It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Warmists Seem Confused

Warmists are so confused they cannot tell hot from cold. Desperate to hold onto their climate alarmist position they have taken to blaming CO2 for every occurrence of bad weather even when it contradicts what they were trying to convince us was happening when they raised the alarm in the first place. They must be right. They just must be!

Individual instances of extreme weather are now attributed to our fossil fueled way of life as they completely forget that extreme weather occurred in the past when CO2 was at much more acceptable(to them) levels. In fact, it is most often the case that the worst instances of severe weather occurred when CO2 was much lower. If the intensity of hurricane Gonzalo is fossil fueled then what of the 7 hurricanes in 1886 which made landfall in the US?. That has not happened since. What was the atmosphere on back in the day when that record was set? Would it be impertinent to point out that perhaps we are better off with more CO2 in the air to cut down on severe weather?

Frosts are now caused by heat trapping GHGs. As it warms we will see more severe frosts.

See what I mean by confused? As it warms one might logically expect fewer frosts. But no, in the wacky world of man made climate change Alice has gone down the rabbit hole and found Wonderland where everything is backwards.        

When the sea ice around Antarctica began to grow so much that it couldn’t be ignored claims of a warming Antarctic continent turning ice to slush which then slid into the ocean and re-froze became the explanation du jour.  When that didn’t fly we are now being told that the Southern Ocean is warming at the same time the sea ice is expanding.

Determined reality avoidance will grasp at any straw to keep the ruse afloat.

It doesn’t seem to be working. Gallup Poll: Climate change is least important of 13 issues surveyed        

Reality has a way of dealing with the pursuit of phantoms. It exposes the ghostbusters for who they are so we can all share a Homer Simpson Doh! moment. Cook has been cooked by the Cook of Reality who turns nonsense into a real tasty dessert of humble pie.

Warmists do seem fixated on the warm causes cold meme. We wonder if in their world they fill the ice cube tray with water, place it in a warming oven and expect ice cubes to magically appear. They may fill the air with water vapor but where do they expect cold to come from to make the ice cubes? Aren’t the seasons are supposed to be evaporating as the planet proceeds toward a warmer more isothermic future? Don’t warmer winters mean less snow and more rain?

Can the warmists keep their story straight or does it keep changing for economic reasons?

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