It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Book Bans are so Back in the Day

Book Bans are so back in the day but the repressive nature of the campaign against the emission of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels has been resurrected in Portland, Oregon where the green mantra has succeeded in limiting science textbooks to those which support the elitist view of climate change.

Warmist Taryn Rosenkranz Deomcrat Strategist: 'When it comes down to it, much like smoking causes cancer, we know carbon emissions causes climate change. We need to make sure that our students know the facts about what they can do to help.'

Marc Morano: 'Carbon dioxide is a trace gas that is essential for life on Earth and you are demonizing it as tobacco, as some kind of cancer causing gas-- it's absurd. The idea that these kids cannot be told that there is an alternative perspective, that the 97% claim of 'consensus' is pure myth and fabrication.'

Morano: 'This comes down to conformity must be enforced in the name of diversity. That is what they are doing here, they cannot allow dissent and its(sic) very sad for kids.'

Ms Rosenkranz wants students to focus on solutions rather than investigate the basis for the issue in the first place. It makes one wonder if Portland allows teachers to cover photosynthesis which would portray the hated carbon dioxide(CO2) in a rather favorable light. CO2 is plant fertilizer and an input to photosynthesis which allows plants to provide us with fruits, nuts, vegetables, pretty flowers and wood. If you need food and shelter does this not make the social BENEFITS of carbon dioxide PRICELESS?

Her subtle reference to ‘smoking causes cancer’ attempts to establish in listener minds that denying ‘CO2 causes climate change’ is akin to tobacco companies denying that ‘tobacco causes cancer’. But the facts do NOT support the ‘CO2 drives catastrophic warming’ meme.

As CO2 has continued to rise unabated in our atmosphere temperatures have not pursued the path set out for them by the catastrophic scenarios coming out of global climate models. They expect much more warming than has actually occurred.

In fact, as CO2 has continued to rise unabated in our atmosphere the global mean temperature used as the barometer of disaster has slowed its rise to an insignificant degree.

The scientific literature is replete with studies that show extreme weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and droughts have not gotten more frequent or more intense with the rise in CO2. Isn’t that good news? Where is the parade?

Sea  levels which have been rising since the end of the last ice age show no sign of acceleration even as CO2 has continued to rise unabated in our atmosphere.

No wonder I like reading the skeptic blogs. The news is so much better.

The facts, which are ignored by those with a vested economic or political interest in man made global warming, are an embarrassment to warmists and thus must be suppressed at all costs. Is reality banned from impressionable young minds in Portland a good way to teach them critical thinking skills? The adults vested in the CAGW meme do not care and this is shameful  Portland will produce sheep rather than foster independent thinkers.

Perhaps this quote from RJ Oppenheimer is relevant

“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.”

Banning books in Portland is just one more way that warmists display the weakness of the case they champion. The truth does not need protection. Those whose case lacks substance will want to hide that fact from public scrutiny with book bans and suppression of free speech.

Is that up next for Portland?

If you need coercion to get your way you are a bully not a promoter of ethics or reason. People of weak character will display their authoritarian nature at the first sign of a challenge to their viewpoint. Their agenda is what is important to them and facts to support it are nice to have but not necessary. They are skilled in wielding tactics to get what they want. Facts are convenient but irrelevant to the activist. False theories are afraid of the light and must be kept in the dark. False theories need suppression of open inquiry.

Strongarm tactics chase the rationalist away and so skeptics of manmade global warming via the emission of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels are born.

The growth of CO2 in our atmosphere has been GREENing the Earth. Our fruits and veggies love the stuff. CO2 is GREEN. Don’t GREENies want a GREEN planet?

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