It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Hottest September 2014

Global temperatures matched record for hottest September - Technology

Not so much where I live at 43N. Last year(2013) saw 7 heat alerts and 6 extreme heat alerts.There was exactly one ‘heat alert’ for the area for the whole summer of 2014 although that did occur early in September.  Otherwise 2014 was a cool summer.

The report of the hottest September is hard to reconcile with a September that also experienced:

The hottest September also saw record sea ice around Antarctica and NASA confirm that the South Pole has been cooling for 35 years. Sea ice rebounded in the Arctic from the low of 2012. Lake Superior has cooled considerably since July 2012.

Does anyone see a problem with this picture? The satellite temperature record is said by NASA to be the most accurate so why is the land/sea thermometer record diverging more and more from the satellite record? And why not use the satellite record when reporting the global mean temperature anomaly? Because it doesn’t support the warming scenario??

And how does the ‘hottest September’ claim matchup to global climate model projections?

Somebody wake me up when the frequency of 100 degree days start to increase or for that matter when the number of 90 degree days start to increase.

CO2 is so good at trapping heat that we are seeing more snow, cold and ice as the planet ‘warms’. Can you say ‘snake oil’?

Model Failures

Global Climate Models(GCMs) have become the scientific equivalent of a seer peering into his crystal ball and reporting on the future. GCMs have been designed with CO2 in the lead role. The heat trapping GreenHouse Gas molecules drive the GCMs to produce a warmer, wetter and drier world. Did you catch the contradiction there? It is built into the computer code. But the scenarios from the ‘runs’ of the GCMs have come into conflict with the entity who has the only opinion that counts: Mother Nature.

CO2 increases do not correlate with temperature gyrations over either the short or long term.
As CO2 rises Gaia surprises with temperatures in stasis for the last 18 years. Theory busted. Can climate scientists be trusted?
A warmer world is supposed to cause more evaporation from the oceans which should result in higher relative humidity and greater precipitation. More floods should be expected with all the additional rain. Neither have occurred.
A warmer world is also supposed to be a drier world with more drought of longer length and greater severity. This should create difficulties for crops. Forest fires are supposed to be more prevalent under such conditions.

The GCms predict a ‘hot spot’ should be observed in the  troposphere about 10km in altitude. Alas, such is not the case. Are the GHGs napping?
Polar amplification is supposed to kick in as the world warms and make the our polar regions the fastest warming places on Earth. CO2 is not trapping the heat at the South Pole.
The oceans are supposed to become less basic and more acidic as CO2 increases in the atmosphere. A new study has cast  doubt on that hypothesis.
As CO2 rises Gaia surprises not with accelerating sea level rise from melting polar ice caps and glaciers but a slowdown in the rise as if someone is turning off the faucet in our oceanic bathtub.
The sea level rise over the past ~200 years shows no evidence of acceleration, which is necessary to assume a man-made influence. Sea level rise instead decelerated over the 20th century, decelerated 31% since 2002 and decelerated 44% since 2004 to less than 7 inches per century. There is no evidence of an acceleration of sea level rise, and therefore no evidence of any man-made effect on sea levels. Sea level rise is primarily a local phenomenon related to land subsidence, not CO2 levels. Therefore, areas with groundwater depletion and land subsidence have much higher rates of relative sea level rise, but this has absolutely nothing to do with man-made CO2.”
And the man who raised the global warming alarm in 1988, how are his predictions doing against the reality of Mother Nature? Not well. Twenty-five years of failure.
The GCM failures continue to pile up. When your theory fails this badly what conclusion should be drawn from these data? We think that is obvious but you be the judge.
These are but a few of the investigations detailing the abject failure of the man made climate change hypothesis. If these studies don’t turn you into a skeptic about man made global warming due to the human emissions of CO2 then nothing will and we will leave you in your fantasy world. You do seem happy there.
CO2 is an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth. It has been exhaled during the completion of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
The IPCC models have been invalidated and we owe CO2 an apology.

Geoscientists See Things Differently

Warmists Seem Confused

Warmists are so confused they cannot tell hot from cold. Desperate to hold onto their climate alarmist position they have taken to blaming CO2 for every occurrence of bad weather even when it contradicts what they were trying to convince us was happening when they raised the alarm in the first place. They must be right. They just must be!

Individual instances of extreme weather are now attributed to our fossil fueled way of life as they completely forget that extreme weather occurred in the past when CO2 was at much more acceptable(to them) levels. In fact, it is most often the case that the worst instances of severe weather occurred when CO2 was much lower. If the intensity of hurricane Gonzalo is fossil fueled then what of the 7 hurricanes in 1886 which made landfall in the US?. That has not happened since. What was the atmosphere on back in the day when that record was set? Would it be impertinent to point out that perhaps we are better off with more CO2 in the air to cut down on severe weather?

Frosts are now caused by heat trapping GHGs. As it warms we will see more severe frosts.

See what I mean by confused? As it warms one might logically expect fewer frosts. But no, in the wacky world of man made climate change Alice has gone down the rabbit hole and found Wonderland where everything is backwards.        

When the sea ice around Antarctica began to grow so much that it couldn’t be ignored claims of a warming Antarctic continent turning ice to slush which then slid into the ocean and re-froze became the explanation du jour.  When that didn’t fly we are now being told that the Southern Ocean is warming at the same time the sea ice is expanding.

Determined reality avoidance will grasp at any straw to keep the ruse afloat.

It doesn’t seem to be working. Gallup Poll: Climate change is least important of 13 issues surveyed        

Reality has a way of dealing with the pursuit of phantoms. It exposes the ghostbusters for who they are so we can all share a Homer Simpson Doh! moment. Cook has been cooked by the Cook of Reality who turns nonsense into a real tasty dessert of humble pie.

Warmists do seem fixated on the warm causes cold meme. We wonder if in their world they fill the ice cube tray with water, place it in a warming oven and expect ice cubes to magically appear. They may fill the air with water vapor but where do they expect cold to come from to make the ice cubes? Aren’t the seasons are supposed to be evaporating as the planet proceeds toward a warmer more isothermic future? Don’t warmer winters mean less snow and more rain?

Can the warmists keep their story straight or does it keep changing for economic reasons?

Climate Extremes

Climate alarmists like to claim that as CO2 increases in the atmosphere due to the human burning of fossil fuels occurrences of extreme weather will become more extreme. Temperatures will rise to levels which will make human life impossible. One hundred degree days will become more frequent. Hurricanes and tornadoes will become more frequent and more severe. Droughts will become more severe and last longer. Floods will become more frequent and severe as precipitation increases due to the greater evaporation from the oceans under warmer temperatures. Some alarmists claim all this is happening now and all you have to do is look out your window to see it.

Someone needs their windows cleaned.

In the age of mythical man made climate change the only drought around is in the logic and observational skills of alarmists. However there is a Biblical flood of alarmist claims flooding the airwaves, internet and printed media. There are hurricanes of hazing whenever a skeptical scientist steps up to point out a few inconvenient truths that the alarmists don't want anyone to hear. Alarmist Senators become tornadoes of misinformation when their cherished delusion is pointed out to them.

Rising temperatures can be readily perceived in the tones and tempers of true believers.

As sea levels slow down and refuse to stop construction of hotels, resorts and airports on the poor low lying Island nations alarmists scream louder about rising sea levels. And Mark Zuckerberg buys 700 acres on Kauai.

As the flood of sea ice expands around Antarctica alarmists explain this away by claiming the warming ice sheet is melting and slipping into the cold sea where it refreezes to expand the ice. They deliberately miss the drought of logic in those claims. Or have I given them the benefit of the doubt?

As 35,000 walrus climb out of the Arctic sea it is attributed to melting sea ice. Pointing out the haul-out, as it is known, is not an unusual occurrence for the animal known as walrus serves to raise the temperature of the alarmist. The walrus remains unconcerned and moves on.

Alarmists do not like to be informed that their supercharged, overheated, CO2 laden atmosphere on steroids hasn't been able to break the world record high temperature set in Death Valley, California over a hundred years ago in 1913. They do not like it when it is pointed out that Grover Cleveland saw 26 hurricanes make landfall in the US during his two terms in office and that the current POTUS has seen only four. It throws a wrench in the claim that hurricanes are getting more frequent and more severe. Alarmists do not like to learn that worldwide instances of drought are less severe and of shorter duration now than in the past. Can that be because of human development? Tornadoes have taken a vacation from their devastation as their occurrences have been near record lows in the US for the last 3 years running. We should be grateful. Floods are no worse now than in the past and most of the worst ones occurred in China in the centuries past. By just about any measure you care to name we are living in the best of times.

In the age of fossil fuels we have seen food production continue to increase year by year, life expectancy grow, poverty decrease, disease take fewer lives and communication increase along with the dissemination of information. Perhaps this last improvement in our lives is anathema to those in pursuit of an agenda involving centralized control over resources and rule by elites for elites.

When it comes to climate change alarmists are desperate to find something in the climate to be alarmed about. CO2 is supposed to be a heat trapping GreenHouse Gas so the world just has to be getting warmer. It just has to! And yet the statistical trends recorded by scientists are not performing according to the disaster laden script concocted by climate models which assume the climate is driven by the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. If CO2 is rising it must be getting warmer. When it doesn’t the theory is proved incorrect.

Alarmists just haven’t recognized it yet. If they are truly worried about a warming world they should be relieved that their theory is wrong. Where is the joyous celebration?

The lack of relief betrays that there is another motive behind their alleged concern over the climate. [CoR]

The only thing unprecedented about the current climate is the attention that we give to it except by the people who count most: Gallup poll: Voters rank “climate change” last. Gallup Poll: Climate change is least important of 13 issues surveyed        

And they are fighting hard for the goal of that motive. Hence no capitulation from the alarmists is to be expected until and unless their goal is achieved. Expect the climate fiction to be maintained as if it was the greatest problem facing mankind. Will the world fall apart as politicians focus on a problem that doesn’t exist anywhere but in the collective mind of their groupthink? Let’s talk global warming right after I finish my latest round of golf.

Very Scary Kerry

From the link above one might conclude that John Kerry is a climate alarmist. Whether he believes what he says or is just pushing the agenda is for speculation. But he avoids data persuasion and goes straight to the fear factor. Fear is a favorite manipulative tool of a bully who wants his way. He doesn’t convince by reason and wants no opposition. His emphasis is on the bad consequences to follow if people don’t go along with his wishes. With his ‘end times’ warning Kerry is beginning to sound like Harold Camping.

Of course, since we are still here, we know that all past predictions of the end of humanity have failed to materialize making a mockery of the crystal balls used by the seers. Kerry will insist his prediction is different because it is based on ‘science’.

Except that there is no ‘science’ to support his view.

Kerry must be aware that the world has failed to warm for over 18 years and that it has actually cooled for the last decade. The data on US government websites show this unequivocally. US government agencies don’t support a major reason given to explain the temperature stasis. NASA: Oceans’ Depths Don’t Explain Why Global Warming Has Stopped. Solar scientists have a different view of what is going on: Russian solar physicist Abdusamatov: Humanity should prepare for another ‘little ice age’. Kerrys staff must have informed him of the recent NOAA Report Destroys Global Warming Link To Extreme Weather. Extreme weather has shown either no trend or a decreasing trend as CO2 has risen unabated in the atmosphere thus breaking the connection between CO2 and extreme weather.

By continuing to hype the apocalyptic view scary Kerry demonstrates his distance from the current state of climate research. His credibility is in tatters and he probably doesn’t even realize it. What makes Kerry so very scary is the ignorance inhabiting the mind occupying such a prestigious office as the Secretary of State of the US government. People have a right to expect more intelligence in that position.

However, my crystal ball says his warning will join those of Mr Camping. My crystal ball has yet to be wrong in these matters. As have all ‘end times’ forecasts of the past this one too will end up in the laugher bin.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tweetle D Tweetle Fun

#climatedoorstep News from our warming world: 130 year record low in Vladivostok

#climatedoorstep News from our warming world: Early Season Snow for Sierra

#climatedoorstep demonstrating the heat trapping superpowers of CO2: 1695 low max records broken or tied from Sept 11 to Sept 20
#climatedoorstep global warming supports the temperance movement: Harsh winter cut Michigan wine grape crop in half
#climatedoorstep from the fastest warming place on Earth: Four of the Arctic’s coldest summers on record in the last 6 years
#climatedoorstep U.S. Navy predicts summer Arctic ice might disappear by 2016 Note the CYA ‘might’. What do they actually know?
#climatedoorstep let’s have a climate action competition to help prevent temps from rising ...oh, wait, they aren’t rising Gaia wins
#climatedoorstep Paper in Nature Climate Change can’t find missing heat in deep ocean Looking wrong place Did it do an about face in2 space
#climatedoorstep % 90 degree days US dropping CO2 broken?  
#climatedoorstep CO2 has gone on strike In @Windy Chicago – Third earliest snowfall on record   Extra Extra Read all about it
#climatedoorstep ‘Where’s the global warming? Temperatures remain flat’  For 15+ years No debate about that
#climatedoorstep RSS: Mother Nature won’t play ball; in 18 yrs temps haven’t risen at all; must B the Koch brothers responsible 4 the stall
#climatedoorstep ppl learn as CO2 rises Gaia surprises temps go flat No debate about that Theory busted Can climate scientists be trusted
#climatedoorstep Hole in the CO2 blanket: Snowfall in Canada September 2014 80cm @ Mountain View Village AB, 77.8cm at Alert, NU
#climatedoorstep as CO2 rises so do the number of explanations for the temperature stasis; Theory busted Can climate scientists be trusted
#climatedoorstep b4 the data is diddled go C the declining ANNUAL temps from 2002 here:
#climatedoorstep watch the data diddling here annual decline from 2002 keeps decreasing
#climatedoorstep as CO2 rises so do the number of failed predictions of an ice free Arctic @savethearctic
#climatedoorstep as CO2 rises Antarctic sea ice sets records in one of the fastest warming places on the planet
#climatedoorstep climate alarmists R delusional & get mad when U won’t share crisis in their own minds pity 2 spoil they do seem happy there
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude wants 2 kill the messenger(skeptics) perhaps he needs to confront Mother Nature - her world
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude doesn’t like script Mother Nature is following so wants 2 take it out on some1 Bully Bully!
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude ready 2 kill those who won’t believe the nonsense he does - what does that make him?
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude ready 2 kill those who disagree on climate would he first agree 2 a fair trial w/evidence?
#climatedoorstep that RFKJr guy is 1 angry dude ready 2 kill those who disagree on climate - sounds like he belongs in another era
#climatedoorstep Breaking news: CO2 traps white heat and Heavy snow comes to northwestern Ontario
#climatedoorstep flamingo flock-out in Kenya in 2012 must B clim chg
#climatedoorstep new paper in Ocean Science shows sea level rise decelerated since 2002 - CO2 climate theory busted
#climatedoorstep Washington Post - FL not been hit by a hurricane in almost 9 yrs longest period of absence on record CO2 on strike in FL?
#climatedoorstep amazing admission from IPCC Rahmstorf - nobody knows how rising CO2 affects temps - huh? but isn’t the science settled?
#climatedoorstep NSIDC: Antarctic sea ice at rec levels during satellite era for last 3 yrs - CO2 doesn’t trap heat in Antarctica?
#climatedoorstep Snow and cold endanger harvest in Kyrgyzstan and Mid-Ural - another demo of CO2’s summer heat trapping abilities
#climatedoorstep 2014 - another yr of failed Arctic sea ice disappearance  - extent largest since 2006 - Wadhams up 4 2015 place your bets
#climatedoorstep  Naomi Klein wants the non-elite to play Survivor without benefit of the goodies Jeff Probst brings - she will watch
#climatedoorstep Naomi ‘The Capitali$t’ Klein wants 2 do away with markets except 4 those who read her book$ - mandatory reading in schools

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