It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Very Scary Kerry

From the link above one might conclude that John Kerry is a climate alarmist. Whether he believes what he says or is just pushing the agenda is for speculation. But he avoids data persuasion and goes straight to the fear factor. Fear is a favorite manipulative tool of a bully who wants his way. He doesn’t convince by reason and wants no opposition. His emphasis is on the bad consequences to follow if people don’t go along with his wishes. With his ‘end times’ warning Kerry is beginning to sound like Harold Camping.

Of course, since we are still here, we know that all past predictions of the end of humanity have failed to materialize making a mockery of the crystal balls used by the seers. Kerry will insist his prediction is different because it is based on ‘science’.

Except that there is no ‘science’ to support his view.

Kerry must be aware that the world has failed to warm for over 18 years and that it has actually cooled for the last decade. The data on US government websites show this unequivocally. US government agencies don’t support a major reason given to explain the temperature stasis. NASA: Oceans’ Depths Don’t Explain Why Global Warming Has Stopped. Solar scientists have a different view of what is going on: Russian solar physicist Abdusamatov: Humanity should prepare for another ‘little ice age’. Kerrys staff must have informed him of the recent NOAA Report Destroys Global Warming Link To Extreme Weather. Extreme weather has shown either no trend or a decreasing trend as CO2 has risen unabated in the atmosphere thus breaking the connection between CO2 and extreme weather.

By continuing to hype the apocalyptic view scary Kerry demonstrates his distance from the current state of climate research. His credibility is in tatters and he probably doesn’t even realize it. What makes Kerry so very scary is the ignorance inhabiting the mind occupying such a prestigious office as the Secretary of State of the US government. People have a right to expect more intelligence in that position.

However, my crystal ball says his warning will join those of Mr Camping. My crystal ball has yet to be wrong in these matters. As have all ‘end times’ forecasts of the past this one too will end up in the laugher bin.

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