It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Debate is Over

The Debate is Over - only in the minds of the misinformed who don’t read Scientific Journals.

In a 2015 editorial on the dire consequences of human-caused climate change, Marcia McNutt, editor of the journal Science, stated with conviction that “the time for debate has ended.”

So why won’t alarmists publicly debate?

Image result for scaredy cat cartoon imagesImage result for scaredy cat cartoon images

“And, guess what? It’s not when, it’s happening now. You can see it every single day. You just need to get out of that telephone booth where other climate deniers hang out and open your eyes and see what’s happening.”

When hasn’t the climate been changing? The climate changes continuously because it is cyclical. Ice Age - Interglacial - Ice Age - Interglacial - Ice Age - Interglacial etc.

But the changes that are taking place are not being made in accordance with the predictions of the CO2 centric climate models and that is the point that skeptics are trying to get you to see. If you can’t predict you can’t indict!

There has always been extreme weather but even the IPCC realises that it is NOT increasing as CO2 rises. Here is what is going on Gina. Spend some time becoming familiar with how the planet is behaving. As CO2 rises GAIA surprises!

Neither sea level rise or extreme weather is getting worse as CO2 rises. Is this what you expect Gina? It is what Mother Nature is doing. We worry needlessly.  

The Antarctic shows growing surface ice mass and growing sea ice contrary to Global Climate Model expectations. Would you expect this in a GLOBAL warming world?

Precipitation shows a not show an increasing trend as would be expected if CO2 were driving our climate change.    

AS CO2 rises unabated in our atmosphere glaciers are not responding with faster retreat.

As CO2 rises aren’t we supposed to see a greater frequency of hot days? It has not been happening.

The doubts about CO2 as the star of our climate drama are piling up.

The good news continues to shine. We are living in a GREENer and safer world.

The scientific literature is full of such studies. Perhaps you need to spend some time with your head in the Science Journals rather than mindlessly repeating your talking points. Everyone agrees the climate is changing. That DOES NOT MEAN that CO2 is the cause. Separate question.

Gina, IS your staff shielding you from reality? .

SCIENCE tells us that the current concentration of CO2  in our atmosphere is 400 parts per million (ppm). SCIENCE tells us that over the last 600 million years CO2 has nested in our atmosphere in concentrations 10 to 20 times our contemporary 400 ppm. There was NO TIPPING POINT, NO RUNAWAY GLOBAL WARMING. We are here. This fact alone ought to quell the fears of a CO2 guided apocalypse. CO2 had its opportunity over many millions of years to trap heat and toast our planet but took a pass. Did CO2 fail its climate driving test?

SCIENCE tells us that there were many periods in pre-industrial times when temperatures exceeded or equalled those we experience today. Over the last 400,000 years three of the last 4 interglacials, the Holocene Climate Optimum, the Minoan Warm Period, The Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period all experienced warmth equal to or greater than our own. Since we are told by climate gurus like Al Gore that pre-industrial CO2 levels remained stable for 800,000 years those periods of warmth could not have been a result of changes in CO2 concentration. Does this not imply that the climate changes independently of the amount of CO2 in the air? Does this make Mother Nature a Man Made Climate Change DENIER?

In a 2013 interview in USA Today a NOAA spokesperson said the following.
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The last time the worldwide carbon level probably hit 400 ppm was about 2 million years ago, said Pieter Tans of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
That was during the Pleistocene Era. "It was much warmer than it is today," Tans said. "There were forests in Greenland. Sea level was higher, between 33 to 66 feet."

Would it be impertinent to ask why it isn’t that warm now that we have reached the auspicious milestone of 400 ppm in our air? Why aren’t sea levels 33 to 66 feet higher now like they were 2 million years ago?  Has CO2 lost its MoJo or does it suggest that CO2 has nothing to do with either temperature or sea level rise?

When you understand the above perhaps skeptics will allow you into the phone booth to continue the fight for Truth, Justice and the American Way.

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In our case the ‘S’ is for Skeptic.

Have a good day!

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