What Should Have Happened but Didn’t
Does the BBC report that hurricanes in all hurricane basins are trending lower as CO2 rises unabated in our atmosphere?
Does the BBC report that tornadoes in the US, which experiences MOST of the world’s twisters, have been below average for 4 years in a row?
Does the BBC report that worldwide floods show no trend toward an increasing occurrence compared to the past?
Does the BBC make sure that their readers know that droughts have been trending down for the last 60 years in which human CO2 emissions have increased unabated in our atmosphere?
Does the BBC make sure that their readers know that in our ‘warming world’ Antarctica has been GAINING ice mass and that it has been cooling for 20 years?
Does the BBC keep their readers informed about the warmer times of the past at levels of CO2 both higher and lower than those of the present era?
Contemporary climate change which no one denies must be seen in the context of climate change throughout the 4.5 billion year existence of our planet. To do so is to remove the sense of panic that the media have thrust upon the public for reasons other than truth, justice and the American way.
When seen in context contemporary climate change is not unusual nor outside the bounds of natural variability. The Medieval, Roman and Minoan warm periods along with the Holocene Climate Optimum(6000-8000 years ago) and 3 out of the last 4 interglacials were all as warm or warmer than our contemporary climate. We are informed by Al Gore and others that CO2 was at pre-industrial levels below 300 ppm for all of those historical periods. There are 400 ppm CO2 in our ambient air.
Mother Nature has already performed the great experiment of entertaining 5 to 20 times the amount of our CO2 in the air during most of the last 600 million years and in case you haven’t noticed we are here. There was no tipping point, no runaway global warming that made the planet uninhabitable.
There is no climate crisis. Compared to the past our climate is cool in both senses of that word.
The narrative of a planet in peril energizes the globalists among us to ratchet up their urge to control the masses for the benefit of the elite. Socializing the wealth of the masses and siphoning it into their private pockets under the guise of selfless service and ethical superiority is a blatant brazen heist more sensational than the recent Now You See Me.
The BBC has reported on what was expected to happen but didn’t thus disclosing their bias on the issue. The BBC reporting on climate change is a long essay that exposes more about their wilful blindness than it does about the climate.
When what should have happened fails to appear the theory that led to the expectations is wrong. CO2 is not the star of our climate drama. It plays but a bit part or perhaps is not included in the cast at all.
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