It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Science Says!

Defenders of the CAGW hypothesis have regularly tried to claim the realm of Science as their own as they try to convince the world’s leaders of the urgency of the climate change problem.
Let us borrow the chutzpah and a modified version of the famous Family Feud phrase from the TV program of the same name and see what the Science Says!

CAGW says: and the global climate models predict that temperatures will rise catastrophically as CO2 rises and therefore humans need to leave fossil fuel based energy sources for renewable energy sources.

Science Says!: Reality is not cooperating with this theory as temperatures have not continued to rise as CO2 emissions have. This contradicts the theory which now must be modified or abandoned.

CAGW says: that severe weather will increase as emissions of CO2 continue to increase. Al Gore has been trying to blame every instance of bad weather over the recent past on human addiction to fossil fuel use and the human CO2 additions to the atmosphere which have continued to increase.

Science Says!: it isn't so. The trend in severe weather over the last 30 years is clearly on the decrease. Can we conclude the additional CO2 in the atmosphere leads to fewer instances of bad weather? The US has not been hit by a major hurricane(cat 3,4,5) in the last 8 years - the longest period of absence on record. This does not sound like an increase does it?

Science Says!: CO2 has other beneficial effects. Plants love the stuff and show their gratitude by slipping us a continuous supply of oxygen of which we have become rather fond. It is an amiable symbiotic relationship which should not be interrupted but encouraged.

The two major and press popular tenets of the CAGW theory have been disproven. And that is all we need to discount the CAGW theory as bunkum.

In the face of this evidence to continue to believe that humans are in control of the climate system of our planet is to be enveloped in delusion. The elite believers in human depravity, that humans must be destroying the planet because that is what we do are selling snake oil - one invented for the purpose.

And they won’t stop. There is money to be made and power to be gained in scaremongering. If they can invent one for the purpose they can invent another one for the purpose.

To paraphrase Arnold S. - they’ll be back!

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