“Cold as Hell: The Chilling Effect of Global Warming” – Huffington Post
Cute headline but...
Can there be another headline that more clearly indicates that Huffpo is not a good source of information?
Two contradictions in nine words. They are going to try and make you believe that A is not-A.
War is Peace.
Last time I inquired Hell is known for fire and brimstone. You are not going ice fishing with Satan.
Ignorance is Strength.
Isn’t warmth used to remove a chill?
Slavery is Freedom.
Huffpo likes to impersonate the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984.
So what has happened to the heat trapping superpowers of the CO2 we keep dumping into the atmosphere? Remember the summer of 2012? Headlines were filled with global warming hysteria about the drought and raves about the heatwaves. So CO2 couldn’t trap the heat? What happened? Is CO2 on strike? Is it broken? Does it only work in the summer? Can’t find full time employment? Is there a hole in our CO2 blanket?
People with an agenda will twist themselves into a pretzel to save their cherished meme in the face of data to the contrary. Reality can be a burden to the fanatic when it doesn’t conform to their world view. Contortions to fix distortions can be fodder for comic relief.
Let’s put our ice cube tray full of water in the oven, turn it on and watch the ice cubes form. Turn on the heat I need to cool off.
For Huffpo, cue Donna Summer: Who do, who do you think you’re foolin’?
Huffpo, it’s time to chill on global warming.
Not to be outdone we have the LA Times Headline: ‘Ice storm paradox: It’s colder because the Earth is warmer’
It is colder because the Earth is warmer. Do they hear themselves? Did they ever take a rudimentary course in logic or science?
Do they put their ice cube tray in the oven, turn it on and bake ice cubes?
According to the LATimes David Horsey,:
Put very simply, here is what the predominant science says: Average global temperatures have been rising in recent decades. Some of the warming could be part of a natural cycle but, almost certainly, increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels are a pivotal factor in intensifying the phenomenon. The starkest evidence of the temperature jump is the rapid melting of the polar ice caps and the disappearance of the world’s glaciers.
Climate scientists have said another key signal to watch for is a dramatic shift in weather patterns. It is close to impossible to attribute any single weather event – a snowstorm, a tornado, a hurricane – to temperature rise, but, once extreme weather becomes normal and what has been normal is no longer the norm, we will know we are in the throes of change that is likely irreversible.
This guy is easy to mislead - a perfect shill for the ‘look out your window it’s climate change brought to you by CO2’ crowd. The alternative energy industry will love him. Does he own stock?
David doesn’t know that the data contradict the theory he just elucidated. How come we only get .39C rise in Global Mean Temp with an 82 ppm rise in CO2 in the last 60 years but get .58C rise in GMT with only an 18 ppm inflation of CO2 from 1894-1953? Seems like the increase in CO2 is cooling things off. This is the exact opposite of what should be occurring according to the theory. Therefore the theory is falsified. CO2 has nothing to do with the temperature. We owe CO2 an apology.
Rapid melting of ice caps? CO2 is everywhere. It is supposed to trap heat everywhere. In a warming world the tropical heat is supposed to make its way to the Arctic and melt the ice caps and flood coastal cities. We have been hearing such stories since the early 1900s. Still waiting for the flood. And now with expanding sea ice above normal for the time of year(summer) in the Antarctic and a rapid recovery of sea ice in the Arctic to a decade high this winter the polar ovens seem to be in need of repair.
So far it is the third coldest winter on record in the US. It appears that the heat trapping superpowers of CO2 are easily overcome by moving air masses. Like that has never happened before! Gee, do you think that could explain why we have hot here; cold there; heat distribution not so rare. Moving air masses tricking us into believing we are at fault. Mother Nature is so clever. Who’d thunk it. Moving air masses account for weird weather. You got your warm air moving up to Alaska from the tropics and cold air moving to Atlanta from the North. Like that has never happened before. A meandering jet stream is not just a modern occurrence. Think ice age. Besides the theory of CAGW predicts just the opposite. Middle latitude regions are supposed to get uniformly warmer.
Glaciers have been receding and expanding at different times over the last century. In the 1940s it was hot in the Arctic and glaciers were melting. In the 1960s and 70s when the global cooling scare was in vogue glaciers were expanding. In the present day some glaciers in Greenland are expanding and some are receding. This indicates a local climate change or they all would be in sync. Remember the Peterman Glacier in Greenland that spawned that enormous iceberg in summer 2012? Well, it has grown 3km since then. Glaciers have grown in Europe and Asia. Here are some more that are growing. If the PLANET was warming they would all be receding.
David has imbibed the kool-aid on extreme weather. He sees severe weather as the result of climate change. Does he have any evidence that the storms of the present are any more severe or frequent than the storms of the past? A cursory reading of the newspapers of the past ought to convince anyone that there is nothing outside the bounds of natural variability going on.
David: why do you suppose this headline appeared in 1954: Across The Globe, Weather Breaks All The Rules ? This is when CO2 was well below the magical tipping point CO2 number of 350 ppm.
When wouldn’t people describe the weather as weird, David? Pick a year when there was nothing but fluffy white clouds and gentle summer rain. Hello?
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