It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Climate Extremes

Climate alarmists like to claim that as CO2 increases in the atmosphere due to the human burning of fossil fuels occurrences of extreme weather will become more extreme. Temperatures will rise to levels which will make human life impossible. One hundred degree days will become more frequent. Hurricanes and tornadoes will become more frequent and more severe. Droughts will become more severe and last longer. Floods will become more frequent and severe as precipitation increases due to the greater evaporation from the oceans under warmer temperatures. Some alarmists claim all this is happening now and all you have to do is look out your window to see it.

Someone needs their windows cleaned.

In the age of mythical man made climate change the only drought around is in the logic and observational skills of alarmists. However there is a Biblical flood of alarmist claims flooding the airwaves, internet and printed media. There are hurricanes of hazing whenever a skeptical scientist steps up to point out a few inconvenient truths that the alarmists don't want anyone to hear. Alarmist Senators become tornadoes of misinformation when their cherished delusion is pointed out to them.

Rising temperatures can be readily perceived in the tones and tempers of true believers.

As sea levels slow down and refuse to stop construction of hotels, resorts and airports on the poor low lying Island nations alarmists scream louder about rising sea levels. And Mark Zuckerberg buys 700 acres on Kauai.

As the flood of sea ice expands around Antarctica alarmists explain this away by claiming the warming ice sheet is melting and slipping into the cold sea where it refreezes to expand the ice. They deliberately miss the drought of logic in those claims. Or have I given them the benefit of the doubt?

As 35,000 walrus climb out of the Arctic sea it is attributed to melting sea ice. Pointing out the haul-out, as it is known, is not an unusual occurrence for the animal known as walrus serves to raise the temperature of the alarmist. The walrus remains unconcerned and moves on.

Alarmists do not like to be informed that their supercharged, overheated, CO2 laden atmosphere on steroids hasn't been able to break the world record high temperature set in Death Valley, California over a hundred years ago in 1913. They do not like it when it is pointed out that Grover Cleveland saw 26 hurricanes make landfall in the US during his two terms in office and that the current POTUS has seen only four. It throws a wrench in the claim that hurricanes are getting more frequent and more severe. Alarmists do not like to learn that worldwide instances of drought are less severe and of shorter duration now than in the past. Can that be because of human development? Tornadoes have taken a vacation from their devastation as their occurrences have been near record lows in the US for the last 3 years running. We should be grateful. Floods are no worse now than in the past and most of the worst ones occurred in China in the centuries past. By just about any measure you care to name we are living in the best of times.

In the age of fossil fuels we have seen food production continue to increase year by year, life expectancy grow, poverty decrease, disease take fewer lives and communication increase along with the dissemination of information. Perhaps this last improvement in our lives is anathema to those in pursuit of an agenda involving centralized control over resources and rule by elites for elites.

When it comes to climate change alarmists are desperate to find something in the climate to be alarmed about. CO2 is supposed to be a heat trapping GreenHouse Gas so the world just has to be getting warmer. It just has to! And yet the statistical trends recorded by scientists are not performing according to the disaster laden script concocted by climate models which assume the climate is driven by the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. If CO2 is rising it must be getting warmer. When it doesn’t the theory is proved incorrect.

Alarmists just haven’t recognized it yet. If they are truly worried about a warming world they should be relieved that their theory is wrong. Where is the joyous celebration?

The lack of relief betrays that there is another motive behind their alleged concern over the climate. [CoR]

The only thing unprecedented about the current climate is the attention that we give to it except by the people who count most: Gallup poll: Voters rank “climate change” last. Gallup Poll: Climate change is least important of 13 issues surveyed        

And they are fighting hard for the goal of that motive. Hence no capitulation from the alarmists is to be expected until and unless their goal is achieved. Expect the climate fiction to be maintained as if it was the greatest problem facing mankind. Will the world fall apart as politicians focus on a problem that doesn’t exist anywhere but in the collective mind of their groupthink? Let’s talk global warming right after I finish my latest round of golf.

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