"There is one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate," Obama said.
Let me correct this for him. This is what the teleprompter should have said. It is what the kids of the future will think.
“There is one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other and that is the stupidity of those who think that the issue is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate.”
There, fixed.
As CO2 rises Gaia surprises with temps that are flat. NO debate about that. No need for $90 trillion dollars to get that job done. Mother Nature did it for nothing while alarmists were fretting about it. CO2 is NOT the control knob on a global thermostat. But to see that you need an open mind and open eyes; postures currently lacking in the warmista.
On Tuesday(Sept 23, 2014), Obama said the U.S. would "embrace its responsibility" to lead, and that there should be no doubt about the country "stepping up to the plate."
There is no point in ‘stepping up to the plate’. Mother Nature has already struck out the side. There are many reasons to reject the man made dangerous climate change hypothesis. Mother Nature has the only opinion that counts and here it is:
- The CO2 driven global climate models(if the science is settled why is there more than one?) upon which the IPCC rely for their future scary climate scenarios have all failed to forecast the current temperature stasis that has lasted almost 18 years. Hypothesis busted.
- The global climate models overestimate the sensitivity of the climate to CO2 and the IPCC has continued to roll back their previous projections because current research keep lowering the estimate for climate sensitivity.
- As CO2 rises Gaia surprises with a temperature stasis instead of the expected and predicted steadily increasing temperatures. Hypothesis busted.
- As CO2 rises extreme weather suchs as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, heatwaves and droughts have not become more severe or more frequent. Even the IPCC agrees with that one. Hypothesis busted.
- As CO2 rises Gaia surprises and Arctic sea ice has refused to disappear according to the forecasts of the climate experts of the settled science. Some Arctic scientists are now warning against further decrease in Arctic sea ice extent. The 2014 Arctic sea ice extent was the highest in 9 years.
- As CO2 rises Gaia surprises and contrary to expert expectations and model predictions sea ice around Antarctica is setting extent records rather than shrinking into oblivion.
- As CO2 rises Gaia surprises and sea level rise has seen a slowdown over the last decade or so. If neither the Greenland or Antarctic ice sheet is melting this would explain current sea ice activity. Fears of sea level rise do not appear to affect the tourism plans of low lying islands such as the Maldives as they continue to build airports, hotels and resorts.
Hypothesis busted. Pursuing anti-O2 policies is delusional. We owe CO2 an apology.
Yes we should design our communities to minimize the damage from these unpredictable, uncontrollable, uncomfortable and inconvenient events but let’s not delude ourselves into believing that by tweaking the amount of CO2 in the air we can mitigate the appearance of unwelcome weather events. Lest we forget, they have occurred in the past when CO2 concentration was much lower. The worst year for hurricanes making landfall in the US was 1886 when 7 cyclones paid a visit. Fortunately, this onslaught has not been repeated since. If today’s atmosphere is on steroids(CO2) can we be forgiven for wondering what the atmosphere was on back in the day when that record was set?
So what is the REAL reason that the climate change issue is being pushed so hard by Obama? A personal legacy? Future job prospects? World domination? All of the above?
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome
One invented for the purpose. Truth is not a qualification. Only the end is important. The recent climate march in NYC provided confirmation of the world domination agenda of those who try to frighten others about climate change. All the groups who favor a top down totalitarian solution were front and center. There can no longer be any doubt that man made climate change is a wedge issue for the further encroachment of socialism into the lives of western democracies.
While the POTUS sometimes pays lip service to the great tradition of freedom in the US he is working feverishly to undermine its influence and to elevate tyrannical control over the country into the hands of the executive branch making Congress more irrelevant than ever. This must be stopped by bipartisan action.
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