat trapping gas and to ignore Mother Nature’s message that she controls temperature.

As CO2 has continued to rise unabated in the atmosphere due to our burning of fossil fuels to keep us warm temperatures in the 21st century have slipped into negative rise. This is a direct disconnect between fact and theory. When this happens and we hate it when it does science says: modify or abandon the theory. Something else is driving the vehicle.

Supporters of AGW have received some more bad news from satellite measurements of sea level rise. SLR has shown no acceleration over the last two decades. There is even evidence of a deceleration in the rise. This should put to rest the fear over melting polar regions flooding coastal cities.

The pre-winter of 2013 is mocking the theory of AGW with record cold and snow in the Northern Hemisphere. The august IPCC used to think their theory predicted warming winters which actually makes sense if it were true but after several Northern Hemisphere winters of extraordinary cold and snow with December 2012 culminating in a record snow extent the IPCC is now claiming that the excess heat is causing the excess snow. In a warming world we should be getting less snow and more rain, n’est-ce pas? The AGW proponents are mocking their own theory or changing it on the fly to ‘save’ it. Nothing like moving the goalposts to frustrate the other team.

These two stories add fuel to the AGW death spiral.

The Arctic air mass is invading countries known for their deserts, like Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. It is sucking the heat out of the air and sending it where? Does our atmosphere vent? Can’t CO2 stop the exodus of heat?

In the pre-winter of 2013 the Northern Mocking Word is pooping on AGW theory and overcoming the heat trapping superpowers of CO2 with ease. Does CO2 only trap heat in the summer?
Mother Nature fooled climate scientists once back in the 1970s when people were told that a new ice age was coming because the temperatures were cooling. The world then began to warm and climate scientists jumped on the warming bandwagon. This time they found something to blame it all on - us. And Mother Nature has switched gears again demonstrating the validity of those scientists who realized that she is in control and that her patterns are cyclical driven by the harmonic interplay of several natural cycles including solar, oceanic and astronomical.

Meanwhile the southern polar region of Antarctica is demonstrating the growing hold that cold is having on the world. Its sea ice extent is setting records and its ice sheet is growing. The heat trapping abilities of CO2 are being overcome by the natural cyclical processes of Mother Nature despite our power plants and SUVs.

The theory of CO2 induced global warming is supposed to produce more drought just like the global cooling of the 1970s. The summer burn season of 2013 has seen the charred acreage run way below the ten year mean. The expectations, predictions and hopes of the global warming crowd have been dashed on the rocks of reality.

How does the heat of summer escape if CO2 is trapping it? Doesn’t heat rise? Think hot air balloon. Perhaps the Earth is just a side trip for the sun’s energy on its way into outer space. And we should be thankful for that.

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