Climate alarmists don’t like it when skeptics present facts contrary to the conventional wisdom on climate change. CO2 is guilty and responsible for all the increasing temperatures and bad weather we are experiencing.That’s their story and they are sticking to it.
Climate alarmists like to claim the science is settled and anyone who disagrees is anti science and paid by Big Oil to spread misinformation. The ‘settled science’ of climate change results in contradictory conclusions like the following:
Channeling Donna Summer: Who do they think they’re foolin’?
Droughts are shorter and less severe than in the past despite CO2 rising unabated in the air - misinformation.
Forest fires are down worldwide despite CO2 rising unabated in the air - misinformation.
Sea ice extent around Antarctica is growing and setting records despite CO2 rising unabated in the air - misinformation.
Santa will have sea ice around the North Pole this year despite expert predictions to the contrary and despite CO2 rising unabated in the air. To point this out is misinformation.
Climate alarmists have read George Orwell’s 1984 and are using it as a guidebook to rewrite reality according to their preferred script. Reality is what we say it is.
Truth is misinformation.
Fewer hurricanes means they are becoming more frequent and more severe.
More sea ice means the ice caps are melting.
A cool summer is the warmest ever.
Fewer 90F days in the summer means the climate is heating out of control.
Record food harvests means we are going to starve and it is worse than we thought.
If it rains it was the worst downpour ever.
Climate alarmists are manipulators with an agenda. They want you in fear and guilt the better to control you with.
Demonize CO2. Present it in pictures as black smoke even though it is invisible. Call it carbon to conjure up images of soot and dirt in your mind even though it is colorless and harmless. Don’t mention its role in photosynthesis. There is to be nothing good about CO2. Humans are bad and their CO2 emissions prove it. They(both CO2 and humans) must be controlled for the good of all.
CO2 traps heat so an atmosphere with increasing CO2 must be the warmest ever. We must reduce CO2 for the benefit of future generations. Focus on rising CO2. We know it is bad so we must reduce. Spin to win.
Ironically, the biggest purveyors of misinformation to the public are the climate alarmists whose bash and trash, slash and smash, slice and dice on harmless beneficial carbon dioxide has to be the biggest scientific fraud ever perpetrated on the many by the few.
And so skeptics fight back by throwing reality in the face of the manipulators. Skeptics are dedicated to truth in science. How else can you discover how Mother Nature really works except by following the data where it leads? And if reality trashes somebody’s political agenda in the process so much for the agenda.
Most humans work to make the world a better place. We do not like to soil our nest and when we do through accident or ignorance we clean it up. The real world is a better place for our being here. In its pristine state it spits on us. As we find out how to protect ourselves from its indifferent uncaring nature our standard of living improves and we want to bring it to all humans. McDonald’s and Apple for everyone.
But some of our species see only evil where humans develop. They worry about our effect on their world. Our enjoyments may conflict with theirs and they have decided that theirs must prevail. So they rig the political process to attain that end. They seek more power and more control unto themselves. The ruling elite want to make the rules for us to live by(less powerful vacuums in Europe) while they grant themselves exceptions to permit the continued existence of their elaborate lifestyles in the face of the austerity preached for us. Lower YOUR carbon footprint while we buy carbon offsets instead.
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome
Truth can and will be sacrificed as necessary on the altar of resource control.
"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level." ~ UN Agenda 21
Totalitarianism for all! Any guess as to whose lifestyle won’t be affected?
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