It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Nenana Ice Classic sets new record for latest breakup of the ice since the Classic began in 1917. This should not surprise as the interior of Alaska continues to be cold in 2013.

The 2013 Jackpot was $318, 500.00
The Tanana River ice officially broke up on
May 20th at 2:41 pm Alaska Standard Time
The latest time on record the ice has ever gone out.
Congratulations to the winners!!!
Warren and Yvonne Snow

Somehow it seems fitting that the pot for the new record break up time was won by people named SNOW.

In a warming world we should be seeing earlier breakups as in 1940 and 1998.

Willis has pointed out that the breakup dates coincide with the PDO variations.

There is no correlation with CO2 as the breakup dates have not gotten progressively earlier as would be expected in a world warmed by increasing amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere. We see an oscillation which just proves what we already know: climate changes continuously. And it does so in accordance with the PDO signal - the distribution of warmth in the waters of the Pacific Ocean which is currently in its cold phase.

The world was warming in the periods 1910-1940s and again from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s so we should not be surprised that the earliest breakup dates fall within the warming periods.

The PDO is now in its cold phase which helps to explain the record delay in ice breakup in 2013.

Oklahoma Tornado Flattens Moore - Again

When it comes to pushing an agenda politicians show no shame in exploiting the misfortune of others. Some people even wish for the misfortune to occur so they can further their political goals.

The May 20th F5 twister that hit Moore, Oklahoma is a case in point.

Senator Boxer immediately  associated the disaster with manmade climate change implying that it is nothing that a carbon tax won’t cure. Senator Whitehouse did likewise although he has now  apparently apologised for his remarks. Would they like facts with that? Help is what is needed not political posturing.

And yet climate history informs us that there is nothing unusual about deadly tornadoes in Oklahoma. In fact, Oklahoma is one of the worst states for tornado activity.

The implication of the Senators’ rants is that human emissions of CO2 are the cause of extreme weather and that scientists have been warning to expect this to get worse. It might be a good idea for the Senators to hire new fact checkers because the ones that are feeding them their information are spooning nonsense. Tornado activity was worse in the past when CO2 was at lower levels than it is now. This is a disconnect between fact and theory. Too bad for the theory and the scientists that support it.

Some activists try to blame the lack of tornadoes on global warming as happened in 2012 which was a year in which tornadoes were sparse.and also a very warm year. In 2013 we are experiencing a much cooler spring and tornadoes are making a reappearance so alarmists are blaming the cool weather for the tornadoes. Alarmists can’t keep their story straight.Their mantra appears to be: whatever the weather it is responsible for whatever extremes we get. Hard to fault that theory but it doesn’t tell us anything about a mechanism that might be responsible for the extremes.

The senators do not know what they are talking about. Climate change does not predict more frequent and intense tornadoes. Tornadoes peaked in the 1970s when almost everyone was expecting a new mini ice age to begin. At that time tornadoes were blamed on global cooling.

Extreme weather like tornadoes used to be considered ‘natural’ phenomena. In the new enlightened age of AGW tornadoes are now seen as proof of manmade climate change.

This is nonsense as there is no correlation between CO2 and tornadoes. They happen at lower levels and at higher levels. Shouldn’t the correct conclusion be that tornadoes and other extreme weather have nothing to do with the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere? And it just so happens that right now (2013) there are fewer tornadoes at higher levels of CO2 concentration than in the past.

The rantings, accusations and exploitation of the misfortune of others to further your own political goals is objectionable especially when the agenda being pursued isn’t supported by science. It foments unnecessary fear and if successful it will divert scarce resources toward a non-problem. Politicians raising the alarm over extreme weather as being of human origin need to be opposed and educated. It is human hubris to assume that we know how to control the weather.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell

We owe CO2 an apology.

CO2 is green. We need more of it not less. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed or altered. Some even liked it.

Taking the 'GLOBAL' out of Global Warming

Some places don’t want to feature the CAGW narrative. They have gone rogue.
Hot here; cold there. Heat distribution not so rare.

It Ain’t Over Until The Canary Sings  - a might chilly in Alaska
Hopefully Alaska Is No Longer The Canary In The Coal Mine - Alaska cooling 2.4F in last decade
Tracking The Greenland Ice Sheet Meltdown - rarely above 0 at the Summit
Oh, I see. CO2 has nothing to do with it.

Not a whole lot of warmin’ goin’ on....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gore Lore

He is Gore. Hear him roar.

“The generation of people alive today will be held accountable," he said. "Our children and grandchildren ... if they exist in a world that has been devastated by these consequences that have been predicted and are beginning to unfold -- they would be well justified in asking of us: 'What in the hell were you thinking? And what in the hell were you doing? And why were you so willfully blind of what was happening on your watch?'"

So intoned Al Gore.

This author agrees with him. But people of the future will be talking about the debt we ran up chasing a Phantom of the Atmosphere in the form of the trace gas essential to life on Earth - CO2. They will not be happy about the waste of resources or the financial burden that we bequeathed to their generation by erecting wind mills that freeze up in the cold winters that don’t reduce CO2 emissions and a massive debt per person run up to pay for schemes to solve a non-problem. Hopefully future generations will catch on to the wealth transfer that has occurred and won’t try to ‘steal the future’ of  their kids.

What consequences is Gore talking about? Flat temperatures, small sea level rise, sea ice extent at a maximum, fewer extreme storms? Sounds scary to me. We should run for cover.

But Gore who some used to adore is becoming an irrelevant bore. The snake oil that Gore pours

from his store is an ineffective elixir for what ails us. He is trying to cure all weather afflictions with a remedy suited for none of them. People can no longer be fooled.

Delusion: a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.

People are learning that:

  1. There is no hot spot despite the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Here is another paper that reaches the same conclusion. They keep piling up. Is it hiding?
  2. World temperatures have been flat for the last 16 years despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century. Consensus is lacking.
  3. Extreme weather is not getting worse despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century. Sandy was not due to AGW.
  4. Sea level rise (SLR) is not accelerating despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  5. Water vapor is not increasing in the atmosphere despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  6. US has been cooling for the last 15 years despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta GLOBAL warming don’t it?
  7. Himalayan glaciers expanding contrary to prediction and despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  8. The melting Arctic? We have heard it all before. We are still here and still waiting for the disastrous rise in sea levels despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  9. Antarctica is cooling despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  10. IPCC Global Climate Models (GCMs) can’t predict squat despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century. Some warmists are beginning to recognize this.

Bonus: plants grow better, stronger, faster because of the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The only voice that counts in science is that of Mother Nature and she is saying loud and clear that CO2 does not have much if anything to do with climate change. After all, if you have extreme weather in times of lower CO2 concentration and bad storms in times of higher CO2 atmospheric concentration then isn't the correct conclusion that CO2 has nought to do with it?

People are learning that CO2 has nothing to do with the temperature or the climate.

The evidence mounts as a new study shows that tropical storms have decreased in frequency since 1872. Weather was more variable and extreme in the past.

Did you realize that deaths due to severe weather trauma are way down because of our early warning systems? Isn’t that great?

If we are a warming world then why was snow cover at a record level in December 2012? As the world warms are we not supposed to see less snow and more rain in the winter? Why were 2012 winter temperatures so cold in a warming world?

It may take time for some to learn that Gore is peddling snake oil but once the truth escapes into the public square the bore will be gored. Too bad the wealth scammed from people in the name of fighting climate change cannot be recovered and returned to its rightful owners. Such is modern day political snake oil.

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