It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tweetle D Tweetle Fun

#climatedoorstep News from our warming world: 130 year record low in Vladivostok

#climatedoorstep News from our warming world: Early Season Snow for Sierra

#climatedoorstep demonstrating the heat trapping superpowers of CO2: 1695 low max records broken or tied from Sept 11 to Sept 20
#climatedoorstep global warming supports the temperance movement: Harsh winter cut Michigan wine grape crop in half
#climatedoorstep from the fastest warming place on Earth: Four of the Arctic’s coldest summers on record in the last 6 years
#climatedoorstep U.S. Navy predicts summer Arctic ice might disappear by 2016 Note the CYA ‘might’. What do they actually know?
#climatedoorstep let’s have a climate action competition to help prevent temps from rising ...oh, wait, they aren’t rising Gaia wins
#climatedoorstep Paper in Nature Climate Change can’t find missing heat in deep ocean Looking wrong place Did it do an about face in2 space
#climatedoorstep % 90 degree days US dropping CO2 broken?  
#climatedoorstep CO2 has gone on strike In @Windy Chicago – Third earliest snowfall on record   Extra Extra Read all about it
#climatedoorstep ‘Where’s the global warming? Temperatures remain flat’  For 15+ years No debate about that
#climatedoorstep RSS: Mother Nature won’t play ball; in 18 yrs temps haven’t risen at all; must B the Koch brothers responsible 4 the stall
#climatedoorstep ppl learn as CO2 rises Gaia surprises temps go flat No debate about that Theory busted Can climate scientists be trusted
#climatedoorstep Hole in the CO2 blanket: Snowfall in Canada September 2014 80cm @ Mountain View Village AB, 77.8cm at Alert, NU
#climatedoorstep as CO2 rises so do the number of explanations for the temperature stasis; Theory busted Can climate scientists be trusted
#climatedoorstep b4 the data is diddled go C the declining ANNUAL temps from 2002 here:
#climatedoorstep watch the data diddling here annual decline from 2002 keeps decreasing
#climatedoorstep as CO2 rises so do the number of failed predictions of an ice free Arctic @savethearctic
#climatedoorstep as CO2 rises Antarctic sea ice sets records in one of the fastest warming places on the planet
#climatedoorstep climate alarmists R delusional & get mad when U won’t share crisis in their own minds pity 2 spoil they do seem happy there
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude wants 2 kill the messenger(skeptics) perhaps he needs to confront Mother Nature - her world
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude doesn’t like script Mother Nature is following so wants 2 take it out on some1 Bully Bully!
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude ready 2 kill those who won’t believe the nonsense he does - what does that make him?
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude ready 2 kill those who disagree on climate would he first agree 2 a fair trial w/evidence?
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude ready 2 kill those who disagree on climate - sounds like he belongs in another era
#climatedoorstep Breaking news: CO2 traps white heat and Heavy snow comes to northwestern Ontario
#climatedoorstep flamingo flock-out in Kenya in 2012 must B clim chg
#climatedoorstep new paper in Ocean Science shows sea level rise decelerated since 2002 - CO2 climate theory busted
#climatedoorstep Washington Post - FL not been hit by a hurricane in almost 9 yrs longest period of absence on record CO2 on strike in FL?
#climatedoorstep amazing admission from IPCC Rahmstorf - nobody knows how rising CO2 affects temps - huh? but isn’t the science settled?
#climatedoorstep NSIDC: Antarctic sea ice at rec levels during satellite era for last 3 yrs - CO2 doesn’t trap heat in Antarctica?
#climatedoorstep Snow and cold endanger harvest in Kyrgyzstan and Mid-Ural - another demo of CO2’s summer heat trapping abilities
#climatedoorstep 2014 - another yr of failed Arctic sea ice disappearance  - extent largest since 2006 - Wadhams up 4 2015 place your bets
#climatedoorstep  Naomi Klein wants the non-elite to play Survivor without benefit of the goodies Jeff Probst brings - she will watch
#climatedoorstep Naomi ‘The Capitali$t’ Klein wants 2 do away with markets except 4 those who read her book$ - mandatory reading in schools

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