It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

When Hasn't This Been the Case?

'Drastic climate changes have sparked economic dislocation, political discord, and even death. And it's happening right now, in nearly every corner of the planet. Above all, climate change — and what it means for life on Earth — is prompting fear and unease across the world'
Climate changes continuously. When hasn’t it been in a state of flux? The ‘fear and unease across the world’ is nowhere but in the imagination of the writer. People are not so easily frightened by climatic events that happen somewhere all the time. Our atmosphere is a dynamic and chaotic place. People seem to understand and accept that there are weather risks. It is a part of life. And the rational among us don’t think that humans control the weather or the climate.

The weather ‘experts’ are an endless source of entertainment. Meteorologists can help us with tomorrow’s weather and we sympathize with the uncertainty in their jobs. Climate scientists who accept the AGW paradigm on the other hand come across as cocky know-it-alls who even in the face of their failures continue to show a confidence in their views that is unwarranted. Something else drives scientists who ignore data that contradicts their position.

We watch in amazement as the predictions of AGW alarmists fail to materialize one after the other.

They predict rising temperatures with rising CO2 and the temps transition to a ‘negative rise’.

They predict an ice free Arctic for this year or that and Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate.

They predict in 2000 that snow will become a thing of the past and snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere reaches a record extent for December 2012.

They predict warming polar regions and they cool.

They predict more extreme weather and the trends betray them.

They predict accelerating sea level rise and the tide gauges report that SLR is slowing.

Their models exaggerate the amount of warming over time and totally miss the turnaround that Mother Nature throws at them.

The Climate Calamity is the failure of the billion dollar global climate models. For $8 the Farmer’s Almanac gave a better prediction for winter 2013-14 than did the highly paid government agencies. 

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