It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Memo re James Hansen

James Hansen, the guy who started the global warming hysteria back in 1988, thinks that skeptics are committing 'crimes against humanity and Nature" by denying what everyone else knows is true. And yet who is the real denier?

"Global temperatures have not increased for 15 years. Global sea ice is right at the 30 year mean. Sea level is lower than it was in 2004." Real science from

It seems NOAA has debunked claim of dangerous 'accelerating' global warming. Do you deny this James?

GISS is still below your scenario 'C'. Keep adjusting that data.

You seem a little confused here James. It seems you can never be wrong about anything - as long as you abandon reason and reality.

Who is anti-science now?
Who is misleading the public now James?

"An honest scientist would admit that he failed spectacularly, retire and go enjoy his grandchildren".

As one commenter on has pointed out which you seem to forget:

1: CO2 is good, it’s plant food. Without it NOTHING would be green.
2: It’s the sun stupid!
3: Warming is good!

Or we would all want to go live in Nome, Alaska this winter (2012). There is no place like Nome.

The American people seem to get it. Do they know more than warmist alarmists? Are they tired of end-of-the-world prognostications because those forecasts have a perfect record of being false?

Don't you agree James?

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.
— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies
Re your FOI attempt to find out who funds the Global Warming Policy Foundation:

Ask not who made the claim but ask if it is the truth, said Aquinas.

In the matter of global warming we might want to add:

Ask not who funded the claim but ask if it is the truth.

Should skeptics be concerned that George Soros funds the blog? If Brian Williams can claim there were no October snowstorms on the East coast when he was growing up then meteorologists can claim that there were.

'Who' does not determine veracity. Reason and evidence do. We could argue just as validly that your career depends on 'global warming due to human induced CO2' to be true or your funding will dry up and your reputation as a scientist will be in tatters. There seems to be a huge incentive for you to 'manufacture' data to support your contention but your past pronouncements contradict reality so that strategy will backfire and "our children and grandchildren will judge those who have misled the public" about fossil fuel use being dangerous to the planet as 'guilty of crimes against humanity and Nature'.

You indict yourself sir. Hoisted on your own petard.

Sir, we will continue to hold up the mirror of reality in front of your face until you open your eyes and see the light. Change is what the climate does and it seems to cycle. We can only hope that your trip to Antarctica will give you pause for thought. Hope it is still there. Enjoy summer in Antarctica and avoid the penguins.

We have seen it all before James and we have survived. This is good news.


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