The Scientific and Moral Bankruptcy of Climate Alarmism
If you don’t have the data and arguments to make your case prosecute those who don’t see it your way and claim that man made climate change is so obvious that data is not needed to support the claim. At all costs do NOT debate the opposition in a high profile public forum. Duck like a quack.
The advocacy of the suppression of free speech for man made climate change skeptics is the expression of the erudite logical adult argument: SHUT UP. This is clear evidence that the climate alarmist argument is falling apart and that the alarmists know it.
If you have the proof present it for examination in a public forum. If you do not be an adult and admit it. In alarmist climate science the adults have left the room.
The failure of climate alarmists to make their case has driven them from the realm of rational thought to the thuggery of prosecution. If they have definitive evidence of man’s guilt for climate change they would simply present it in public and demonstrate to the world the superiority of their case. That they cannot do this demonstrates instead the inferiority of their claim and so to win they allege and seek wrongdoing on the part of their adversaries. It is such arguments and tactics that expose them to the world for the charlatans that they are. People with proof present it. People without proof admit it. People with an agenda who must win at any cost seek to demonize their adversaries. They are hoping to taint the opposition with suspicions of wrongdoing. Their nastiness is exposed for all to see.
Their clairvoyance is so astute that they can now see man made climate change happening before their eyes. Well, they ASSUME it is man made. They have dispensed with the need to prove it. They assume the climate change that they witness is due to the addition of CO2 in the atmosphere caused by the human burning of fossil fuels because that’s what their global climate models have been designed to ASSUME. And besides they can’t think of any other cause so it must be true which is about as tight as their scientific reasoning gets.
They ignore the fact that none of the predictions coming out of their climate models mirror reality. What they see are single instances that are representative of what should occur and therefore they ‘reason’ that man made climate change is happening now. Their cause(CO2) has to be the main driver.
They ignore their more scientific colleagues who offer evidence for alternative explanations. They ignore their more scientific colleagues who fail to find a match between model expectations and reality thus calling into question the assumptions driving the climate models so revered by the alarmist camp.
Then we find out that their prized pollutant, carbon dioxide(CO2), has been greening the planet. Their demonised climate cause is bringing BENEFITS to humans in defiance of the scary Halloween costume in which the alarmists have cloaked it.
Elevated CO2: A Key Driver of Global Greening Observations (30 June 2016)
Perhaps they should haul CO2 into court and charge it under the RICO statutes as a racketeering gas for NOT behaving in accordance with their carefully designed global climate models.
Sometimes it is a nice day with 400 ppm CO2 in the air. Sometimes it is a nasty day with 400 ppm CO2 in the air. How does CO2 decide who to be, Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde? The last thing alarmists can concede is that CO2 is NOT the star of their climate drama. So they pursue suppression(oppression) via the courts. Little do they know that the continued use of these tactics will eventually bring out the truth. Skeptics will counter each assault and mount an offensive in return. The more acrimonious the alarmists become the more determined skeptics will be to expose the chicanery of the alarmists for all to see.
Truth is important to skeptics while the agenda is important to alarmists. Alarmists cannot be allowed to bully their way to victory. They must be countered at every turn.
Tactics cannot trump facts.
Alarmists are in a psychological state of fear that they will have to acknowledge their error and eat crow. Yelling SHUT UP and threatening prosecution is an expression of that truth. In the alarmist camp the adults have left the room and only the tantrums of the two year old remain. Alarmists lack the supervision of reason and morality. They are taking refuge in darkness.Their defeat is complete. Are they now starting to employ the CYA tactic?
CO2 is no longer trapping heat and sending us on an ever warming descent to hell? That’s what skeptics have been saying for decades - CO2 will NOT generate runaway Global Warming! It didn’t do it in the past 600 million years when CO2 concentration was 5 to 20 times what it is today. The laws of physics don’t change. CO2 is CO2. If it didn’t do it then it won’t do it now!
Some people just aren’t happy without an apocalypse to worry about.
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