It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weather Events Serve the Self-serving

Weather events, by which she means weather disasters that disturb people with death, injury and property loss, are in the opinion of Christiana Figueres of the UNFCCC, ‘experiential evidence of climate change’ and serve to remind us that “addressing climate change in a timely way, is not a partisan issue.“  

So weather events that we, as a species, have always faced as a risk of life, now serve to further the POGO delusion of climate change. She has to say this even if she doesn’t believe it or she is out of a job. Current weather must be different from the weather of the past or it is just weather. So bad weather of whatever kind must now be POGO weather as opposed to the Natural weather we experienced prior to the great human induced expansion of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Since Mother Nature stopped raising the global mean temperature over 16 years ago ‘weather events’ must serve as the flypaper for climate change. Since bad weather happens somewhere all the time there will be no shortage of ‘proof’ that we need to reduce our emissions of CO2 or tax it to make the big bad weather go away. This is totally delusional and CF knows it. It is a wonder she can speak like this with a straight face. Cue Donna Summer.

People have caught on Christina. You are being wilfully stupid in order to perpetuate your own job and that of your organization. Look out your window and see what climate change is doing today. Whatever is out there CO2 is responsible. There is nothing that can falsify that bit of religious nonsense. If CO2 is responsible for every kind of weather it is responsible for none. When climate scientists treat ordinary weather as unusual we have dropped down the rabbit hole to visit with ALice in Wonderland. We need a mechanism, a connection to prove a causal relationship not just a presence.

The IPCC in its AR5 report has dialed back its sensitivity of the climate to CO2. In order to protect their jobs they managed to keep that quiet and not advertise their happy finding. Politicians will not pay to study a non-crisis. Only the crony entrenched politicians will continue to trumpet the ‘grave’ state of the climate in order to be able to continue to feed their crony capitalist friends who are making out like bandits on the back of a delusion.

BS(Bad Science) can lead to expensive solutions that waste our scarce resources. Politicians don’t want to be associated with that kind of spending. It makes it hard to get re-elected if the populace believes you support delusions and have crony friends with benefits.

And so the delusion is stated more firmly as in BO’s 2014 SOTU. Looking straight at the camera and pointing his finger in a don’t challenge me attitude in a voice that reassures him if no one else he announced: climate change is a fact. The science is settled. The politically correct sound bite was sounded.

Fine. If you want Mother Nature to make a fool out of you she will oblige. Not only did she stop raising the global mean temperature over 16 years ago her delivery of extreme weather has been on a downtrend even as CO2 has continued to rise unabated in the atmosphere. Be a fool. Take refuge in denial.

The longer you remain in denial the sillier you will look as the gap between what is said and what is experienced continues to grow. Keep your mind and eyes close. At least then you will have a legitimate excuse for missing the biggest climate story of them all: CO2 has nothing to do with climate change. We owe CO2 an apology.

We can now determine the inaugural members of the National Institute for the Asinine.The Al Gores, John Kerrys, BOs, Sheldon Whitehouses, Christiana Figueres, James Hansens and Ban Ki Moons can continue to ignore Mother Nature and parrot the script of the CAGW meme while visiting with Alice in Wonderland but the rest of us have noticed that Mother Nature is not on their side and she is never wrong.

The planet is not in peril, the climate is not in crisis except in the delusional minds of the wilfully ignorant. May they one day recant and rejoin reality. Will they have the character?

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