Mother Nature stopped raising the global mean temperature 17 plus years ago. CAGW alarmists call it a ‘pause’ as this unexpected state of affairs cannot alter their dedication to the man made climate change meme. Alarmists cling to their belief that the warming will continue soon. Skeptics point out that the global climate models failed to anticipate this state of affairs and that this means that both the models and the theory upon which they were based are bogus. Inappropriately, CO2 has been given the starring role in the climate drama since it is believed to be a powerful heat trapping GreenHouse Gas(GHG).
Seven ‘explanations’ for the pause were quickly brought forward by those trying to defend the CAGW meme against skeptical microscopes.
Now there are 8.
And as we have learned to expect this paper is the exact opposite of what was found seven years ago as was pointed out over at Strong winds/weak winds: do we really know which, if either, is the correct view? Among the convinced this uncertainty is called the ‘settled science’.
The minute anyone offers explanations for the ‘pause’ they are admitting both the existence of the pause and that there is something unexpected to be explained. If factors other than CO2 must be considered to explain the ‘pause’ then the assumed high sensitivity of the climate to changes in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere becomes suspect.
This means that whatever has contributed to the pause, whether it be one or more factors, that those factors are capable of overwhelming whatever increase to warming that CO2 might be contributing.
It also means that the theory upon which the global climate models arrive at their apocalyptic future scenarios is incorrect.
This would suggest that the science is not settled, the debate is not over and the consensus is wrong.
It is still correct to say that we do not understand how the climate functions. CO2 may play a part but if it does it is in a much more limited role than heretofore assumed. Perhaps it should be assigned a bit part in the climate drama or not be included in the cast at all.
It turns out that we have spent billions of dollars reacting to a an imaginary crisis because we chose to believe that there was a consensus and that the consensus was correct. We failed to listen to dissenting voices and missed the real truth. How silly we were. Future generations will look back and marvel at how we managed to dupe ourselves.
For those who still cling to the CAGW meme Mother Nature has elevated her finger in acknowledgement of their intransigence in the face of real world evidence.The global climate models have fallen off the runway and lie in tears at the tears in their computer code. The CAGW meme has collapsed and revealed our continued anemic understanding of how the climate actually functions.
This pretty much exposes the man made global warming narrative as a man made delusion. Alarmists tricked themselves into believing a theory that served their political agenda to increase government control over natural resources. Shall we leave the alarmists in Wonderland? They do seem happy there.
Alarmists have created an insulated Wonderland in which they reassure each other that there is a consensus the science is settled and on their side and it is time to act to save the world. Alarmists have created their own greenhouse and trapped themselves inside with their own hot air .No wonder they are uncomfortable.
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