It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Is the Missing Heat Really Missing?

The Global Climate Models in use by the UN IPCC predict a warmer world at this time in our history than we are currently experiencing. There have been many explanations for this result.

Some have speculated that the missing heat went into the deep oceans and set off to look there. A new paper published in Nature Climate Change has discredited that idea. NASA reports that the deep ocean hasn’t warmed since 2005.

We know that the missing heat is not in the atmosphere either because it has not warmed in at least 18 years.

Have people been looking in the wrong place? Has the heat done an about face and escaped to outer space?

Ahh, so the missing heat isn’t missing at all. It has gone off into space as it always has. As the world warms it sheds the excess input energy back from whence it came. At most, GreenHouse Gases may delay the exit somewhat but we are not all going to die. It does not trap the heat indefinitely if at all. Like angry warmists the atmosphere vents.

Looking back at the history of CO2 in our atmosphere as best we have been able to discern it we know CO2 has been as high as 8000 ppm in the atmosphere within the last 600 million years. We are here so there was no tipping point upon which the planet became unbearable for life. As has always been the case climate problems are local not global. There is no global warming. Hot here, cold there. Heat distribution not so rare.

There has been no climate crisis except in the minds of some who had an agenda and thought they could generate enough fear and guilt in the population to allow them to gain control of the world’s resources in order to impose their preferred economic system(socialism) and replace capitalism which has raised the standard of living of so many for so long.

If the planet is in danger they thought they could lead people to give up their freedoms in order to save the Earth. Everyone wants to save the planet. It is a good cause. How could anyone say no? Except that the planet isn’t in any danger of overheating like a car engine with a compromised radiator. That scenario was all in the assumptions of the computer models which, after billions of taxpayer dollars have failed to simulate Mother Nature and therefore have proved nothing but their uselessness and the human pretension to omniscience.

The climate ‘crisis’ in our own minds is over and it is time to redirect resources to where they can do more good solving actual human problems rather than be expended for no return. Poverty, disease, potable water and bringing electricity to those who do not yet have it await our attention. So much could already have been done without the insane detour down the rabbit hole to visit Alice in Wonderland that man made climate change insisted was necessary.

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