It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Rate of Change

Rate of Change

“Before that sets you off, no one is saying that levels and temperatures weren't higher in the past because scientists openly admit those facts. We are simply pointing out that the rate at which those levels and temperatures changed to those values was MUCH slower and that the rate of change is the biggest issue.”


The trends in climate metrics over the last 60 years are either steady, flat, decreasing or we have seen it all before.

If the trend began prior to those 60 years it has not accelerated. Acceleration during the last 60 years would be a human fingerprint on the thermostat.

Temperatures would not have slowed then reversed since 2001 such that there has now been no increase in the global mean temperature(GMT) for over 18 years even as CO2 has continued to rise unabated in the air.

Sea levels have been increasing steadily since the end of the little ice age(LIA) until 2002 when they started to decelerate. A human influence over the last 60 years would have shown an accelerating trend indicative of faster melting glaciers and ice caps.

There has been no increasing trend in extreme weather of any kind over the last 60 years. Either there is no trend or its is negative which is actually a positive. Less severe weather with increasing CO2. Thank-you CO2. Or CO2 has nothing to do with it and the correlations are just incidental and not causal.

Doesn’t this seem like a waste of money in the face of the ‘rate of change’ argument?

However, perhaps the rate of change in scientific findings which contradict the CO2 centric theory has been accelerating.

The rate of greenie hypocrisy shows no signs of slowing down. Are they even aware of their own hypocrisy? Do they care how they appear to their minions? After announcing new bike lanes...

But Leo is the leader of the new HYPPIES.

And has inspired others

The rate of change is such a compelling argument that nothing outside the bounds of natural variability can be highlighted to fan the flames of fear. We have seen it all before. Even the vaunted Arctic sea ice loss can be accounted for via Arctic oscillations.

The rate of change is an imaginary driver of CO2 centric climate change unsupported by Mother Nature who has the only opinion that counts.  

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