It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Year That Winter Forgot

Where does Time Magazine get this stuff? What planet are they living on? Do we share the same planet with them?

Have they heard about this? Do they read other news outlets before they go to press? Do they do any research at all? Alaska is getting clobbered this winter. How about Greenland? Or the Bering Sea?

It appears that winter is alive and well in Alaska. And New Mexico. And Texas. Remember the permanent drought in Texas last year? Look at it now. Or Arizona. Or Colorado. Or Utah. No snow there. The southwest has no snow. Lots of snow in southwest. Minnesota has no snow. Here are more reports on snow in the US in winter 2011/2012. Let's not forget India, the Alps, Asia and Europe, Austria, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

Oh, Time means no snow in New England which is the whole of the United States. And this is due to the rapidly rising heat trapping gas known as CO2. I get it. CO2 produces no snow and lots of snow. Amazing gas!

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